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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Venue/Time: About 3am on Liberty Avenue outside Ed Ahmad's office. As you can clearly see, the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security is having a hard time securing his trousers

De chap farget he bag twine at home.

At least he not scratchin his yo so so boy Jags

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Venue/Time: About 3am on Liberty Avenue outside Ed Ahmad's office. As you can clearly see, the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security is having a hard time securing his trousers

De chap farget he bag twine at home.


I believe the problem that night was that Ed gave him USD $6000 in like twenty dollar bills or something so he pants was lil heavier than usual

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Venue/Time: About 3am on Liberty Avenue outside Ed Ahmad's office. As you can clearly see, the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security is having a hard time securing his trousers

De chap farget he bag twine at home.

At least he not scratchin his yo so so boy Jags

Jags was scratching his sack because all the crabs from you crawled over to his pubic area.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Venue/Time: About 3am on Liberty Avenue outside Ed Ahmad's office. As you can clearly see, the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security is having a hard time securing his trousers

De chap farget he bag twine at home.

At least he not scratchin his yo so so boy Jags


Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Shyte...cant stop bannas are so funny!

What's so funny about a man scratching his balls? Have you not scratch your balls yet? Please tell us when you do. On one of my trips to Guyana at a stop over at JFK, I saw a Chinese man put both hands in his pockets and grab his balls and was scratching away. Who is to tell him he should not do this in public?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

De Honorable Minista Ramjattan is dah drunk coolie to de left of Senator Sampson.

This Goat Shit Picture

cannot help Ed in his Plea Bargain.




According to the US Embassy...

if this was a Smoking Gun....

Ramjattan would have lost his Visa

Like Rohee and Gajraj.





Aya thing Vishnu Laughing Stupidly


Albert in Jail,...

This Picture was not released by Albert.


Sampson under Court Order

to stay away from Ed now...

This Picture was not released by Sampson.



Think again .....

Vishnu know now who getting paid by who

and why

He know who wuking fuh Ed


Who Posting Picture fuh Ed


 Who is Ed & Baldeo

Partner in crime...


Vishnu know where

them Exhibits coming from....



USD $6000 from Ed Ahmad in cash to said AFC Minista

in front of eyewitnesses

in Ed's Liberty Avenue office.
Who is this AFC Minista who accepted Ed Ahmad's cash

fuh "enjoy yuh trip bai.

Me know yuh like dem expensive gyals"?


Ed Ahmad's GuySuco lands in Leonora are safe

thanks to the PPP -$6000 Cash.


Well Nehru

me rememba quite vividly

dis young PPP MP and tap legal advisa to the PPP

was enjoying Ed's 30 year bottle of El Dorado

as he was receiving this "gift" of USD $6000.



About 3am on Liberty Avenue

outside Ed Ahmad's office.

As you can clearly see,

the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security

is having a hard time securing his trousers...


Vishnu aint Stupid

He know who tek out the Picture

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

De Honorable Minista Ramjattan is dah drunk coolie to de left of Senator Sampson.

This Goat Shit Picture

cannot help Ed in his Plea Bargain.




According to the US Embassy...

if this was a Smoking Gun....

Ramjattan would have lost his Visa

Like Rohee and Gajraj.





Aya thing Vishnu Laughing Stupidly


Albert in Jail,...

This Picture was not released by Albert.


Sampson under Court Order

to stay away from Ed now...

This Picture was not released by Sampson.



Think again .....

Vishnu know now who getting paid by who

and why

He know who wuking fuh Ed


Who Posting Picture fuh Ed


 Who is Ed & Baldeo

Partner in crime...


Vishnu know where

them Exhibits coming from....



USD $6000 from Ed Ahmad in cash to said AFC Minista

in front of eyewitnesses

in Ed's Liberty Avenue office.
Who is this AFC Minista who accepted Ed Ahmad's cash

fuh "enjoy yuh trip bai.

Me know yuh like dem expensive gyals"?


Ed Ahmad's GuySuco lands in Leonora are safe

thanks to the PPP -$6000 Cash.


Well Nehru

me rememba quite vividly

dis young PPP MP and tap legal advisa to the PPP

was enjoying Ed's 30 year bottle of El Dorado

as he was receiving this "gift" of USD $6000.



About 3am on Liberty Avenue

outside Ed Ahmad's office.

As you can clearly see,

the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security

is having a hard time securing his trousers...


Vishnu aint Stupid

He know who tek out the Picture


Did ua like de pitcha chap?


Me great granfaddah use fuh embarrass yuh hunry belly daddy Yacoob Ally in Port Mourant moh baad

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

De Honorable Minista Ramjattan is dah drunk coolie to de left of Senator Sampson.

This Goat Shit Picture

cannot help Ed in his Plea Bargain.




According to the US Embassy...

if this was a Smoking Gun....

Ramjattan would have lost his Visa

Like Rohee and Gajraj.





Aya thing Vishnu Laughing Stupidly


Albert in Jail,...

This Picture was not released by Albert.


Sampson under Court Order

to stay away from Ed now...

This Picture was not released by Sampson.



Think again .....

Vishnu know now who getting paid by who

and why

He know who wuking fuh Ed


Who Posting Picture fuh Ed


 Who is Ed & Baldeo

Partner in crime...


Vishnu know where

them Exhibits coming from....



USD $6000 from Ed Ahmad in cash to said AFC Minista

in front of eyewitnesses

in Ed's Liberty Avenue office.
Who is this AFC Minista who accepted Ed Ahmad's cash

fuh "enjoy yuh trip bai.

Me know yuh like dem expensive gyals"?


Ed Ahmad's GuySuco lands in Leonora are safe

thanks to the PPP -$6000 Cash.


Well Nehru

me rememba quite vividly

dis young PPP MP and tap legal advisa to the PPP

was enjoying Ed's 30 year bottle of El Dorado

as he was receiving this "gift" of USD $6000.



About 3am on Liberty Avenue

outside Ed Ahmad's office.

As you can clearly see,

the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security

is having a hard time securing his trousers...


Vishnu aint Stupid

He know who tek out the Picture


Did ua like de pitcha chap?


Me great granfaddah use fuh embarrass yuh hunry belly daddy Yacoob Ally in Port Mourant moh baad

If it is the same Yacoob Ally that lived across the street from port moront market I think you got the wrong man. The family was not poor. I visited the house many times. I went to school with one of the girls and know her  brothers.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Venue/Time: About 3am on Liberty Avenue outside Ed Ahmad's office. As you can clearly see, the Rt. Hon Minister of National Security is having a hard time securing his trousers

Typical of the PPP, you are a nasty and vindictive person.

You should not be drinking when you post.


As a so-called legal person, I can see your ass being kicked for trying something similar in court.


Guyana might finally be on road to healing from all the shit that has happened since independence and people like you would rather see it stays in the shit-hole created by the PPP.


Degrading people with disabilities and uncontrolled moments, must be something you learn after birth. Because your grandfather was far from what you display here.

Its people like you who causes the world to be destroyed, instead of building lives.


What has this post gained thing for sure, it makes you look more stupid in a world of people who wants to see good, instead of evil.


Being a dumass is your qualification, like those in the PPP.       

Last edited by Tola

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Cottect Bhai. People like him is DANGEROUS, I will not trust such a person with a black jill. He found fairness, morals, balance and integrity suddenly after May 11.  Maybe Christ visited him on May 12.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Years ago, I took photos of a Bishop, who was not my friend. He  was later accused of fathering two children and charged. The papers offered me lot of money for the photos, but after I found out their purpose for wanting it, I refused to sell copies.


Ramjattan is not my leader, his government was elected by the majority of people in Guyana. Just like Rohee was.  


Guyana has been in a shit hole since independence. The PPP might not like it that a another government is trying to create peace and harmony for the people. [We know the problems first hand, because we see the teens who committed suicide.]

You might also not like the new government either,but nothing else  seems to work in the past to improve ordinary lives in Guyana.

This is an opportunity to try a  new method. It might achieve its propose or it might fail, but give it a chance to see if it might work.


We see from past experiences what dig up past shit does. It came from the PPP during the PNC 28 years and we again see it from the PNC during the PPP past 21 years. 


When someone comes here  and put down leaders  due to past mistakes, it takes Guyana further in the shit hole created during the past 49 years.


If you have any bright ideas what might work, the people of Guyana would like to hear from you.


If there is an interest in building Guyana for the future, why would a photo of an inappropriate past experience, interest anyone in a positive manner.


What is the purpose [and comments] for posting the photo, other than tarnishing the name of person who might have changed and want to create something positive  for the people of Guyana.

The same applies of any photo for PPP, PNC or any other party in GY.


Negativism destroys and some Guyanese are full of it, like Shitaan's post.         

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Cottect Bhai. People like him is DANGEROUS, I will not trust such a person with a black jill. He found fairness, morals, balance and integrity suddenly after May 11.  Maybe Christ visited him on May 12.

You should get off your drunken ass from New York and come  see what the PPP did to youth and young women in Guyana, especially in Berbice.

Get your friend Sheik  to hold you hand, he knows the way.   

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Shyte...cant stop bannas are so funny!

What's so funny about a man scratching his balls? Have you not scratch your balls yet? Please tell us when you do. On one of my trips to Guyana at a stop over at JFK, I saw a Chinese man put both hands in his pockets and grab his balls and was scratching away. Who is to tell him he should not do this in public?

if you scratsh  in public its okay we all know you swim in shit trench

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Cottect Bhai. People like him is DANGEROUS, I will not trust such a person with a black jill. He found fairness, morals, balance and integrity suddenly after May 11.  Maybe Christ visited him on May 12.

You should get off your drunken ass from New York and come  see what the PPP did to youth and young women in Guyana, especially in Berbice.

Get your friend Sheik  to hold you hand, he knows the way.   

I ain't holding he hand fuh nothing. I  have ask him and cobra time and time again to travel with me to see the reality of what Guyana is really like, but they refused. The holy bible  newguymedia said all is well and that was good enough for them.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Cottect Bhai. People like him is DANGEROUS, I will not trust such a person with a black jill. He found fairness, morals, balance and integrity suddenly after May 11.  Maybe Christ visited him on May 12.

You should get off your drunken ass from New York and come  see what the PPP did to youth and young women in Guyana, especially in Berbice.

Get your friend Sheik  to hold you hand, he knows the way.   

I ain't holding he hand fuh nothing. I  have ask him and cobra time and time again to travel with me to see the reality of what Guyana is really like, but they refused. The holy bible  newguymedia said all is well and that was good enough for them.

Thanks Sheik, it is interesting how some people here know all the answers, but the did not step foot in Guyana for decades.

I would like to drag some of these asses, to see what the youth  are experiencing in Guyana and what ordinary people do to survive.

It would either shame them, or break them mentally.    

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Sheik, it is interesting how some people here know all the answers, but the did not step foot in Guyana for decades.

I would like to drag some of these asses, to see what the youth  are experiencing in Guyana and what ordinary people do to survive.

It would either shame them, or break them mentally.    

When it comes to Nehru and Cobra I don't think there's anything mental left to break.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Thanks Sheik, it is interesting how some people here know all the answers, but the did not step foot in Guyana for decades.

I would like to drag some of these asses, to see what the youth  are experiencing in Guyana and what ordinary people do to survive.

It would either shame them, or break them mentally.    

When it comes to Nehru and Cobra I don't think there's anything mental left to break.

Yuh deh pon a roll tonite, bai.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alena06:

What's that saying - 'A picture is worth (a thousand words)............................'  Never mind.

Not necessarily. Jagdeo use old pictures, like Kwamee big lips,  as propagandas.. If you look at your own picture 9 years ago... see what I mean... hahahahahahah!

Are you saying that he is ugly?

Originally Posted by Tola:

Years ago, I took photos of a Bishop, who was not my friend. He  was later accused of fathering two children and charged. The papers offered me lot of money for the photos, but after I found out their purpose for wanting it, I refused to sell copies.


Why were the papers interested in the photos?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Suh yuh want see de Pictcha

with all de Containers of Building Supplies

which Ed Ahmad Ship to Jagdeo

that was parked up in Presidential Residence

on Main Street and

being protected by Presidential Guards.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

The picture is more than 10 years old.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, Taking a 6000 dollars Bribe is serious.  What time has to do with it. Both Baldeo and Sampson are heading to Jail.  Show me your company and I will tell who you are.

Do you evidence that anyone took a $6000 bribe? Is a photo of a man standing with others proof that he received a bribe from them?


The PPP has changed their propaganda strategy. Out with Coouncie and Albert, in with Shaitaan.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

Suh yuh want see de Pictcha

with all de Containers of Building Supplies

which Ed Ahmad Ship to Jagdeo

that was parked up in Presidential Residence

on Main Street and

being protected by Presidential Guards.

I don't have a problem with any release of pictures showing Jagdeo and Ahmad's crimes. I am of the creed that believes that politicians are corrupt and do lots of crooked things. Unfortunately society requires that we have politicians so we pick the ones we like better. I am just surprised that some see these people as extensions of God and some even worship them. For the 2011 elections, I supported the AFC's role as a neutralizer to the wickedness of the PPP and PNC. This is not because I feel that the AFC was less corrupt but more because the dissension would be helpful to balance things out.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

All Shaitaan did is post a picture with Ramjattan with Ed Ahmad which was when they were friends. The picture is not a lie. Maybe Ramjattan has changed but it does not erase who he was. Instead of being annoyed at Shaitaan you should be thankful that you now know something about your leader which you did not know before. Unless you don't want to know.

The picture is more than 10 years old.

Ok. Therefore no-one should be bothered by it.


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