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Opposition practicing ‘boo boo politics’ –Rohee

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee during his address to residents in Tucville. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee during his address to residents in Tucville. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee told residents of Tucville, Georgetown that the Opposition Coalition is to be blamed for Guyana’s current state of affairs as he attempted to convince residents to ensure the ruling Party remains in office after May 11, 2015.


He added that the Opposition is bent on gaining executive power at all costs and continues to demonstrate this to the Guyanese people, something Rohee described as, “political scraveness and political hungishness.”

The General Secretary made these comments on Friday March 20 during one of the PPP’s political meetings at Turning Point, Tucville.

He outlined a number of danger signs that Guyanese should be aware of and which were visible during the lead up to the 2011 general and regional elections.

“The first danger is Granger…that lies ahead…so my friends the danger is Mr. Granger,” Rohee said.

He also noted that the Coalition between the APNU+AFC is another danger sign that Guyanese should look out for, pointing out that they are bent on presenting political confusion to the Guyanese people.

After listing the things he deemed as danger signs, Rohee called on the not more than 60 persons at the meeting to, “tun away from the danger and that is precisely what we have to do come May 11, that is exemplified in Mr. Granger and his acolytes…they call it coalition; I call it confusion, is a bundle of confusion and if you want confusion politics in this country put them in and you will get it.”

According to Rohee, “if Guyanese can’t hear they will feel” and if the Opposition Coalition gains power, many Guyanese will suffer.

“You need to hear so that you won’t have to feel what we felt prior to 1992.”

He told the gathering that the Opposition Leader is in denial which makes him “deaf and blind” since he refuses to acknowledge the strides that have been made in Guyana under the PPP/C Government.

“Like he blind and he also deaf, how could you on earth see so many development taking place in the country, they themselves have benefitted from these policies but they got something name boo boo politics in their eyes, they for political reasons do not want to recognize the gains this Government has made.”

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Originally Posted by Conscience:
He told the gathering that the Opposition Leader is in denial which makes him “deaf and blind” since he refuses to acknowledge the strides that have been made in Guyana under the PPP/C Government.

I am shocked that the PPP should expect the opposition to back the PPP on its increase in the murder, corruption, and drugs export rate. Those are not things to be proud of, unless you intend to vote PPP and witness a continued increase in strides on those accounts.


This is the sizeable gathering Rohee addressed in TUCville.

Conscience, if you have a better picture feel free to post it.

Ray, I won't post this photo again. Too shameful.

Dem TUCville folks don't have boo-boo. They know all about dirty Rohee and PPP.

A section of the sizeable gathering at Turning Point, Tucville, last evening


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