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Dr Luncheon ‘stoned’ during PPP meeting in East Ruimveldt

April 30, 2015 6:29 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

Some of the persons who disrupted the meeting.

Some of the persons who disrupted the meeting.

[] – A meeting in Warlock, East Ruimveldt, Georgetown by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) had to be cancelled on Wednesday evening (April 29) after a crowd of supporters of the APNU+AFC coalition threw rocks and bottles at the speakers, including Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon.

A video of the incident was presented by the ruling Party, showing supporters squaring off with police officers and burning PPP flags at the meeting. Also observed in the video were a number of minors who participated in disrupting the meeting.

Condemning the act is former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who told a news conference on Thursday, April 30 that this behaviour occurred mere hours after all political Parties would have signed a Code of Conduct by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

“Just last night, hours after the Code of Conduct was signed by all of the Parties condemning violence, committing themselves not to use violence, they had a bunch of thugs stoning our meeting in Warlock where Dr Luncheon was speaking.Warlock 2

“This is hours after the singing of the Code of Conduct and you had senior members of the APNU coalition there,” Jagdeo said.

When asked, he pointed out Aubrey Norton as one of those APNU members.

“I would like the country to see how organized the thuggery is. Why do you have to come to our meetings and stone people who speak at our meetings? It’s only an act of desperation that would cause you to do this,” the former President said.

He urged GECOM and the international observers to take note of the incident.

“We have to condemn this in the strongest term and we hope that GECOM is paying attention it and the international observers are too.”

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Vote PNC for slow fiah, more fiah!!


“This is hours after the singing of the Code of Conduct and you had senior members of the APNU coalition there,” Jagdeo said.

When asked, he pointed out Aubrey Norton as one of those APNU members.


Yeah yeah councie dis is wrong very wrang and I condemn the PNC for dem anti democratic tactics. Yawl better watch all yuh ***** before we get the house of Israel to wipe all yuh ***** out.


Doan mek we send lumumba kwame and Prince Akai after all you PNC ***** ok?

Originally Posted by Sparky:

Dem find de people that threw missiles and acid at the supporters in Berbice, yet? Just asking.

Don't get snarky sparky we lookin fuh dem chaps wid microscope....when we ketch dem gonna be war.

Originally Posted by alena06:


Vote PNC for slow fiah, more fiah!!


“This is hours after the singing of the Code of Conduct and you had senior members of the APNU coalition there,” Jagdeo said.

When asked, he pointed out Aubrey Norton as one of those APNU members.


PNC is the same old Violent PNC.


The PPP is Claiming

A video of the incident was presented by the ruling Party,

showing supporters squaring off with police officers

and burning PPP flags at the meeting.

Also observed in the video were a number of minors

who participated in disrupting the meeting.


If any of this is True let us ask ourselves.....

Why is Jagdeo or the PPP

refusing to releasing the tape to the Media

or to the election commission.


This is not the First time

Jagdeo is caught Lying

about evidence of crime.


Jagdeo said he know who Kill Sash Swah.

Why he never told the police?


If we do not see the proof on TV today

or in the Newspaper Tomorrow....

we know Jagdeo is Lying again....


If we see Proof from Jagdeo...

we must not condone

Breaking up political meetings,

Stoning  any Political Speaker,

or Disturbing the peace.



So Alena Counce & Councie

have until tomorrow to convince us

this is not another PPP Desperate lie





Leave the PPP alone. No one showed up to the meeting, so they must find an excuse.  Maybe one or two stones were thrown by the same characters who tried to start violence at the Marriott protest, and then when they failed, hopped into a police vehicle.


Aside from that Kitty event, when thousands of Berbicians were trucked in at tax payer's expense, NONE of the PPP G/town meetings have attracted audience.


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