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Former Member

July 10th 2003


Dear Diary,


So it's finally happened. I lost my virginity at last. Paul was gentle but not too gentle. He was also a little rough. I'm still in pain from last night. Paul and I are so much in love. He's not like those coolie boys who just want some quick seawall action. He's kind and gentle and loves to talk. Plus he's like all man. He's tall, dark, and handsome. The word mandingo comes to mind. He's the handsomest boy in all Buxton.


I hope my parents accept him. I know he's not the Annandale coolie boy they expected me to bring home. But times are changing and my parents have to learn to accept that sweet sweet love that can only be shared between one Indo man and one Black man. Truth be told, I think my parents are a little racist since they're against douglarization.


I know we're gonna face a lot of hardships as an interracial couple but I know we're doing the right thing. We're gonna go to Ghargetung, open up a sall fish shap at Stabroek, and hopefully save up enough money for my operation in Trinidad. Finally, I can be the woman outside that I have always been on the inside.


I can't wait for us to begin our life together. I have to go now. Paul will be here any minute. He's taking me to my first PNC party event. I'm so excited.


Like is So Awesome!



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