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A President without any respect for our Constitution

Dear Editor,
It has been roughly nine months since the Granger Government fell from power, but Granger is refusing to resign and call elections. Clearly, this is a man without any respect for our Constitution, or anything for that matter.
The Constitution is the supreme law of our land; only dysfunctional bullies would disrespect our Constitution, and Mr Granger is operating like one. Bullies have no respect for anything; they do not even respect humanity.
Just remember how Mr Granger disrespected thousands of sugar workers by cruelly forcing them on to the breadline. Editor, Mr Granger is dangerous, he should never be tolerated; and hopefully, the courts will force him to respect the Constitution and eject him from office.
Also, as mandated by the Constitution, Mr Granger must fix a date for elections, and GECOM must accommodate that date. GECOM must always be in a state of readiness for elections to be called at any time.
Our Constitution has been disrespected and trampled on for far too long by both Mr Granger and GECOM. This is the kind of collaborative bullying that obtains in our country, and it should never be allowed to continue.
Of course GECOM is on the same immoral ground as Mr Granger. We all know that Mr Granger does not want to resign and call elections, and GECOM is enabling him to get away with this lawlessness. This is clear.
GECOM has even undertaken a highly flawed and useless house-to-house (H-t-H) registration exercise, at the expense of tax payers, to delay preparations for the elections. This exercise was abruptly aborted, and now GECOM wants to merge the flawed and incomplete data from this exercise with the existing database of the National Register of Registrants (NRR). This is pure lawlessness. These people can’t be serious, and they need to be fired for lawlessness on the job.
Merging the flawed data from the incomplete H-t-H registration exercise with databases of any kind must be rejected. It is insane, reckless and lawless. It will result in serious problems for years to come, plus it will cost an arm and a leg to fix.
Further, I would like to remind Mr Granger that he climbed to power in a democratic environment, and this means that he must stand on moral ground to provide the same kind of democratic environment, and operate within it for the betterment of our country. This means that he must resign and call elections now. And if he fails in this regard, then he will naturally be viewed as nothing but a bully.

Annie Baliram

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GUYANA: Opposition Leader dismisses calls for intensified street protests


Opposition Leader, David Granger on the picket-line outside the Office of the President

Chairman of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger has dismissed suggestions that the opposition parliamentary coalition is weak because it has failed to pressure the government on the streets with intensified street protests.


APNU’s second major constituent party, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), has repeatedly taken the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-dominated coalition to task for taking a soft line towards the  People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Ordinary APNU/PNCR supporters sometimes advocate and expect a more militant and vibrant approach to the government on a range of issues such as the prorogation of the Parliament, alleged corruption, abuse of power and other alleged violations. Some opposition activists also want to see a more aggressive approach to secure constitutional reform to give back real and direct power to the people.


Confining APNU’s performance to advocacy in the National Assembly, media and a few picketing demonstrations; Granger told a news conference at the weekend that the majority of his supporters across the country were β€œquite satisfied with the line that we have taken.”

β€œIf you want disorder, we are not in the line of creating disorder…We feel that the line that we have taken, the action that we have taken has been effective so if people expect disorder, well they won’t get it from us.

β€œThey will get pressure, they will get aggressive behavior. They will get decisive action and we feel that the actions that we have taken have been successful,” he said. Granger declined to discuss the pros and cons of wider street protests.

He credited APNU’s performance with ensuring that there was no further abuse in a range of areas including governance and multi-million dollar infrastructure projects as well as the need to reduce crime- piracy, gun-running- and improve youth development, health-care and nursing education. β€œWe could not do more than we have done,” he said. β€œMany times you find the government doing things which APNU has been calling for.


As recent as November 29, the WPA issued a statement calling for a β€œmore vigorous campaign by the opposition” to force government to lift the suspension of the Parliament rather that just expressions of outrage and absurdity through letters to international bodies, meetings with locally-based diplomats and civil society organisations and the issuance of statements to local and regional media, APNU’s mass rally on November 14 and weekly Tuesday protests outside the Office of the President.

The WPA also flayed the Alliance For Change (AFC), the architect of the no-confidence motion that eventually led to President Donald Ramotar proroguing the Parliament on November 10, for being conspicuously absent from the firing line except for a guest appearance at the rally at the Square of the Revolution.

That party went on to castigate the opposition for failing to outline the β€œgame plan” for a campaign of civil disobedience in a direct and robust manner to have Parliament restored. β€œThe speeches failed to communicate a common message of resistance and a call to battle stations.,” said the WPA.

β€œMost importantly, if after a few weeks’ activity of picketing, consultations and press releases have elapsed, and the Government remains obdurate and entrenched, then the next and more intensive phase of the Action Plan should include marches and mass mobilization so as to prevent the supremacy of Parliament being trampled under the deadening boots of Executive paramountcy,” the WPA added.


That party dismissed suggestions that countrywide mass street protests would result in the opposition failing to attract non-traditional supporters. β€œThose who say marches, as against supposedly less threatening public meetings and picket action, will make APNU and AFC less able to win over significant numbers of traditional Government supporters must also realize that inaction may cause the Opposition to lose some of its hard core, but extremely frustrated voters, through abstention,” said the WPA.

The once vibrant and militant WPA that fought vigorously against the then PNC-led administration of Forbes Burnham in the 1970s and 1980s urged that there be a struggle for a stabilizing five-year national unity government based on votes won. The WPA’s formula is that the party with the largest number of votes should control the presidency, the second the prime ministerial post, the third the Speakership along with an all-party Cabinet, and with all the outstanding Commissions and checks and balances becoming activated.

The WPA further suggests that during this transitional period, the Constitution should undergo additional and more radical revision, including further reduction of Presidential powers, completion of the electoral system reforms of 1999, and allowing parties to form a coalition Government after elections.        


Asking Granger to be respectful of law and order is like asking a monkey to climb down from a tree. He does not have the necessary DNA to behave in a civilized manner. Granger is part of the uncivilized PNC. They didn't care for law and order prior to 1992. They behaved like utmost hooligans between 1992 and 2015 and since 2015, have continued their wicked ways. Asking them to behave reasonable is a waste of time.


On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Definitely not the same. It was under the Jagdeo government that some constitutional changes were made to curtail some powers of the president along with term limits. It was a private citizen who petitioned for a third term for Jagdeo going on the argument that they were not consecutive terms. Jagdeo sticking around the PPP could be because he was successful in putting the PNC in their place since becoming president. Who else in the PPP could have effected a successful NCV with less potential votes than necessary? And he did it on a belief that the LCE suggests that the Coalition had lost the confidence of the people. Like it or not, Jagdeo is the current engine of the PPP and just like how most thought he was crazy to call for a NCV, the appointment of Irfaan is also seen as Jagdeo has again lost his mind. BUt no one expected him to prevail in the NCV and perhaps the PPP will prevail in the next elections whenever it is finally end, be it this year, next year, next decade or next century.

PNC are obeah people. That is why they like the Haitians. 

Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

The terms of the President was reduced  as PPP show a good fate in reducing the power of the president. 

They were subject to a reduced term of 3 years as directed by Caricom to avoid further bloodshed and violence in GT. 

PNC suggested 11 demands, and all was granted by PPP.. because PNC supporters were burning Indian Businesses in GT. 


The CCJ has already ruled that Jagdeo is not eligible for a third term as president. Jagdeo has already accepted that ruling and has been completely focused on his responsibilities as Opposition Leader. He is not going to usurp President Irfaan’s rights and responsibilities. Fullaman don’t fall into step that way and are usually unreliable to comply with orders.

What needs to take place now is for the mostly PNC Coalition to respect the ruling of the CCJ and stop behaving uncivilized.

Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Oh.  So now I am looking for something in the PNC.  Ayuh PPP and Ayuh PNC deserve each other!

Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.  Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.  The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Never..... don't  need .

It will be more profitable to figure out what the Indo - Guyanese believed in, are they blindly following a MARXIST Political Party. Also nuff..nuff..educated ones living in Capitalist Countries support the Party.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.

 Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.

 The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Do they really know what they are supporting ? is it Tribal Mentality ?

Django posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Never..... don't  need .

It will be more profitable to figure out what the Indo - Guyanese believed in, are they blindly following a MARXIST Political Party. Also nuff..nuff..educated ones living in Capitalist Countries support the Party.

Too many public enterprises in Guyana flourished under the PPP to label the PPP as Marxist. Remember you guys accuse the PPP of nepotism and favoritism? Hey! Contraband was not a government-controlled enterprise.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.

 Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.

 The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Do they really know what they are supporting ? is it Tribal Mentality ?

No, they don’t trust the PNC!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Never..... don't  need .

It will be more profitable to figure out what the Indo - Guyanese believed in, are they blindly following a MARXIST Political Party. Also nuff..nuff..educated ones living in Capitalist Countries support the Party.

Too many public enterprises in Guyana flourished under the PPP to label the PPP as Marxist.

Remember you guys accuse the PPP of nepotism and favoritism? Hey! Contraband was not a government-controlled enterprise.

Tell what kind of system the believed in.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.

 Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.

 The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Do they really know what they are supporting ? is it Tribal Mentality ?

No, they don’t trust the PNC!

Understood !!! 

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.


Guyana has two major political parties, you are either with one or the other. It doesn't mean you cannot criticize the one you support, but when you see unjust and no respect for the law/ constitution, speak out vehemently . Many play *****-footing sitting on the paling stave being penetrated down below and refuse to shout. 

 Third parties are opportunists, just waiting to join forces with a potential winner. History speaks for itself.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.

 Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.

 The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Do they really know what they are supporting ? is it Tribal Mentality ?

No, they don’t trust the PNC!

Understood !!! 

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.

What would happen if the coolies display the same mentality as the negroes and play their game? Like they say "be careful what you wish for".

kp posted:

Guyana has two major political parties, you are either with one or the other.

It doesn't mean you cannot criticize the one you support, but when you see unjust and no respect for the law/ constitution, speak out vehemently . Many play *****-footing sitting on the paling stave being penetrated down below and refuse to shout. 

 Third parties are opportunists, just waiting to join forces with a potential winner. History speaks for itself.

In as much i agree , for too long the country facing spurts of political disagreements, dividing the people. For a small nation they can do better , let better sense prevail. Recently i read due to the tug-o-war  between the two major ethnicity, at censuses people are claiming to be mixed to send a message to the two political parties.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Never..... don't  need .

It will be more profitable to figure out what the Indo - Guyanese believed in, are they blindly following a MARXIST Political Party. Also nuff..nuff..educated ones living in Capitalist Countries support the Party.

What ever XIST System PPP follows brought Guyana from the slumps into a vibrant economy. 

Django, do you prefer PNC 28 years of governing or PPP 23 years ... which of the two did justice for Guyana. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.

 Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.

 The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Do they really know what they are supporting ? is it Tribal Mentality ?

No, they don’t trust the PNC!

Understood !!! 

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.

What would happen if the coolies display the same mentality as the negroes and play their game? Like they say "be careful what you wish for".

Gud question. 

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.  Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.  The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Next time carry a grown up.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

On the other hand, the PPP added a clause limiting presidential terms.  The PPP themselves (BJ) then challenged their own rule and lost in the CCJ.  

Upon losing BJ held a news conference and there stated β€œthey will not get rid of him that easily!”   What was that about?  Anyway, everyone saw what he meant, he will violate the constitution without technically violating it.  He appointed Irfaan who he manufactured so he can run the show. 

So when we criticize the PNC, PPP doing the same in their own way!

So do fuh do no Obeah!

Meh hear you clearly, rehearsing for a PNC job. On the same path as Mits and DJ , keep on beating the Drum they will listen eventually. 

Never..... don't  need .

It will be more profitable to figure out what the Indo - Guyanese believed in, are they blindly following a MARXIST Political Party. Also nuff..nuff..educated ones living in Capitalist Countries support the Party.

What ever XIST System PPP follows brought Guyana from the slumps into a vibrant economy. 

Django, do you prefer PNC 28 years of governing or PPP 23 years ... which of the two did justice for Guyana. 

Keep in mind PNC had a few token Dutty Indians placed as window Dressing, so be careful who you choose to ask that question.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.

What would happen if the coolies display the same mentality as the negroes and play their game? Like they say "be careful what you wish for".

What mentality ?? you have to extrapolate more. Indo-Guyanese in the homeland aren't saints.

The other day vigilante justice was used to mete out punishment on one of their own, shot at the back of the head.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.

What would happen if the coolies display the same mentality as the negroes and play their game? Like they say "be careful what you wish for".

What mentality ?? you have to extrapolate more. Indo-Guyanese in the homeland aren't saints.

The other day vigilante justice was used to mete out punishment on one of their own, shot at the back of the head.

Alleged village thief shot execution-style  in Naarstigheid back dam

-four arrested

Suraj Sookdeo
Suraj Sookdeo

A West Coast Berbice man was found dead on a dam aback of Naarstigheid Village, West Coast Berbice, with a suspected bullet wound at the back of his head yesterday morning.

The dead man has been identified as Suraj Sookdeo, also known as β€˜Terry’, 45, of Number 11 Village, West Coast Berbice.

According to a senior police source, four persons from the area have since been taken into custody for questioning.

Relatives yesterday said, that they last saw Sookdeo around 6 pm on Wednesday at home.

His  body was discovered sometime around 7.30 am yesterday.

Residents in the area yesterday alleged that Sookdeo was a well-known thief. One resident who asked not to be identified claimed, that Sookdeo was found hiding in another resident’s yard on Thursday evening.

However, he said that was the last thing they heard.  

HE WAS A KNOWN CRIMINAL, RAMJAAT AND THE POLICE FAILED IN PROTECTING THE RESIDENCES. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If this had happened in a Black village, see how fast he would get caught or the residents would be called HERO.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Me thinks they need to dig deeper  into their support . Indo - Guyanese need to ask questions, do more introspection what they are supporting, they can bring about real changes in Guyana.

What would happen if the coolies display the same mentality as the negroes and play their game? Like they say "be careful what you wish for".

What mentality ?? you have to extrapolate more. Indo-Guyanese in the homeland aren't saints.

The other day vigilante justice was used to mete out punishment on one of their own, shot at the back of the head.

Sometimes you die the way you live. It's sad but this happens. However, that said, negroes are the most brutal of all the races on earth. They lack respect for the law and believe that everything on earth is entitled to them, regardless of who owns them. That's all for now. Got to get ready for football.

kp posted:

Guyana has two major political parties, you are either with one or the other. It doesn't mean you cannot criticize the one you support, but when you see unjust and no respect for the law/ constitution, speak out vehemently . Many play *****-footing sitting on the paling stave being penetrated down below and refuse to shout. 

 Third parties are opportunists, just waiting to join forces with a potential winner. History speaks for itself.

Exactly. We both tribal. Why should we give up our tribalism when blacks will never do so. Giving up our tribalism will only make us sitting ducks for violent blacks waiting to prey on us. War is all about strategy.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.  Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.  The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Next time carry a grown up.

I think Base was only interested in teaching her what the stumps are for. πŸ˜€

ksazma posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.  Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.  The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Next time carry a grown up.

I think Base was only interested in teaching her what the stumps are for. πŸ˜€

Not fair , bowling with TWO balls.

Dave posted:

What ever XIST System PPP follows brought Guyana from the slumps into a vibrant economy. 

Django, do you prefer PNC 28 years of governing or PPP 23 years ... which of the two did justice for Guyana. 

Dave, as stated before , i live through 28 yrs of PNC, lots of developments took place in the earlier years. Burnham with the support of Jagan made bad choices nationalizing the Industries, our dollar was king in those days. I can attest lots of Indos moved up the ladder.

I hated the rigging of elections , never voted when become of age.

Also lived through 4 yrs of the PPP after they came to power in 1992, no complaints for the years.  Reading from the media was happened after i migrate , can't give credit to the PPP under Jagdeo , the country face troubled periods , taken over by drug lords, more killings than any period of Guyana history. The PPP need new leadership, to portray the ideals it was built on.

You stated had to guard your business sitting with a gun, I have never had to do that to guard my small business.

Never had a firearm , my home was never invaded , we had a vigilante group guarding our neighborhood, when there are spurts of banditry, without a fire arm. In those days most business people do what they have to do to progress.We had support from GPF.

You can deduce my preference what years i prefer.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, Base was knocking the bottle when he tried the comparison, today he gun come to his sense

Banna I was with a PPP group last night.  Later at Nest. Good JW Black and cricket.  Some are divided on the PPP even though the support the PPP.  The gyaal with me don’t know one rass about cricket.  So me had nuff explaining!

Next time carry a grown up.

Did you teach her about fine leg and DEEP MIDWICKET????


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