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Will a Secret Private Manned Mission to the Moon Be Announced This Week?


Is this happening again? Image: NASA

Internet rumors have been swirling for several weeks of a secret venture backed by private entrepreneurs that would return people to the moon’s surface. It seems that the veil will finally be lifted this week, during a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 6.

“The Golden Spike Company invites you to attend a game-changing announcement about the future of commercial human space travel to the Moon,” reads the announcement for the media briefing. ”Executives from the company will describe the team, the mission architecture, and the business model.”

Many questions remain about the prospects for such a mission, including its feasibility, rationale, and how the company intends to fund the endeavor, which will likely run to billions of dollars. Early rumors suggested that backers included Warren Buffet and Richard Branson, though these have since been shown false. The plan may also include a $120 million deal with SpaceX to provide a heavy rocket to reach the moon. SpaceX had no statement about such a deal when Wired reached out to them on Dec. 2.


The Golden Spike Company is registered in Colorado to planetary scientist and aerospace engineer Alan Stern, who ran NASA’s science directorate from 2007 to 2008. Stern also worked in the private spaceflight sector that year, as an independent research representative for Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. In a 2011 interview he said, “I hope that in 10 to 20 years’ time, we are on the hills of human return to the moon, so that we could then go on with humans to explore the solar system. I think this is our destiny.”

Golden Spike is a reference to the ceremonial spike driven into the rails connecting the U.S. transcontinental railroad in 1869, which helped open up the American West. The company has recently started both a Facebook group and Twitter account.

The company has apparently been around for a while. A conference presentation from May mentioned a company called Golden Spike that was “backed by respected scientific and astronautical entities” and “envisions the development of a reliable ‘Cislunar Superhighway.’” That same presentation mentioned a “cooperative initiative coalescing between independent, national and international enterprises [that] could see 2 to 4 people on the surface for 1 to 4 weeks at an estimated cost of US$5-10 billion.” Whether this plan is the same as Golden Spike’s is unclear.

Can Golden Spike make it to the moon?

Nancy Trejos
Golden Spike


8:44PM EST December 7. 2012 - It's been 40 years since Apollo 17 made the last manned voyage to the moon.

Now, a group of former NASA executives is trying to make it back to the moon, and some space experts say they've got the brains and the business plan to do it.

Startup Golden Spike on Thursday announced its plans to fly spacecraft to the moon by 2020. The price tag: $1.5 billion roundtrip for two people.

The two men in charge of it have lofty resumes. Gerry Griffin, the Chairman of the Board, is a former director of the Johnson Space Center in Houston. President and CEO Alan Stern is a former head of NASA's science mission directorate.

Stern told Today in the Sky that the Colorado-chartered venture should be able to start operations with about $8 billion. To keep costs down, the company plans to partner with other private companies that have already developed rockets and capsules. All they have to come up with is a lunar lander and spacesuits.

Rather than target wealthy individuals who want to go to the moon, Golden Spike is going after nations that can't develop their own spacecraft to get there.


"The news here is, wow, we can go back to the moon, and American industry is coming up with ways to the moon a lot sooner than we thought," said James Muncy, president of the space policy consulting firm PoliSpace in Alexandria, Va.

NASA relinquished its near- monopoly on U.S. space transportation by retiring the Space Shuttle program last year. Since then, at least a dozen private companies have emerged to build spaceships to replace the shuttle's duties.

Last Spring, private firm SpaceX came the closest when its Dragon spacecraft made a successful cargo flight to the International Space Station.

But no company has set out to send humans into space until Golden Spike, whose name refers to the gold spike that completed the transcontinental railroad in 1869.

"The time is right," Stern said. "Five years ago, even three years ago, we didn't have the private space capsule and rockets to make this work … And I think five years from now we will be in catch-up mode with our competition."

Muncy said the technology already exists to make trips to the moon. Private companies have developed rockets and spacecraft that can make it to the moon with some adjustments, he said.


Much of that has been done with NASA funding, said Jonathan Card, executive director of the Space Frontier Foundation.

"The pieces have all been built largely with various aspects of NASA money, as part of NASA contracts," he said. "The pieces are already in place."

At a press conference, Golden Spike said getting to the moon would require four separate launches. During the first two, existing rockets would propel spacecraft and the lander into the moon's orbit. The second two launches would deliver the people to the lander.

David Livingston, host of popular Internet radio program The Space Show, said he had confidence in Golden Spike's leaders. "They're really tops of the tops," he said.

Still, they face significant challenges, Livingston said.

For one, the rockets and capsules they will rely on to get them to the moon, such as United Launch Alliance's Atlas V and SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, are still being tested and developed.

Secondly, they are raising money for the venture in a weak domestic and global economy.

Lastly, they don't know what regulatory hurdles they could face from the U.S. Congress. "The regulatory world for space is still a little bit of an unknown," Livingston said. "They're really braving a new world here."

Muncy said the other unknown factor is how big the company's clientele will be. "The question is will the countries actually sign up?" he said.

But Stern said he wasn't worried. "We're very confident in our numbers," he said. "I've been doing this my entire life and we have the best people in the world."


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