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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The AFC totally refuses to investigate their own and opposes the building of the five star hotel in Guyana because one of their financial supporters own a run down hotel. They are afraid of classy competition.


Ask them for the results of the Bush Donkey election funds investigation and they duck for cover. These guys are no better than the people they are allegedly fighting against. The AFC will also oil their pockets like oil roti.

Your mother is a jackass if you think you can go to Port Morant and Skeldon market and buy veggies and get a reciept fro the vendors.



Mitwa .....Ewegee think so....

eee family picture

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The AFC totally refuses to investigate their own and opposes the building of the five star hotel in Guyana because one of their financial supporters own a run down hotel. They are afraid of classy competition.


Ask them for the results of the Bush Donkey election funds investigation and they duck for cover. These guys are no better than the people they are allegedly fighting against. The AFC will also oil their pockets like oil roti.

Your mother is a jackass if you think you can go to Port Morant and Skeldon market and buy veggies and get a reciept fro the vendors.



Mitwa .....Ewegee think so....

eee family picture

Eeeuji is cute.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The proposal for a referendum to give more power to slo fiah mo fiah agitators and terrorist, their sponsors and sympathizers.  The Prezzy must have the latitude and freedom to apply meaningful force against those evil forces within the society.

Boy Baseman - Have a good one for 2013.


But you back-side still is a mud head to write this shyte hey suh.


Referendum has very little to do with the mo fiah party the PNC but everything to do with all the people of Guyana feeling represented in this country.


I want to ask you, can you live with a President Granger and and Prime Minister Ramotar in the next Government?

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The proposal for a referendum to give more power to slo fiah mo fiah agitators and terrorist, their sponsors and sympathizers.  The Prezzy must have the latitude and freedom to apply meaningful force against those evil forces within the society.

Boy Baseman - Have a good one for 2013.


But you back-side still is a mud head to write this shyte hey suh.


Referendum has very little to do with the mo fiah party the PNC but everything to do with all the people of Guyana feeling represented in this country.


I want to ask you, can you live with a President Granger and and Prime Minister Ramotar in the next Government?

PNC can never be on top.  Ramo Prezzy, Granger PM.  Never again to  enslavement of the Indian masses.


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