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I think Nazi Germany had conscientious people and their ideology was suppressed by America because America wanted to rule the world with an economy which they are doing today. This country fabricated the killing of six million Jews to create a positive opinion for WW11. Why don't I hear the German opinion about America on American television or the Russian opinion of America on American television. What is happening at borders around the world like the Canadian border or the Mexican border in America. Is there an unmatched numerical classification comparison of foreigners and Americans because of their different cultures emotionally that has to be classified as neutral with the immigration system so there would exist no challenge to change the American way. I am guessing the government does not want the extraterrestrials here to take over and show themselves to the world. Why is it so impossible to have evidence of what we believe. For example, me saying that they want the man to be God's lover so God can take the man's soul with sodomy. Is that how you all lost your soul, so I'm just curious, because you have no information for me and you have to keep it quiet (like sex)?

From a scale of 1-5, how logical is my reasoning? 

Tags: border, Jews, Love, America, Schizophrenia, crime

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Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

I think Nazi Germany had conscientious people and their ideology was suppressed by America because America wanted to rule the world with an economy which they are doing today. This country fabricated the killing of six million Jews to create a positive opinion for WW11. Why don't I hear the German opinion about America on American television or the Russian opinion of America on American television. What is happening at borders around the world like the Canadian border or the Mexican border in America. Is there an unmatched numerical classification comparison of foreigners and Americans because of their different cultures emotionally that has to be classified as neutral with the immigration system so there would exist no challenge to change the American way. I am guessing the government does not want the extraterrestrials here to take over and show themselves to the world. Why is it so impossible to have evidence of what we believe. For example, me saying that they want the man to be God's lover so God can take the man's soul with sodomy. Is that how you all lost your soul, so I'm just curious, because you have no information for me and you have to keep it quiet (like sex)?

From a scale of 1-5, how logical is my reasoning? 

Almost 5 there Arjune!!


Ron is a deep thinker. There are things that governments don't want the people to know. Prashad once met an old german on a bus. He worked as a guard at the German rocket facility run by Von Braun. He told Prashad that they the Germans were working on a rocket that could hit New York from Germany when the war ended. Prashad never read that in history books.

cain posted:

Ronald, are you being subjected to something deemed undesirable?

Most of your posts lean toward, the back hole, God's lover, Extra terrestrial, Sodomy and that is quite disconcerting. 

Yes I'm being subjected to God and he's us as our flesh that's why this voice recognition is not working right to type. Things are not nice and clean as they may appear. The man made with intelligence can control his intelligence. He needs to show himself and tell us how he messed up life. He messed up the life of Jesus and Krishna. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Last edited by Ronald Anthony Arjune

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