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Originally Posted by seignet:

After the conversation, Kennedy said to the CIA,"Doan trust that commie, go ahead and arrange to rape, murder, burn out and displace his supporters. Make them an example for all their generations to follow."

don't falsify history, you lil swine, why did cheddi failed to answer the questions given to him and the communist question...

Originally Posted by Wally:

Regardless of the fact that Dr Jagan was communist or not.

1. Dr. Cheddi Jagan never stated at the inquiry that he is a communist.


3. The 1962 Wynn-Parry Commission report never stated in any form or shape that Dr. Cheddi Jagan was a communist.


3. The newspapers used huge bold headlines stating .. that Dr. Cheddi Jagan stated that he was a communist.


A very major difference in the newspaper writings and what actually occured at the Wynn-Parry Commission inquiry.


The conversation that Dr Jagan had with Kennedy was clearly designed by Kennedy to get a feeling of if Dr Jagan was a communist.  Dr Jagan knew this and tried to answer the questions in a diplomatic manner.  It is documented in books written on the CIA that after the meeting Kennedy believed Dr Jagan was a communist and was lying to him.  Kennedy then instructed the C.I.A. to use every means necessary to remove the PPP.  


The Americans did not need Wynn-Parry commission to help them make the decision of if Dr.Jagan was a communist or not.  I would like to remind you D.G. that the C.I.A. has its operatives in every country in the world.  I can bet my last dollar that some in the PPP leadership back then and up to today are in fact C.I.A. operatives.  Not only the PPP but also in the P.N.C and UF.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You are correct. Kennedy did not think that Non Americans were Humans!!!!!

Ignorant man; Kennedy and the Johnson administration after him funded the African based PNC and the Portuguese ran UF ( Amerindian constituency) who are all by definition "non Americans" ( taken in the restrictive form as citizens of the US). Note the Kennedy bagman was and Indian Richard  Ishmael and the first three ministers sworn in after the defeat of the PPP were Indians!


That being the case the Kennedy administration had no stupid category other than the one stated ie communist vs anti communist. Cheddi for what ever reasons, real or imagined landed squarely in the former category and on the wrong side of US foreign policy in a heightened cold war era.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

When he was asked directly whether he was a communist he dodged the question.

To the best of my recollections and the exact wording of the 1962 Wynn-Parry Commission report, Dr. Cheddi Jagan never stated that he was a communist nor did he dodge the question.

Yo DEMG...


read here

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

When he was asked directly whether he was a communist he dodged the question.

To the best of my recollections and the exact wording of the 1962 Wynn-Parry Commission report, Dr. Cheddi Jagan never stated that he was a communist nor did he dodge the question.

Yo DEMG...


read here

I am aware of the various reports.


The specific issue is related to the Mynn-Parry Commission inquiry and subsequent report.


The Jagans claimed they were not involved in any subversive acts against British interest in B.G, but I know of directives from the leadership of the PPP instructing PPP activists to sabotage the sugar estates in 1953.


The Jagan were liards. Any person who is liar would be a thief as well. So there goes their claim of being uncorruptible.


They destroy the country with lies. They lied to sugar workers of better wages and how the British were making them poor. 


So y would they not lie to the Wynn-Parry commission about their true intentions for the colony.


In 1953, there were pro-colonialist, though few in number but knew the Jagans agenda. And stood against the anti-colonialist, the masses of the Jagan supporters.   


Is it any wonder that they were brutalized for the lies of the Jagans.


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