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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by brayman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have another hundred reports of overseas based Guyanese who were targeted by bandits when they visited to Guyana. I don't have time to post as of now.


Guyana is no safe place. I rather spend my vacation in safer places.

It's the ones you support and egg-on who commit most of this crimes.  They take the lead up from katahars like you.

You are a jackass! MF, you should change your name to Brayman.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by brayman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have another hundred reports of overseas based Guyanese who were targeted by bandits when they visited to Guyana. I don't have time to post as of now.


Guyana is no safe place. I rather spend my vacation in safer places.

It's the ones you support and egg-on who commit most of this crimes.  They take the lead up from katahars like you.

You are a jackass! MF, you should change your name to Brayman.

Did I hit a nerve or something?  Be careful before you pop a vessel!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by brayman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have another hundred reports of overseas based Guyanese who were targeted by bandits when they visited to Guyana. I don't have time to post as of now.


Guyana is no safe place. I rather spend my vacation in safer places.

It's the ones you support and egg-on who commit most of this crimes.  They take the lead up from katahars like you.

You are a jackass! MF, you should change your name to Brayman.

Did I hit a nerve or something?  Be careful before you pop a vessel!!

Brayman you are a jackass. Do you read your assinine posts?


Two known characters who brutally beat and robbed an overseas-based Guyanese have been remanded to prison.
The men, Vibert Moore, called ‘Junior Moore’, 39, of Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne, and Dexroy Melville, 21,  called “Dexy’, of the same address were on Wednesday remanded by Magistrate Fabayo Azore, when they appeared before her at the Reliance Magistrate’s Court in East Canje, charged with robbery with violence committed on July 31, 2011 on the Corentyne public road.
The victim was Hetram Sohan called ‘Rambo’.
According to Prosecutor Corporal Orin Joseph, on the day in question, the men robbed Sohan of a gold chain worth $100,000 and $15,000 in local currency.
It is understood that Sohan, who is home on holiday, went out to a popular night club with some friends. On his way home he was accosted by the two known characters who brutalized and robbed him of his chain and money, before making good their escape.
The matter was reported and acting on information the two men were arrested and identified as the two characters.
They were subsequently charged.
Moore who was recently released on bail has a number of matters in the courts including robbery and escaping from lawful custody.
It is understood that Moore walks with a limp after he shot himself during a botched robbery in Canje a few years ago.
The matter has been transferred to the Albion Magistrate’s Court for August 9.





Armed bandits rob visiting overseas-based Guyanese

November 25, 2010 | By | Filed Under News 

NUMBER SIXTY VILLAGE, CORENTYNE – An overseas-based Guyanese couple was robbed at gunpoint by two men on the Corentyne on Tuesday. Two persons have been detained and are assisting police with the investigation.
Word from the police is that 62-year old Thakur Dyal Ramphal and his 60-year-old wife Drupattie Ramphal were just about to leave their home when they were confronted by two intruders.
The couple, who reside in the United States of America, arrived in Guyana on November 20 and would spend their days at their Lot 26 Section ‘B’ Number Sixty Village, Corentyne home. At nights they sleep at a neighbour’s home.
They were just about to exit the front door some time between 18:30 and 19:00 hours when a masked individual with a handgun and an unmasked man with a cutlass attacked them.
Police reports so far indicate that the intruders forced them back into the house and dealt the husband several cuffs and kicks while they commanded them to hand over their cash and jewelry.
The one carrying the gun relieved Drupattie Ramphal of the jewelry she was wearing – eight gold bangles, one gold chain with a pendant and a diamond ring in addition to $400,000.
His accomplice robbed Thakur Dyal Ramphal of US$400 and $15,000 along with his gold and diamond wedding band.
The bandits then took the couple about 300 feet to the back yard where they ordered them to lie under a tamarind tree. After the men escaped from the scene police were summoned.
The probe is ongoing.


The personnel at the airport need to be reevaluated constantly. They robbed my mother as soon as she entered her home so they knew exactly where she was going as they were waiting before she got home.


Recently, the did the same to my cousin and I have heard stories of others from our area suffering similar victimization. The police also never seem to care.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The personnel at the airport need to be reevaluated constantly. They robbed my mother as soon as she entered her home so they knew exactly where she was going as they were waiting before she got home.


Recently, the did the same to my cousin and I have heard stories of others from our area suffering similar victimization. The police also never seem to care.

Your mother was set up by her own family and villagers. Don't blame customs. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The personnel at the airport need to be reevaluated constantly. They robbed my mother as soon as she entered her home so they knew exactly where she was going as they were waiting before she got home.


Recently, the did the same to my cousin and I have heard stories of others from our area suffering similar victimization. The police also never seem to care.

Your mother was set up by her own family and villagers. Don't blame customs. 

As usual you are Karnak the great and come by that information by your usual divine inspiration...


Overseas- based Guyanese flees country in fear after robbery

July 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



â€Ķ suspect in custody
Overseas- based Guyanese, Sadesh Mangaldin, who was brutally robbed and attacked by four masked bandits at the house in which he was staying on Thursday evening, left Guyana yesterday morning for New York.
Reports suggest that Mangaldin, who originally claimed that the bandits relieved him of US$9,500, did not lose all that money.
It was reported that Mangaldin had visited a local bank here and changed Guyanese currency for US$9,500 which he intended to take back to the States.
Mangaldin was in the country since two Saturdays ago and was staying at his sister-in-law’s residence at Lot 339 Ankerville, Port Mourant, Corentyne when he was attacked shortly after 19:00 hrs on Thursday by the men.
At the time he was relaxing in his hammock; one gunman rushed into the yard, while another raced upstairs and demanded that he hand over the bag with cash which was hidden under a bed.
Mangaldin also sustained chops about his body as a result of the confrontation. The men took the bag and made good their escape.
He was a patient at the Port Mourant Hospital and was subsequently released. He quickly made arrangements to leave the country early yesterday morning for fear of his life.
Investigations are continuing.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

 its nice  to know that people from other carribbean countries can speak so highly of thier country and they have half of what Guyana have. 

Tell you what.  Guyanese flood those islands, yet those islanders rarely even visit Guyana, much less plan to live there.


Why is that if Guyana is so good? 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The personnel at the airport need to be reevaluated constantly. They robbed my mother as soon as she entered her home so they knew exactly where she was going as they were waiting before she got home.


Recently, the did the same to my cousin and I have heard stories of others from our area suffering similar victimization. The police also never seem to care.

Your mother was set up by her own family and villagers. Don't blame customs. 

Druggie why is it that this behavior seems most common in the heartland of the PPP?  Almost every incident is in Berbice.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


De Baseless Bhai love Lamumba and Kwame...

Because these Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs...

are now sharing Office of the President & Freedom House...

With Jagdeo, Ramotar & Rohee....


Base-Bhai ......who is de Katahar?


Base-Bhai....R U a Katahar....if you love Kwame & Lamumba?


Whats fuuny is that baseman supports the PPP even though they are totally corrupt.  Will rather build some huge airport that Guyana doesnt need, instead of allowing Brazil to build a highway and deep water port.





Because the Chinese allow PPP supporters to steal while they see no evidence that the Brazilians will allow this.


Yet baseman says vote PPP becasue the PNC will take Guyana back to the dark days.


Yet the people most responsible for those dark days are best friends with the PPP now.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Pandit Nehru, please take note here.


Pandit, Canada-based Guyanese detained on robbery allegation

May 7, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

â€Ķ Leguan police station accused of taking instruction from prominent rice miller

A local Pandit, who was arrested last weekend by law enforcement officers at the Leguan Police Station, on allegations of robbery is classifying the division as one which lacks professionalism and adequate leadership.
Pandit Heeralall Doobay, a native of Tewkesbury, Leguan, related the story of an unpleasant ordeal with police officers attached to the Leguan Police Station.

Pandit Heeralall Doobay and his colleague Frederick Stoll.

Pandit Doobay and three other men, one of whom is a Canada based Afro-Guyanese, visited the island last weekend in bid to conduct charitable work, when they were picked as suspects of a robbery.
“I am from the island but I took my friends there, to donate stuff to the Blenheim Mandir, in Leguan. A little while after we had just finished contributing a seven-foot tall Murti to the temple, the police came up as we were in a taxi and say how we need to come down to the station.
“We thought it was because of some traffic infringement, only to find that we were being detained for some robbery of a rice farm/ mill â€Ķ saying that I organized the whole thing.”
Doobay and colleagues were detained for nine hours.
According to Frederick Stoll, the Canada-based Guyanese man, the police used “no proper procedure while conducting the arrest.”
“The Police arrested, two strange Negro men, who came on the island with the Pandit, based on no formal investigation or report. How I know this is because, officers claimed that they working under the instruction of a prominent rice farmer and that they cannot release or do anything with us unless this man instructsâ€Ķ The officers ditched protocol and kept us in custody taking away our liberty for several hours then did not allow us our citizen’s right of a phone call”
Kaieteur News understands that the police and the rice farmer have an arrangement, whereby the officers conduct shift work guarding the mill.
An attorney representing the men later contacted the station, but the head of the department was reluctant to take the call. The Attorney subsequently sought the intervention of senior police officers for release of his clients.
Doobay explained that while he was in shock at the whole occurrence, he is left to wonder what could have been the motive behind the issue.
“I am a minister of religion in this country and this kind of degradation sets out to ruin my reputation. Imagine those police officers ransacked my 77-year-old mother’s house without a cause. Is that right?”
All calls to the Leguan Police Station went unanswered.


Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie why is it that this behavior seems most common in the heartland of the PPP?  Almost every incident is in Berbice.

It also happens in Georgetown among Blacks, you just don't feel compelled to take note of those incidents. However there is a common thread here, ever since the AFC/pnc infiltrated Bbice, they have given the go ahead to their supporters to rob their own mother to fund the party's campaign, claiming that it is a noble sacrifice. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie why is it that this behavior seems most common in the heartland of the PPP?  Almost every incident is in Berbice.

It also happens in Georgetown among Blacks, you just don't feel compelled to take note of those incidents. However there is a common thread here, ever since the AFC/pnc infiltrated Bbice, they have given the go ahead to their supporters to rob their own mother to fund the party's campaign, claiming that it is a noble sacrifice. 

You are an incorrigible liar who will lie on his mother.


This is Bugurd_Seed family.




Motorcycle bandits rob overseas-based Guyanese

November 29, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 



While police ranks kept a close eye on the elections proceedings to ensure that all went well,

Benjamin displays the slight damage to his shoulder bag after bandits unsuccessfully attempted to relieve him of his property

the bandits capitalized on the situation. A former rank of the Guyana Defense Force suffered minor injuries after he was attacked and relieved of US$750 by bandits astride a motor cycle.
With abrasions on his hand and visibly shaken, Victor Benjamin, who represented the GDF in athletics and cricket, related that he returned from the USA about one month ago, a yearly ritual every since he migrated in 1992. He said that he had just left a popular jewelry establishment nearby after conducting business and was at the junction of Hunter Street and Punt Trench Dam when he noticed two men approaching on a motorcycle.
The former soldier said that he stepped closer to the curb to allow them to pass but instead the driver rode into him and he fell. Benjamin related that the pillion rider then grabbed his bag and attempted to yank it from his shoulders while his companion tried to relieve Benjamin of a huge gold chain around his neck. “I held on for dear life and shortly afterwards I went into a daze,” recounted the former soldier. When he came to, he realized that a woman had seen what was happening and sounded an alarm.
Simultaneously, a vehicle belonging to a top security firm drove up and forced the men to flee but not before one of them managed to relieve the former soldier of his wallet containing the cash.
Benjamin later lodged a complaint at the Ruimveldt Police Station where officers sent him to the Georgetown Public Hospital for a medical check.


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