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Badal says no coalescing with APNU+AFC or PPP/C

Robert Badal
Robert Badal

Disputing that he is a supporter of any of the parties in the governing APNU+AFC coalition, Change Guyana presidential candidate Robert Badal said that his party will not coalesce with either APNU+AFC or the PPP/C but has not ruled out  joining with smaller parties.


“We will not be part of the two major political parties…because they don’t share the same values and they have not shown a track record of performance,” Badal, owner of Guyana Stockfeeds Limited and the Pegasus Hotel told Stabroek News yesterday in an interview.

“We would not be joining at all because I don’t think we share the same values and principles. As it relates to smaller parties, we will listen, have conversations with other parties to understand their values and their principles and if converged and we can work together … of course, we can do that,” he added.

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VishMahabir posted:

its funny how they all say they will not coalesce with either of the 2 major parties.

Knucklehead, what wrong with not coalesce with the majors when it’s the majors you’re trying to control.  Had the AFC remained independent and do the people’s work, they would have real power and influence and not be shitted on today!

We see what happens when you coalesce under Guyana’s constitution, you become a nothing!  They become part and parcel of the runaway train!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

its funny how they all say they will not coalesce with either of the 2 major parties.

Knucklehead, what wrong with not coalesce with the majors when it’s the majors you’re trying to control.  Had the AFC remained independent and do the people’s work, they would have real power and influence and not be shitted on today!

We see what happens when you coalesce under Guyana’s constitution, you become a nothing!  They become part and parcel of the runaway train!

Nothing wrong with coalescing, but they all say the same this before hand, then they end up joining coalition... 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

its funny how they all say they will not coalesce with either of the 2 major parties.

Knucklehead, what wrong with not coalesce with the majors when it’s the majors you’re trying to control.  Had the AFC remained independent and do the people’s work, they would have real power and influence and not be shitted on today!

We see what happens when you coalesce under Guyana’s constitution, you become a nothing!  They become part and parcel of the runaway train!

Nothing wrong with coalescing, but they all say the same this before hand, then they end up joining coalition... 

Ok.  I get what you sayin.  I tek back the “knucklehead” part on this comment...only!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, it should be a big, big, B_I_G knucklehead.

No!  I’m fair and equitable with my dispensation of the term “knucklehead”, unlike Vish!!

Last edited by Former Member

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