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Caribny has used certain inputs to inform his commentary on the 2016 elections.

  1. A deep dislike of a President whom he sees as a white person - by upbringing and whop has emphasized that half of his ethnicity.
  2. A conservative-tinged wrath for Obamacare whose beginnings, like any major piece of social legislation and especially one such as health care, will not be the finished product. It is better than the status quo, because premiums would be the same or higher.
  3. A Republican-fueled disdain for the Clintons.


He has been duped about the state of African-American affairs compared with 8 years ago.

I pray for Caribny's sanity as tomorrow night around 9 PM approaches. He will seek salvation in the anger that will still remain about a white middle class that has not adapted to changing times and who see non-whites (like Caribny himself) as a threat to their way of life.

Let us all unite in our commiseration at Caribny's crestfallen state at the prospect of another 4 or 8 years of the Obama legacy. We can help him by not mentioning's like what riles up Nehru when his neemakaram boy's name is mentioned. Hehehe.

Seriously we need to console and embrace Caribny lest he fall into the ways of crackers who lose their teeth and walk around with a rifle.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kari posted:

Caribny has used certain inputs to inform his commentary on the 2016 elections.

  1. A deep dislike of a President whom he sees as a white person - by upbringing and whop has emphasized that half of his ethnicity.
  2. A conservative-tinged wrath for Obamacare whose beginnings, like any major piece of social legislation and especially one such as health care, will not be the finished product. It is better than the status quo, because premiums would be the same or higher.
  3. A Republican-fueled disdain for the Clintons.


He has been duped about the state of African-American affairs compared with 8 years ago.

I pray for Caribny's sanity as tomorrow night around 9 PM approaches. He will seek salvation in the anger that will still remain about a white middle class that has not adapted to changing times and who see non-whites (like Caribny himself) as a threat to their way of life.

Let us all unite in our commiseration at Caribny's crestfallen state at the prospect of another 4 or 8 years of the Obama legacy. We can help him by not mentioning's like what riles up Nehru when his neemakaram boy's name is mentioned. Hehehe.

Seriously we need to console and embrace Caribny lest he fall into the ways of crackers who lose their teeth and walk around with a rifle.

I have my differences with Caribj, but I have to admit, he is way smarter than you!  Caribj admits that Burnham left Blacks up sh1t creek without a paddle, just like Obama left Blacks in the USA.  What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders.  Caribj knows what's right and what's wrong but be has a convoluted mind-set baked in racism!!  He is borderline demented with his extreme and irrational racism!  I will save what I have to say about you for another thread, another time.  I do not want to do a dis-service to Caribj!

ba$eman posted:

I have my differences with Caribj, but I have to admit, he is way smarter than you!  Caribj admits that Burnham left Blacks up sh1t creek without a paddle, just like Obama left Blacks in the USA.  What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders.  Caribj knows what's right and what's wrong but be has a convoluted mind-set baked in racism!!  He is borderline demented with his extreme and irrational racism!  I will save what I have to say about you for another thread, another time.  I do not want to do a dis-service to Caribj!

Oh skoant.....pakoo r@ss talking. Basement, you would not know smart if it slaps you in your ugly-ass face.

Kari posted:


He has been duped about the state of African-American affairs compared with 8 years ago.


Please furnish these furnish facts Oh wise won.

When you do so compare the median black household income compared with the white household income.

Please tell us why the gap didn't narrow in the 8 years as we have a president who was supposed to reduce barriers created by racism.

You scream, jump and rant and never furnish any statistics.  If all you can show is that blacks are as well off now as they were after 8 years of Bus you indict yourself.

Then we have our healthcare system. Medicaid is driving doctors out of the business, and the growth of Obamacare is largely through the expansion of Medicaid.

Healthcare delivery is premised on more access to primary care providers and yet we will have FEWER of them around!

Well if there are fewer primary care offices, and the biggest decline is in areas where there are many Medicaid patience. If hospitals are attempting to switch their patient mix to have more with EMPLOYER based health insurance and fewer with Medicaid. Now tell us how Obamacare has dealt with it.

This is a rhetorical question as you lack he intellectual depth to debate issues seriously.  You attempt cover this with verbose personal attacks.

Kari tell me something. Why is it that your response to the fact that many African Americans think that the Democractic party is taking the black vote for granted by screaming that blacks are angry that they aren't getting handouts.

This is the daily rant of FOX TV, of Donald Trump, and of Romney.  Funny Kari. YOU use the language of conservatives by screaming that blacks want a hand out, when what they want is equal access.

Ironically you support Obamacare, which is premised on a vast expansion of Obamacare, rather than questioning why the emphasis isn't on helping more Americans reach the point where they don't need subsidies.  Yet you rant about a desire for handouts.

Kari you rant. You rave. You scream. What you don't do is debate with intelligence, but then surrounded by people with the caliber of Nehru I see your plight.

ba$eman posted:
 What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders. 

Like who? Bush wasn't better than Obama and Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham.

A day will come when we will have our first Hispanic president and I bet he will without constraint. He will ensure that qualified Hispanics are given their due by being allowed to be visible in functioning at all levels of government.

We have a black president whose cabinet is WHITER than Bill Clinton's.

Kari cannot prove that blacks relative to whites are better off after 8 years of Obama. So he engages in personal attacks.

He then descends to YOUR level of racism by screaming that blacks want handouts!

Danyael posted:

Caribj hates trump!

Kari cannot cite any evidence that I support Trump.  He cannot back up his argument.

Kari needs to have a New Years resolution in 2017. Cease trying to debate with caribny because he lacks the intellect. He demeans himself to collapse to Nehru like ignorance by mounting inaccurate, and hysterical attacks.

If the relative position of blacks relative to whites has improved under Obama then he needs to cite statistics to back this up.

Here are some stats using 2014 dollars. In 1990 52% of black households had incomes under $35k.  In 2000 it fell to 45%. By 2005 it increased to 48%. This was BEFORE the recession. In 2014 it was unchanged at 48%. By 2015 it had dropped only slightly.

Kari please prove that blacks are better off under Obama. In fact their condition is WORSE than it was under Clinton, and as bad as it was under Bush, BEFORE the recession hit.

Your attempt to avoid an analysis as to how the first so called black president resulted in blacks having more access to economic opportunity through an aggressive attack on implicit bias, which many black professionals in general and black MALE professionals in particular have to fight against.

Black in 2005 had to battle against bias in 2005 and we still have to in 2016 and the very whiteness of the Obama administration just underscores the belief of RACISTS like YOU that blacks are an underserving bunch, who just scream for more handouts.  That while the interests of other groups should be addressed ours should be IGNORED!


Kari further data.  In 2000 black median incomes were at 67.5% of whites.  In 2005 (before the recession) it was 63.7%. By 2015 it had fallen to 61.4%.

Yes "blacks benefitted greatly under Obama".

Now for baseman. In 1989 (after years of Reagan) black median household incomes were only 57% of white incomes.  This was UNCHANGED from 1967. Apparently the GOP doesn't benefit blacks too much either.

Kari will have a nervous breakdown and scream that I worship Hitler but cannot counter this.  However statistical evidence is that this most loyal group, the group which in 2012 had the HIGHEST voter turn out, even higher when adjusted to income distribution, has seen their relative earning power DECLINE.  It appears as if Obama hasn't been any better for blacks than the GOP has been.

I await evidence that you post to the contrary.  

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Caribny has used certain inputs to inform his commentary on the 2016

Caribny will be extremely happy if the tyrant Trump loses.

But he also cautions folks like you that if the Democratic party continues to treat blacks as slaves, to be used as voters, but ignored otherwise, and a Jack Kemp type of GOP candidate is selected in 2020 the GOP will clean out the Dems. With the help of maybe 20-30% of the black vote, and a massive drop in black turnout.

But the loyal Democrat that you will stand and see a reinvigorated and sensible GOP drive the Dems into history.  That is if the GOP learn the right lessons, if Hillary pummels them tomorrow.

I hope that she does because its about that blacks can look at GOP candidates and Democratic candidates and have a selection not based on fear.  The Democrats will then have to work harder to keep the black vote, or lose the black middle class vote to the GOP.

A bad loss will force the GOP to clean house and realize that changing demographics will require a change in tactics.

The Democrats will run and scream their usual cries of the KKK riding if blacks don't vote for them. But then blacks will see a Jack Kemp type of character, and retort "no not this time".

Yes Kari Nixon in 1960 won 32% of the black vote. Given that blacks in the South couldn't vote, this reflected the Midwest and Northeast vote.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Kari posted:


He has been duped about the state of African-American affairs compared with 8 years ago.


Please tell us why the gap didn't narrow in the 8 years as we have a president who was supposed to reduce barriers created by racism.

Because Obama social engineering just don't work.  The income gap cannot change because Obama did little to change the underlying reality, the skills gap and the issue of incarceration.  Obama preferred to spend his energy on Obamacare to take care of the welfare class.  What he did not realize, they are there because of the skills gap and convictions for petty crimes.

Had Obama initiated a major new deal for all Amricans and a targeted set for inner cities focusing in skills, working with the GOP to get legislation through to this end, the economy would have been stronger, Black youth employment in a better state and less welfare families.  They would not be needing Obamacare.  The Govt could have then pulled in uninsurable people into a Govt program and not dump them onto the insurance companies.

Obama squandered his chance to change the nation.  His is a failed presidency, he has failed his people, he has failed the nation!  I still don't get it why Black people go crazy for him, he has done nothing for them.  What is his legacy?

But he does give a nice talk!



What did you expect OBAMA to do to close the income gap?  The economy is much better off.  I am much better off.  You most likely are better off.  People were given the chance to be better off.

Oh, an by the way 20 million people MORE will be covered under Obama care.  Yes, I will have to pay a little more health insurance but I sure don't notice it in my paycheck; the increase is minuscule for me.




caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
 What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders. 

Like who? Bush wasn't better than Obama and Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham.

A day will come when we will have our first Hispanic president and I bet he will without constraint. He will ensure that qualified Hispanics are given their due by being allowed to be visible in functioning at all levels of government.

We have a black president whose cabinet is WHITER than Bill Clinton's.

Kari cannot prove that blacks relative to whites are better off after 8 years of Obama. So he engages in personal attacks.

He then descends to YOUR level of racism by screaming that blacks want handouts!

Obama was ill equipped to govern America. Instead, I doan know what he did with the 8 years.

Now, he wants to continue his complacency with Hillary. News for him. Trump will win.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
 What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders. 

Like who? Bush wasn't better than Obama and Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham.

A day will come when we will have our first Hispanic president and I bet he will without constraint. He will ensure that qualified Hispanics are given their due by being allowed to be visible in functioning at all levels of government.

We have a black president whose cabinet is WHITER than Bill Clinton's.

Kari cannot prove that blacks relative to whites are better off after 8 years of Obama. So he engages in personal attacks.

He then descends to YOUR level of racism by screaming that blacks want handouts!

Obama was ill equipped to govern America. Instead, I doan know what he did with the 8 years.

Now, he wants to continue his complacency with Hillary. News for him. Trump will win.

I cannot see how people could have faith in the greatest crook on earth.  Significant major players in the Republican party denounce this creep, what are you people seeing?????

I am a New Yorker, I know a con when I see one.  Trump is a con. Words from a true billionaire, Michael Bloomberg.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Because Obama social engineering just don't work.  The income gap cannot change because Obama did little to change the underlying reality, the skills gap and the issue of incarceration. 

I suggest you refuse your clap trap about welfare. Clinton already dealt with that.   Over 75% of blacks are not only NOT on welfare, but have NEVER been on welfare.

Under Trump incarceration will be worse because he follows Giuliani's strategy that minority communities should be under occupation.  This of course will result in more arrests for non violent crimes (possession of small quantities of weed) or quality of life violations, which includes giving lip to the cops.

So the problem will be WORSE!

By the way there are massive numbers of white Trump supporters out on disability, which is how whites get welfare. There is a drug addiction epidemic among whites. The life expectancy rate among poor whites is DECLINING. Whole communities in states like WV have kids being raised by their grand parents, as there parents are substance abusers.

But yes, continue screaming that all of the social pathologies are concentrated among blacks. Here is something that the USA just discovered.

When the economy transforms and some folks are unable to adapt social pathologies set in. It happens to blacks in the inner cities, Native Americans on the reservations, AND to whites in the Appalachians, and in dying factory towns throughout the Midwest and the Northeast.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:


What did you expect OBAMA to do to close the income gap?




What is the role of the president? Think that the major corporations will do it?  If the president doesn't attempt to do it who will?

The relative position of blacks is WORSE now than it was in 2000.  This is for those who think that Obama helped blacks.

FACT. Blacks at all levels, especially among the college educated, have problems due to implicit bias.  A built in notion that many have that they aren't qualified, and shouldn't be given a shot.  Looking at Obama's cabinet its clear that he shares that view. There were more blacks who were visible during the Clinton administration than under him.  This is despite the fact that the pool of black talent is bigger now than it was 20 years ago.

So if a black man doesn't have faith that blacks can be up to the task why blame whites?

So as a result 8 years has passed and black, including the upper middle class, continue to have the same problems.  But like I said we had a half white president, so why the shock.

Now here is the deal. Obama had no obligation to ensure that blacks had a fair shot. Yes he can say that his black father abandoned him and it was his white grandmother who (reluctantly) raised him. But then he shouldn't run around screaming that he will be personally insulted if blacks don't vote. Because he cannot prove that under his administration blacks gained ground relative to whites. They LOST ground!

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:


I don't blame Obama if he chooses the best people for his administration.

Yes let Obama convey that the "best people" are ALWAYS white males.  Then folks will wonder why so many minorities, ESPECIALLY black males who face the MOST bias, work hard, and get passed over.  While incompetent white males get by.

I except the fact that I most work twice has hard because many look at me and make assumptions.

What I will NOT accept is when Obama screams that he is entitled to support from blacks when he has done NOTHING to remove this implicit bias. And in fact reinforced it by his very white male dominated administration. 

He did NOT go in front of white females, white gays, or Hispanics, making that arrogant demand.  Groups which he has paid more attention to than he has for blacks.

And yes today Hillary will win because she will get 95% of the black vote. No other group will give so many of their votes to the Democratic party. No minority group will have as a high a % of voting age turn out.

Any way when Julian (or Joaquin) Castro becomes the first Hispanic president he will ensure that Hispanics are included in visible positions. Part of this will be to ensure that the US public becomes aware of the fact that a pool of qualified and experienced and competent Hispanics exists, and should be given a shot.  This to reduce the implicit bias which works against them!

Pity that when blacks express disappointment that 8 years has past by and we haven't seen the first so called black president do what we know that the first Hispanic president will, we face push back. This as this same president was very loud in his advocacy for the rights of WHITE females and WHITE gays!

Last edited by Former Member

I do not believe that it is correct to say that Obama did nothing for blacks because he did not include more of them in his cabinet.  He did the best he could given the Congress he had to work with.

Discrimination and favouritism are everywhere.  Obama cannot change that.  Ass kissers always get promoted even though in most cases they are the least qualified.  Minority ass kissers also do well.

VVP posted:

I do not believe that it is correct to say that Obama did nothing for blacks because he did not include more of them in his cabinet.  He did the best he could given the Congress he had to work with.

Discrimination and favouritism are everywhere.  Obama cannot change that.  Ass kissers always get promoted even though in most cases they are the least qualified.  Minority ass kissers also do well.

When Obama became President, the blacks thought they can relax and enjoy the good life without putting their shoulders to the wheel. Sorry for their disappointment.

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

I do not believe that it is correct to say that Obama did nothing for blacks because he did not include more of them in his cabinet.  He did the best he could given the Congress he had to work with.

Discrimination and favouritism are everywhere.  Obama cannot change that.  Ass kissers always get promoted even though in most cases they are the least qualified.  Minority ass kissers also do well.

When Obama became President, the blacks thought they can relax and enjoy the good life without putting their shoulders to the wheel. Sorry for their disappointment.

This ain't Guyana. The Blacks got the shock of their lives.

VVP posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
 What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders. 

Like who? Bush wasn't better than Obama and Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham.

A day will come when we will have our first Hispanic president and I bet he will without constraint. He will ensure that qualified Hispanics are given their due by being allowed to be visible in functioning at all levels of government.

We have a black president whose cabinet is WHITER than Bill Clinton's.

Kari cannot prove that blacks relative to whites are better off after 8 years of Obama. So he engages in personal attacks.

He then descends to YOUR level of racism by screaming that blacks want handouts!

Obama was ill equipped to govern America. Instead, I doan know what he did with the 8 years.

Now, he wants to continue his complacency with Hillary. News for him. Trump will win.

I cannot see how people could have faith in the greatest crook on earth.  Significant major players in the Republican party denounce this creep, what are you people seeing?????

I am a New Yorker, I know a con when I see one.  Trump is a con. Words from a true billionaire, Michael Bloomberg.

I use to earn US$1,500,000.00 per year with a USA company. NAFTA was bad enough, but then Bill Clinton gave China most favored nation trading status. And millions lost their earnings in Canada and the USA. NAFTA gave corporations the free will to close companies at a whim and moved them into Mexico. And the Clintons collected million of dollars from the same corporations when he made it possible for them to maximize profits in China.

Talk about CROOKS, the Clintons are masterful at it, to the point of being cons. The Clinton Foundation has the money cheated from poor Americans. They sold them and their livelihood.

Trump gonna bring back our jobs to the USA.

Bloomberg is a Jew, and those people favor Jacob of the Old Testament. They think like Jacob-if u care to, read up on him.

VVP posted:

I do not believe that it is correct to say that Obama did nothing for blacks because he did not include more of them in his cabinet.  He did the best he could given the Congress he had to work with.

Discrimination and favouritism are everywhere.  Obama cannot change that.  Ass kissers always get promoted even though in most cases they are the least qualified.  Minority ass kissers also do well.

Your opinion.  What did he do? We have Black Live Matter under Obama.  We have record incarceration under Obama, we have record Black poverty under Obama, we have record welfare/foodstamps under Obama, Black unemployment/unemployable is a high as ever after Obama eight years. Many inner-city Blacks continue to scrounge for a living on the margins due to lack of skills and criminal record under Obama.  So stop talking shyte and get real!

Obama is a failed presidency.  His flagship Obamacare achievement is tethering on collapse!  In 4-8 years, his accomplishments will be diluted away and he will be remembered for his "sweet jive talking".

seignet posted:
VVP posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
 What Caribj cannot admit is other races are sometimes much better towards for Blacks than many Black leaders. 

Like who? Bush wasn't better than Obama and Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham.

A day will come when we will have our first Hispanic president and I bet he will without constraint. He will ensure that qualified Hispanics are given their due by being allowed to be visible in functioning at all levels of government.

We have a black president whose cabinet is WHITER than Bill Clinton's.

Kari cannot prove that blacks relative to whites are better off after 8 years of Obama. So he engages in personal attacks.

He then descends to YOUR level of racism by screaming that blacks want handouts!

Obama was ill equipped to govern America. Instead, I doan know what he did with the 8 years.

Now, he wants to continue his complacency with Hillary. News for him. Trump will win.

I cannot see how people could have faith in the greatest crook on earth.  Significant major players in the Republican party denounce this creep, what are you people seeing?????

I am a New Yorker, I know a con when I see one.  Trump is a con. Words from a true billionaire, Michael Bloomberg.

I use to earn US$1,500,000.00 per year with a USA company.

Hmmm, you could give Trump a run for his money ..or is a lil lie dat...

caribny posted:
VVP posted:


I don't blame Obama if he chooses the best people for his administration.

Yes let Obama convey that the "best people" are ALWAYS white males.  Then folks will wonder why so many minorities, ESPECIALLY black males who face the MOST bias, work hard, and get passed over.  While incompetent white males get by.

I except the fact that I most work twice has hard because many look at me and make assumptions.

What I will NOT accept is when Obama screams that he is entitled to support from blacks when he has done NOTHING to remove this implicit bias. And in fact reinforced it by his very white male dominated administration. 

He did NOT go in front of white females, white gays, or Hispanics, making that arrogant demand.  Groups which he has paid more attention to than he has for blacks.

And yes today Hillary will win because she will get 95% of the black vote. No other group will give so many of their votes to the Democratic party. No minority group will have as a high a % of voting age turn out.

Any way when Julian (or Joaquin) Castro becomes the first Hispanic president he will ensure that Hispanics are included in visible positions. Part of this will be to ensure that the US public becomes aware of the fact that a pool of qualified and experienced and competent Hispanics exists, and should be given a shot.  This to reduce the implicit bias which works against them!

Pity that when blacks express disappointment that 8 years has past by and we haven't seen the first so called black president do what we know that the first Hispanic president will, we face push back. This as this same president was very loud in his advocacy for the rights of WHITE females and WHITE gays!

Listen Caribj, it's not about a few Black people not getting White collar jobs.  The bigger issue is the amount of Black men who remain skills deficient and/or criminalized preventing them from stepping into the light, that's where the real issue is.  There was not major concerted national effort to this effect.  These are the people hurting the most and this is impacting millions of single mothers and their kids whose husband/fathers cannot make an adequate living!

All you do is rant about Black people getting White collar jobs.  Maybe they are not as qualified?

VVP posted:

I do not believe that it is correct to say that Obama did nothing for blacks because he did not include more of them in his cabinet

You are not black. Have never had to suffer because you are black, so you really cannot discuss what black professional men dressed in suits must go through.

2016. Black men driving nice cars still harassed by cops.  8 years after we had Obama.  Now why is this?

Do you get harassed? Do you know the humiliation of being searched by a cop.

The owner of Black Enterprise, a wealthy man was searched by the ;police at Grand Central Station in FULL view of people, some of who might have controlled the very advertising budget.  This guy is a millionaire.

So don't chat about what you don't know!

And you have NOT discussed what Obama did to help blacks over come these barriers that do determine how many of them can live life to their full potential.

And why should blacks not want to live life to their full potential, having access to every thing that their talents and energies ought to entitle them to? Why should implicit bias mean that they should remain mediocrities stuck living like grunts?  Terrified every time a cop flags them down!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
VVP posted:


I don't blame Obama if he chooses the best people for his

Listen Caribj, it's not about a few Black people not getting White collar jobs.  ?

Tell you what.  If a black Harvard MBA has a harder time of it than his white contemporaries, for no other reason than being black, why then do you expect a kid growing up in the ghetto, with no link to the mainstream opportunity think that he ought to make the effort?

And if a Harvard black lawyer can expect to be stripped and searched by cops, because of where he lives, and what he drives, then what about some kid living in the ghetto? Yes the ghettoes that Giuliani wants to turn into concentration camps. He will be criminalized merely because he was caught pissing in some bush.  He will then try to get college loans, or a job, and then be told that his criminal record means that he cannot get this.

Obama did very little. Trump will do lost of DAMAGE!

I happen to think that it is very selfish for Democrats to have spent all weekend trying to get a large black turnout, to avoid a loss in PA, and MI. Then ignore blacks until 2020, when their inability to get enough white votes will mean that once again they will need the black vote to bail them out.

I can assure them of one thing. If they don't fix this immigrant problem by 2020 Latinos aren't voting for them again in the large numbers that they did today.  This because no other GOP candidate will be crazy enough to mount an anti Latino campaign, given that this is the fastest rising part of the electorate.

You see the Democrats don't take the Latin vote for granted, because they know that Latins can do vote GOP.  Its the blacks who they do, until one day we teach them that yes, we too can vote GOP, if they field the right candidate.

ba$eman posted:

Your opinion.  What did he do? We have Black Live Matter under Obama.  We have record incarceration under Obama, we have record Black poverty under Obama, we have record welfare/foodstamps under Obama, Black unemployment/unemployable is a high as ever after Obama eight years. Many inner-city Blacks continue to scrounge for a living on the margins due to lack of skills and criminal record under Obama.  So stop talking shyte and get real!

Obama is a failed presidency.  His flagship Obamacare achievement is tethering on collapse!  In 4-8 years, his accomplishments will be diluted away and he will be remembered for his "sweet jive talking".

Let me correct you here.


1. Black poverty was higher under Reagan.

2. Black welfare usage was higher under Reagan.

3. Black median household incomes were lower under Reagan.

4. Black college attainment was lower under Reagan and in fact increased significantly under Clinton, and continued to under Obama.

If you want to find the best era for blacks in the USA cite Bill Clinton's 2nd term. In fact in 2000 blacks didn't have to be begged to vote. So happy were they with their condition that they flocked to vote in large numbers to support Gore. So many showed up in FL and OH that the polling stations couldn't deal with the crowds, and many spent ALL DAY in the lines.

Its the prospect of a friend of the KKK that will have gotten blacks to vote today. As is the early voting should a decline in black turn out.  Many blacks, seeing no return for their loyal support for the Democratic party are getting quite jaded.

When you GOP stop playing around with the KKK and find GOP candidates like Michael Steele, Michael Bloomberg, or Jack Kemp. Then we will look at you. Michael Bloomberg did very well among blacks when he ran for his second election, and in fact WON Caribbean neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens.

Not open racists like Trump, who closet racists like Romney, who called us "Takers", and claimed that all we want is more welfare. Basically Romney saying what Kari and a few other so called Hillary supporters have implied about blacks.

Tell Trump that insulting us by screaming that we are all lay criminals living in the ghetto and that its appropriate to criminalize all of us by subjecting us to harassment, with out proof. That is NOT going to win him black support, except from some hungry belly preachers who want his money!

ba$eman posted:

All you do is rant about Black people getting White collar jobs.  Maybe they are not as qualified?

Hmmmm.  You know that many ghetto blacks don't think that they can attain lofty goals because they don't see blacks succeeding?  They aren't the kids of wetbacks so some puny little job doesn't impress.

So baseman if blacks don't get the high visibility jobs that will convince these poor black boys to attain the hard and soft skills to succeed in this world, they aren't going to do it. 

And yes many blacks ARE qualified, even if you, Kari, and Barack Obama don't think that they are.


Two important dynamics escape Obama-hating, Trump-loving, Caribny. 

When Obama was elected President in 2008 one in five male head of black households was incarcerated - largely because of the iniquitous Bill CLINTONanti-crime legislative push. Obama took on this injustice frontally by having Eric Holder as his point man and putting two Hidpanic females in the Supreme Court.

The second dynamic that eludes Hillary-hating Caribny is that policing is local matter. Obama's police, the FBI, intervenes when there is injustice to minorities. Local police attitudes are generational.

I think it was under LBJ that the Ivy League universities started quotas for monorities. This gave us people like Michelle Obama.

BTW, Bill Clinton's China's "Most Favored Nation" status merely brought tariff restrictions to the same level as all America's trading partners. That's not giving away the store, but making goods cheaper for Americans. Factories were leavinh since the Regan years.

I will address Obama's Black ranking personnel versus Bill Clinton's later. Caribny is presenting a one-sided position. His use of median inco me COMPARATIVE statistic is misleading.



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