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A return to normalcy in best interest of Lindeners and all Guyana, says President Ramotarexpresses pain at loss of life and property and says outlook for mining community brighter today than it was over past three decades


Written by

Monday, 23 July 2012 21:52

Source - Guyana Chronicle


PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar last evening addressed the nation on the Linden situation and said that the outlook for the mining community is brighter today than it was for the past three decades.

President Donald Ramotar

In a television broadcast, the president spoke of his pain at the tragic loss of life and property as the protest began last Wednesday, and pointed out that a return to normalcy was in the best interest of Lindeners and of all Guyana.

Folllowing is the text of the president’s address:

It is with a heavy heart that I address you on the tragic developments in Linden over the past week which have resulted in the deaths of three persons, injuries to others and destruction of property. I am deeply distressed by these developments.

To the families of those who lost their lives, I extend my heartfelt sympathy. I am all too aware that nothing that I say or do can replace your loss; but I want to let you know how greatly pained and grieved I am about what took place. My government will do whatever it can to help you through this most difficult period.

My thoughts are equally with those who are presently hospitalised, as well as those who have been traumatised by the events which unfolded following the July 18 protest actions. I wish all of you a speedy recovery.

My government publicly committed itself on the night of July 18, 2012, to a full and independent investigation into the events that occurred, including the deaths of the three persons.  In discussions with national and regional stakeholders, including the opposition parliamentary political parties, we are working quickly to establish and appoint the Commission of Inquiry to examine the events which unfolded in Linden. There will also be an international presence on this commission which we anticipate will be comprehensive in its coverage, including examining all the aspects of this tragedy.
I wish to state that my administration is willing to meet with the families of the deceased to discuss matters relating to the post mortems and funeral arrangements.

I remain deeply concerned about the ongoing unrest in the mining town. Already, the blockading of major arteries in the area has disrupted life in the communities, led to loss for businesses, threatened the provision of critical social and utility services such as health, water and electricity, and led to an escalation of food and transport costs for Lindeners and interior communities beyond. If this continues, it will do irreparable harm to the opportunities for investments aimed at creating more jobs and improving the living standards for the Linden community and Region 10 as a whole.

Any protraction or escalation of tensions will compound these difficulties. This is not in the best interest of the people of Linden, nor of the country.

This situation is having serious negative effects on other communities in Region 10 and on the people of Regions 7, 8 and 9.

I therefore wish to urge an immediate return to normalcy as the first critical step to create a climate conducive to a resolution of the issues related to the unrest.
This administration remains committed to dialogue as the best way towards a just resolution of problems.  We have a long tradition when it comes to engagements with all stakeholders. I believe in forthright and honest engagements.

Since the tragic events of July 18, I have met daily with a number of stakeholders ranging from political, business and regional administration representatives to try to bring an end to the problem. I have met with the Chamber of Commerce of Linden, the opposition political parties and the Private Sector Commission. Over the weekend, there have been several meetings of note. On Saturday I invited and briefed the diplomatic corps and the international development agencies. On Sunday I met the Leader of the Opposition and the Private Sector Commission. On Monday, I met again with the Regional Chairman, Mr. Sharma Solomon and his delegation. These engagements with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including the people of Linden will be ongoing.
These developments have been exacerbated by misinformation which is being peddled in some quarters, as well as the pursuit of political agendas by a few opportunistic politicians. I am convinced that the majority of the Linden community want their issues to be addressed in a less volatile and charged environment.

I wish to reiterate the government’s continuing commitment to discuss options for implementing electricity tariff reform in Linden.  I am willing to examine all options.
I will establish a technical team to review all available and practicable options and attendant implications, financial and otherwise to move the process along.
But I emphasise that we cannot make progress in an environment of strife and disruption.

I restate that at no time was there any intention to impose hardships on the people of Linden. This electricity issue is not a new one, but it had reached the stage where our country could no longer sustain the high subsidy being provided.

We had committed towards a gradual and selective process of electricity tariff adjustments which would have seen a phasing in that would have cushioned the impact on the most vulnerable and encourage conservation of energy.

I would like to point out that the global escalation of oil prices has made energy conservation an unavoidable necessity.

It would be recalled that many community consultations and stakeholders’ meetings were held over the last six years to explore options for bringing the electricity tariff rates for the Linden community gradually on par with the rest of Guyana.

In an era of an unhelpful global economy and unstable commodity prices, bauxite communities around the world, including in our Region, have been facing closure.

In Guyana we managed to restore the viability of our bauxite industry and saved jobs, and improved Linden’s prospects as a destination for new investments in non-bauxite industries.

The outlook for Linden is brighter today than at any time during the last three decades.
For this bright future to be secured, a stable political and industrial relations environment is absolutely critical.

An immediate return to normalcy is therefore in the interest of Lindeners and all Guyana.

Thank you.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good letter by Ramotar, however the agents of disruption(AFC/PNC) want more bloodshed and disruption as it benefits their mantra of making the country ungovernable. The Lindeners will come out of this with a black eye as businesses will run away from political unrest in the area. Gmoney and his cabal are leading the people down the wrong road.


"This situation is having serious negative effects on other communities in Region 10 and on the people of Regions 7, 8 and 9".

A good reason to keep key national hub infrastructure away from PNC strongholds. Remember, the Buxtonians would block trains, more recent they dug-up roads and tried to choke of others whenever the break a tantrum.

Tantrums and fight for undue privileges is the national norm so the Govt must consider this in the national development strategy.

Originally Posted by baseman:

"This situation is having serious negative effects on other communities in Region 10 and on the people of Regions 7, 8 and 9".

A good reason to keep key national hub infrastructure away from PNC strongholds. Remember, the Buxtonians would block trains, more recent they dug-up roads and tried to choke of others whenever the break a tantrum.

Tantrums and fight for undue privileges is the national norm so the Govt must consider this in the national development strategy.

Creation of impoverished Afro-Guyanese bantustans as "national development strategy" . . .??!


WHERE have residents of New Amsterdam heard this whispered before?


Good 'stuff' Herr Baseman, we need to hear more . . .


Power drunk PPP racists leading Guyana over a cliff

Originally Posted by baseman:

"This situation is having serious negative effects on other communities in Region 10 and on the people of Regions 7, 8 and 9".

A good reason to keep key national hub infrastructure away from PNC strongholds. Remember, the Buxtonians would block trains, more recent they dug-up roads and tried to choke of others whenever the break a tantrum.

Tantrums and fight for undue privileges is the national norm so the Govt must consider this in the national development strategy.

41% of the population support the PNC.  Do you advocate marginalizing they already claim is happening to them?  How do you think Guyana will function if you isolate 41% of the population, much of it residing in hubs?


you so right i see the sugar workers is blocking the gates at albion,i wonder when the police will go and shoot a few of them,oh sorry i forget those are collie people we cannot shoot collie people

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

"This situation is having serious negative effects on other communities in Region 10 and on the people of Regions 7, 8 and 9".

A good reason to keep key national hub infrastructure away from PNC strongholds. Remember, the Buxtonians would block trains, more recent they dug-up roads and tried to choke of others whenever the break a tantrum.

Tantrums and fight for undue privileges is the national norm so the Govt must consider this in the national development strategy.

41% of the population support the PNC.  Do you advocate marginalizing they already claim is happening to them?  How do you think Guyana will function if you isolate 41% of the population, much of it residing in hubs?


This same 41% used racist poor judgement in supporting the PNC in illegal rule via rigged elections that led to 29 years of destruction. The PPP have moved the nation forward since, despite mo fiah slow fiah, freedom fighters, bartica and lusignan massacre, rob and rape by those said 41%. Quite an accomplishment.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:



This same 41% used racist poor judgement in supporting the PNC in illegal rule via rigged elections that led to 29 years of destruction. The PPP have moved the nation forward since, despite mo fiah slow fiah, freedom fighters, bartica and lusignan massacre, rob and rape by those said 41%. Quite an accomplishment.

I will expect a racist like you to criminalize 41% of the population based on what a dozen people did.  I will also expect a racist like you to feel that black people are unable to think for themselves and therefore to reject racists like you who think that they are only good to be used as criminals to be paid by elites like you to defend your criminal enterprises.


when you say move the nation forward after 20 yrs i guess you laughing or something,the stelling that is never fix,the demerara bridge that break,having a police force that shoot people in their backs when they running away and i can go on and on the only thing that moves in guyana is the people,moving from guyana to a next shore

Originally Posted by warrior:

you so right i see the sugar workers is blocking the gates at albion,i wonder when the police will go and shoot a few of them,oh sorry i forget those are collie people we cannot shoot collie people

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you so right i see the sugar workers is blocking the gates at albion,i wonder when the police will go and shoot a few of them,oh sorry i forget those are collie people we cannot shoot collie people

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

WHY?! Because YOU say so?


What a delusional tool . . .

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you so right i see the sugar workers is blocking the gates at albion,i wonder when the police will go and shoot a few of them,oh sorry i forget those are collie people we cannot shoot collie people

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

WHY?! Because YOU say so?


What a delusional tool . . .

Yes, no different that slo fiah mo fiah.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

WHY?! Because YOU say so?


What a delusional tool . . .

Yes, no different that slo fiah mo fiah.

"slo fiah mo fiah" sounds nice, and is a surefire way to bluff that you're on to something profound when U [inevitably] draw a BLANK; but


Why again is a blockade of the Mackenzie/Wismar bridge "out of bounds" - requiring the MURDER of 3 people to clear it??

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you so right i see the sugar workers is blocking the gates at albion,i wonder when the police will go and shoot a few of them,oh sorry i forget those are collie people we cannot shoot collie people

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

I do not believe the post spoke to conjecture but top practice

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Really? One would expect that from a pessimist. But if you want to see the good things then there are a lot to see as well. 

Name three "good" things.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

I do not believe the post spoke to conjecture but top practice

The operative word.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Really? One would expect that from a pessimist. But if you want to see the good things then there are a lot to see as well. 

Clearly most Guyanese dont agree with you as in 2011 most of them voted for other parties, leading to a loss of PPP control of the parliament.


You need also to build into your thinking soaring prices for gols and heavy remittances being a greater benefit to Guyana than anything that the PPP is doing.


What new industries do we have in Guyana and where are the decent paying jobs being created?

Originally Posted by warrior:

when you say move the nation forward after 20 yrs i guess you laughing or something,the stelling that is never fix,the demerara bridge that break,having a police force that shoot people in their backs when they running away and i can go on and on the only thing that moves in guyana is the people,moving from guyana to a next shore

The bridge is at the end of its life, the persons that shot the protesters were pnc/afc operatives with the objective to cause national strife. The list of the ppp positive  accomplishments are well documented; as a short list for idiots who doubt this: new hospitals, new roads, bbice bridge, new schools, new police station, greater economic prosperity across the board, almost everyone in guyana walk around with a cell phone in their pocket and the list goes on. All this was accomplished despite mo fiah slow fiah to drive away investors, rape and murder by the opposition operative, sabotage by opposition, riots and protests by opposition, freedom fighters supported by opposition, bartica and lusignan massacre, murder and intimidation of ppp members by opposition operatives, overseas authors financing opposition operatives to cause disruption to make the country ungovernable. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I will expect a racist like you to criminalize 41% of the population based on what a dozen people did.  I will also expect a racist like you to feel that black people are unable to think for themselves and therefore to reject racists like you who think that they are only good to be used as criminals to be paid by elites like you to defend your criminal enterprises.

The dozen had the full support of the 41% as they continued to vote PNC, perpetuating the destruction of these clowns for 29 years.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The dozen had the full support of the 41% as they continued to vote PNC, perpetuating the destruction of these clowns for 29 years.

Crackhead druggie the PPP supported this action a sthey NEVER arrested a major PNC official, if indeed they were involved in the violence.  So can we ssay that Indians supported Buxton criminality because most of then STILL voted PPP, despite being a target of this violence?


Using your drug addled logic clearly we can.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Guyanese are better of now that they were under the PNC.


Remember when you left Guyana and they allowed you to leave with only 15 Guyana dollars.


And now?

Interesting time.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blocking the gates of Albion estate is different than blocking a national/regional artery and disrupting the rest of the nation.  This is outside the bounds of legit industrial action.

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

I do not believe the post spoke to conjecture but top practice

The operative word.

 No other word satisfies the condition for fixing ones mental state with respect to understanding a thing.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

I do not believe the post spoke to conjecture but top practice

The operative word.

 No other word satisfies the condition for fixingones mental state with respect to understanding a thing.

And surely yours could be aptly described in one word "madman".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you are funny. Legitimate industrial action is the imposition of will such that management accrue intolerable losses compared to what is demanded by the workers/dissenting groups. Cane cutters often block streets . burn cane scuttle punts etc and I am sure if they had a bridge of importance they would block it.

Do you have evidence of that or pure conjecture.

I do not believe the post spoke to conjecture but top practice

The operative word.

 No other word satisfies the condition for fixingones mental state with respect to understanding a thing.

And surely yours could be aptly described in one word "madman".

It is clear you operate a little above moron level in your thinking.  I hope that could be incremented one iota by making you grasp that knowledge involves changes to mental states and this has little to do with your pedestrian understanding of what it is to believe or to understand.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribji, what about the job creation programs for the Lindeners and the PPP's effort to get them back to work and restoring their dignity?

What job creating programs?  Name whicdh ones and whqat DECENT paying jobs were created.


Apparently not much given that Lindeners were unhappy with the PNC in 2006 and so many decided not to vote, or voted AFC, yet flocked back to them in 2011, enraged by the PPP.


Clearly between 2006 and 2011 the PPP did things that enraged them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribji, what about the job creation programs for the Lindeners and the PPP's effort to get them back to work and restoring their dignity?

What job creating programs?  Name whicdh ones and whqat DECENT paying jobs were created.


Apparently not much given that Lindeners were unhappy with the PNC in 2006 and so many decided not to vote, or voted AFC, yet flocked back to them in 2011, enraged by the PPP.


Clearly between 2006 and 2011 the PPP did things that enraged them.

Lindeners had the cheapest power for the longest while.  Many in other parts of Guyana would give an arm for that opportunity to grow businesses and create economic opportunities.  But what the Lindeners chose to do, run washing machines and clothes dryers, run AC units at home day and night, fire up electric stoves/ovens for BBQ and jam sessions, ample electric appliances like in North America, their house lavishly lit and running day and night, etc, etc, resulting in 4X the average national rate of use.


The Govt cannot put food in your mouth then make you chew.  Leaving the electricity cheap for decades were an opportunity in itself which the Lindeners chose to squander and then wait for further Govt hand-outs.  Why did the Lindeners not start poultry farms, pig farms, etc using the cheap power to run processing, freezers, etc and market their produce. What is wrong with you people?


This is a typical old story, I remember Burnham cussing blacks for always "wanting" and never making.  Today, you can cuss the PPP and Indians, but this is your bane, why do you need to be spoon-fed?  You have roads, cheap power and free from the criminals in the rest of the nation.  Why, after the bauxite industry shrunk, you could not use the cheap power to start home-grown alternate opportunities?  Why does someone have to bring you the water, then try to make you drink?


The Indians in the AFC, why didn't you go and set up businesses and create opportunities rather than leading protests for lost causes and cheap political opportunists.  Why does the Govt have to do everything.  What is so wrong with Lindeners than they could not convert the cheap power into economic benefits all this time.


The Indians in the AFC are the biggest bunch of crabs just seeking their own political revenge and personal gains with nothing more or better in mind.  If you are so concerned, then go teach the Lindeners how to make the best of opportunities available rather than seeking what's not there and providing them a platform for chaos and mayhem.


Yea, yea Caribj, here you come with your "racism" line and pathetic excuses.  Let's hear it.



An inquiry will prove that PNC/AFC terrorist operatives are responsible for some of the shootings in order to bring down the PPP. Shame on the AFC and PNC.


Linden will eventually fail to attract investment and businesses will simply refuse to invest in an unstable area. This is a harsh reality and Linden will eventually become one of the most depressed area in Guyana.


Linden uses THREE times more electricity than the rest of the country. Yes three times and pays less than 1/4 the rate as the rest of Guyana. No sane and for person can deny that Linden is destroying itself and is allowing it's citizens to be used as political pawns.

The question is that if Linden has no economic activity, why are they consuming three times more electricity than the rest of Guyana ?

A vast majority of Guyanese have indicated that Linden should pay the same rates as them.


Last edited by Former Member

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