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@Ramakant-P posted:

The man beat off 17 contenders to win the Presidential nomination. How can you call such a person stupid? He then won the Presidency. What does that tell you?

Would you kindly read what I posted..don't let me put you in that category now. Dem guys already have you there but I'm trying to be nice and yo rass making it difficult.

Those seventy million plus are also STUPID, got it? The Republicans who stand with him..some are STUPID while others are yellow bellies.

Last edited by cain

trump's niece who refers to him as donald,rightly so, made mention he should be charged with criminal negligence which I totally agree. That sob has caused death and suffering to many and should be made to pay the price. What will be fitting is to have him do community service, working in a hospital's laundry room for the rest of what will be his miserable life.

Last edited by cain

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