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Former Member

THE slanderous tongue comes from a disappointed and malicious person. We live by information, not by sight; we exist by trust and faith in others. As our ears are the area and gate of truth so are they the front door of lies and propaganda. The truth is generally seen and rarely heard of; it seldom comes in fundamental sincerity and purity, especially from afar. Sometimes favourable, sometimes unfavourable. Therefore, receive with caution from the one that praises and with more caution from the one that blames.

Honourable Former President Bharrat Jagdeo – history will judge you with distinction even though your critics are so brutal and relentless in their unorthodox personal attacks. They have caused you, the PPP/C and your constituency great pain but history will vindicate you as one of the greatest leaders of this nation.
Take comfort from the lessons of our predecessor and the harsh treatments which they were afflicted with by their people: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. History asserts them all to be the best of the human species who ever lived on planet earth.
Honourable Sir, your contributions to this nation are enormous. You put Guyana on the road to development and prosperity with global recognition and goodwill. You give us destiny and hope in a confident future, you have made us all proud. You are the best of the best. This is accredited with being honoured with 6 (Six) Honorary Doctorates and the β€œChampion of the Earth” award.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

THE slanderous tongue comes from a disappointed and malicious person. We live by information, not by sight; we exist by trust and faith in others. As our ears are the area and gate of truth so are they the front door of lies and propaganda. The truth is generally seen and rarely heard of; it seldom comes in fundamental sincerity and purity, especially from afar. Sometimes favourable, sometimes unfavourable. Therefore, receive with caution from the one that praises and with more caution from the one that blames.

Honourable Former President Bharrat Jagdeo – history will judge you with distinction even though your critics are so brutal and relentless in their unorthodox personal attacks. They have caused you, the PPP/C and your constituency great pain but history will vindicate you as one of the greatest leaders of this nation.
Take comfort from the lessons of our predecessor and the harsh treatments which they were afflicted with by their people: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. History asserts them all to be the best of the human species who ever lived on planet earth.
Honourable Sir, your contributions to this nation are enormous. You put Guyana on the road to development and prosperity with global recognition and goodwill. You give us destiny and hope in a confident future, you have made us all proud. You are the best of the best. This is accredited with being honoured with 6 (Six) Honorary Doctorates and the β€œChampion of the Earth” award.

i am still laughing 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Die-hard PNCites who never got a house lot from the PNC got one from the PPP/Civic.   Can the PPP be that bad?  Tell me nah?

did the ppp give anybody house lot or the people buy the lot from the corrupt ppp.when you want to give people house lot do what the British do in the sugar estates 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

these house lot is the biggest ppp scam in guyana wait when the AFC EXPOSE IT,ALI GET RICH OVER NIGHT and i mean over night.all the house lot so call give away and still the ppp is a minority,what this tell you shit head

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

these house lot is the biggest ppp scam in guyana wait when the AFC EXPOSE IT,ALI GET RICH OVER NIGHT and i mean over night.all the house lot so call give away and still the ppp is a minority,what this tell you shit head

De more they thief.....

the less vote they get

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

these house lot is the biggest ppp scam in guyana wait when the AFC EXPOSE IT,ALI GET RICH OVER NIGHT and i mean over night.all the house lot so call give away and still the ppp is a minority,what this tell you shit head

De more they thief.....

the less vote they get

these ppp fools just do not realize that they cannot fool the people anymore

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

Mr Nehru are you drunk?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

Those house lots on the East Bank made developers like Buddy's and Roger Khan and PPP ministers like Ali Baba rich. State lands handed out cheaply to developers in exchange for kickbacks. Subsequently resold to residents at huge markups.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

most of he house that is being build on the east bank is by ppp cronies that get cheap land after giving kick back.why not give the land direct to the people this how all the scheme use to be build.these house lots is ALI BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

HE is not only drunk he have shit in his head

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

Mr Nehru are you drunk?

Gal, Ah Prepping fuh you tonight. I will not get drunk since we meeting up later.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

HE is not only drunk he have shit in his head

Shitface Warrion, how things Bhai.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

Well I am convinced a DUMB ASS like you don't know the meaning of MOST!!!  Shit brains, go back to school then come talk to Uncle Nehru!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

Well I am convinced a DUMB ASS like you don't know the meaning of MOST!!!  Shit brains, go back to school then come talk to Uncle Nehru!!!!

I already know how to drink rum..i don't need your schooling...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

Well I am convinced a DUMB ASS like you don't know the meaning of MOST!!!  Shit brains, go back to school then come talk to Uncle Nehru!!!!

I already know how to drink rum..i don't need your schooling...

nehru can teach you how to act like a stupid drunk

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP made those house lots available to low income families. The PNC never did that. Most of the houses built during the PNC era were given to goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big difference Brother Man.

Most of the houses built during the PNC PPP era are in the Pradoville area, given to PPP goons, party cadres, and other stooges of the regime. Big No difference Brother Man.

So Pradoville includes all Dem New New Houses at East Bank??? FOOLS will ALWAYS be FOOLS!!!!

If you weren't  drunk like a skunk you would read and understand the meaning of the word 'most'

Well I am convinced a DUMB ASS like you don't know the meaning of MOST!!!  Shit brains, go back to school then come talk to Uncle Nehru!!!!

I already know how to drink rum..i don't need your schooling...

nehru can teach you how to act like a stupid drunk

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

THE slanderous tongue comes from a disappointed and malicious person. We live by information, not by sight; we exist by trust and faith in others. As our ears are the area and gate of truth so are they the front door of lies and propaganda. The truth is generally seen and rarely heard of; it seldom comes in fundamental sincerity and purity, especially from afar. Sometimes favourable, sometimes unfavourable. Therefore, receive with caution from the one that praises and with more caution from the one that blames.

Honourable Former President Bharrat Jagdeo – history will judge you with distinction even though your critics are so brutal and relentless in their unorthodox personal attacks. They have caused you, the PPP/C and your constituency great pain but history will vindicate you as one of the greatest leaders of this nation.
Take comfort from the lessons of our predecessor and the harsh treatments which they were afflicted with by their people: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. History asserts them all to be the best of the human species who ever lived on planet earth.
Honourable Sir, your contributions to this nation are enormous. You put Guyana on the road to development and prosperity with global recognition and goodwill. You give us destiny and hope in a confident future, you have made us all proud. You are the best of the best. This is accredited with being honoured with 6 (Six) Honorary Doctorates and the β€œChampion of the Earth” award.

If kneebending to a crook does not turn the stomach then comparing this  rotten, liar with the christian patriarchs ought to do it. Where was this lady when he lied to the nation that he had a wife for nine years? How about him misusing a  young woman by pretending to marry her? Further if he needed cover to get th e job as an "honest" married man why kick her from his bedroom a week after the fake marriage. What else is he hiding? Then there is this matter of him earning wealth more rapidly than a possible given his income stream. This man is as bitter to us as wormwood.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Oi Skeldon banna, what "gentlemen" you talkin about, it sure ain't dem guys jalil mentioned.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Oi Skeldon banna, what "gentlemen" you talkin about, it sure ain't dem guys jalil mentioned.

I cannot vouch either way for these men. I heard their names mentioned here and there. I have to give them the benefit of the doubt...good or evil they may be. Who are we to judge? The evil that men do live after them; the good is oft interred in their bones.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Answer the damn questions, do not evade and play like you do not know those names that were put to you.

Now you are sounding like the rest of the PPP/C crooks.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Answer the damn questions, do not evade and play like you do not know those names that were put to you.

Now you are sounding like the rest of the PPP/C crooks.

Can you read and comprehend? Do you personally know these people to criticise them? You read the KN garbage and conclude that these people are Madoffs. Guyana is not rule by Mr. Taliban Mullah Asj Osama Bin Laden. Until you have solid facts keep your damn mouth zipped. Don't go spreading your AFC/PNC "battam house" propaganda on GNI. Your hate has blinded you to the point where objectivity is as confusing to you as your knowledge of english comprehension.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Answer the damn questions, do not evade and play like you do not know those names that were put to you.

Now you are sounding like the rest of the PPP/C crooks.

Can you read and comprehend? Do you personally know these people to criticise them? You read the KN garbage and conclude that these people are Madoffs. Guyana is not rule by Mr. Taliban Mullah Asj Osama Bin Laden. Until you have solid facts keep your damn mouth zipped. Don't go spreading your AFC/PNC "battam house" propaganda on GNI. Your hate has blinded you to the point where objectivity is as confusing to you as your knowledge of english comprehension.

Quit deluding yourself that the evidence of the Corrupt regime is fabricated by KN or SN. Do you deny these are church mice transformed to fat cat patricians overnight and only by being in office? If these thieves were creative entrepreneurs how come not one of them and their immediate family had a pot to piss in? Get real. Without exception these are a bunch of craven crooks that need to go least their grasping leaves us destitute permanently like the Philippines  and needing another 100 years to climb out of the hole they are digging for us. Every one of their projects is weighted with pork for their friends and family.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)




Will Skeldon tell us the Truth????

Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)


He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

I did not say he should fire anyone or keep anyone. I'll speak with Donald and let him know that you'll be contacting him to voice your appreciation for the people you mentioned. Please advise him of the qualities of the gentlemen you mentioned and who should be retained.

Answer the damn questions, do not evade and play like you do not know those names that were put to you.

Now you are sounding like the rest of the PPP/C crooks.

Can you read and comprehend? Do you personally know these people to criticise them? You read the KN garbage and conclude that these people are Madoffs. Guyana is not rule by Mr. Taliban Mullah Asj Osama Bin Laden. Until you have solid facts keep your damn mouth zipped. Don't go spreading your AFC/PNC "battam house" propaganda on GNI. Your hate has blinded you to the point where objectivity is as confusing to you as your knowledge of english comprehension.

Quit deluding yourself that the evidence of the Corrupt regime is fabricated by KN or SN. Do you deny these are church mice transformed to fat cat patricians overnight and only by being in office? If these thieves were creative entrepreneurs how come not one of them and their immediate family had a pot to piss in? Get real. Without exception these are a bunch of craven crooks that need to go least their grasping leaves us destitute permanently like the Philippines  and needing another 100 years to climb out of the hole they are digging for us. Every one of their projects is weighted with pork for their friends and family.




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