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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan and the AFC Cabal is talking about snap elections, yet none of them has the "balls" to pursue such.....the PPP/C is ready for any snap elections...even if its called tomo'rrow....



The PPP allowed the AFC to sneak out a win in Region 8 in the last election:


995 votes---AFC

741 votes---PPP

739 votes---PNC


The PPP lost region 8 by 254 votes.







Has the PPP made certain that the AFC cannot pull off a win in region 8 in the next election---snap or whatever ?




Rev worry but the Art

yuh she yuh is a Numbers Expert.....


then yuh seh.....The PPP lost region 8 by 254 votes.


All Guyanese including dem kindergarden kids know both the PPP & PNC lost region 8.


The AFC got 33% more votes than either the PPP or PNC....De two losers.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev worry but the Art

yuh say yuh is a Numbers Expert.....


then yuh seh.....The PPP lost region 8 by 254 votes.



Jalil bai:


All the PPP has to do is register about 500 Brazillian or Chinese immigrants in Region 8 and make sure they vote on election day.


Had the PPP won region 8----the PNC Indians like Moses, Khemraj and Ram wouldn't be as pompous as they are today.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev worry but the Art

yuh say yuh is a Numbers Expert.....


then yuh seh.....The PPP lost region 8 by 254 votes.



Jalil bai:


All the PPP has to do is register about 500 Brazillian or Chinese immigrants in Region 8 and make sure they vote on election day.


Had the PPP won region 8----the PNC Indians like Moses, Khemraj and Ram wouldn't be as pompous as they are today.




Rev you are a Jackass Indian.

Nagamootoo’s dashed presidential hopes responsible for his bitternessPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SYLVANNUS T. JONES   
Tuesday, 02 April 2013 22:36

AGAIN, Moses Nagamootoo epitomises that brand of politician that fits appropriately into that category of hypocrisy, gross deception and double standards. One can even add the well known saying of β€œsour grapes”, and all that such connotes. A good point to begin, in order to prove these attributes, is from the time that he walked away from his former political home – the PPP/C.

It is no secret that this political weathercock/chameleon coveted his former party’s nomination for the presidency, beginning from the latter 1990s. He wanted the job more than anything else. Further, it is alleged that due to a bitter clash with another former party elder, he was not considered; but, he continued within its ranks, as faithful subscriber to all of its ideals, with no attacks.
Enter the run up to the 2011 poll - he announced his challenge for the nomination; but then withdrew, making the accusation that the nomination process had not been transparent, and undemocratic.
Such an announcement not only ended his quest, but concomitantly began his daily attacks against a movement that he had been a central part of, for many decades.
What is interesting, but plainly contradictory, is the bitter attacks launched against his former colleagues and government. It is not yet two years since he has departed from the PPP/C, and it automatically begs the question as to why only now the sudden observation of all those alleged ills he has been publicising. Surely, the type of allegations that Nagamootoo have been spouting just do not occur overnight.
But the very keen observer of the local political milieu will realise what is Nagamootoo’s bitter reason for his frenzied, public outbursts - his dashed presidential hopes. Indeed, he is bitter, with his numerous vitriolic attacks portraying such a state of emotion.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

....the joint opposition knows to their gut, a snap election would favor the PPP/C. the electorate eagerly awaits....



As you are fully aware, President Ramotar and the PPP see themselves as TIGERS and view the joint opposition as a flock of SHEEP------TIGERS(PPP) never lose sleep over the opinions of SHEEP(PNC/AFC).




Rev.& Councie


If you had any Brain.....

you would know

what every Guyanese know......


All of Guyana know 

"Ramotar, Jagdeo and Dem Funny Fellas" 

cannot get a Majority Vote or support in Guyana.......without Moses.


So Bray as much as you want.....


The Truth wont change...

Development will be stymied if Budget 2013 isn’t passed- President RamotarPDFPrintE-mail
Written by GINA   
Sunday, 07 April 2013 23:26

A REQUEST by opposition parliamentarians for an extension of time before the National Assembly begins consideration of estimates for the 2013 National Budget came as a surprise to President Donald Ramotar who spoke of the new development in a live televised interview at Little Rock Television Station in Berbice Saturday evening.

Ample time has been given for parliamentarians to peruse and critique the 2013 financial plan.
Debate on the national budget started after it was presented by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on March 25 and is scheduled to culminate on April 9, making way for the consideration of the estimates.
In this phase, approval or rejection of budgetary allocations provided for this year to key sectors, agencies, and projects hinges on a one-seat combined majority vote that the two opposition parties (A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change) have.
That advantage was used to cut $21B from last year’s budget and is likely to be repeated even though a court ruling had deemed the move unconstitutional.
President Ramotar during last evening’s television interview said it would be a β€œgreat pity” if the budget is not passed.
β€œWe have brought our country to a level of development where we can really launch it forward… and anything that is done to affect that growth in the country will throw us back, and will slow down the development of our society,” President Ramotar said.
The criticisms that the opposition parliamentarians have advanced on the budget when the debate began followed the usual rhetoric, but didn’t impress President Ramotar as being constructive.
β€œI haven’t been seeing anything during the debate to make me very optimistic that they are ready to want to see our country move forward. At this point in time, I think they are still trapped in their narrow political agenda,” President Ramotar said.
Reactions from civil society were quite the opposite of the opposition’s when stakeholders met President Ramotar for discussions on the 2013 National Budget which an overwhelming majority described as all encompassing.
PSC gives thumbs up
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) which gave thumbs up to this year’s budget joined other stakeholders in calling for good sense to prevail in the Parliament since the entire nation stands to be impacted by decisions made.
This year’s $208.8B budget covers, among other things, economic diversification and growth, expanded physical infrastructure, high- quality social services, and environmental responsibility and sustainability.
Among the highlights are  the increase in old age pensions by 25 % to $12,500, lowering of personal income tax, and personal income tax relief for persons who are required to pay interest on mortgages of up to $30M, sugar industry support of $1B, Guyana Power and Light subsidy and capitalisation -  $5.8B, a further $5.4 B for upgrade, NIS contribution rate to be increased by 1% – government to meet cost for earners below $50,000, reduction in property tax- small businesses up to $10M will pay none, and reduction in individual property taxes. (GINA)
Berbice business community sees budget measures as excellent initiatives
- relying on gov’t for continued enabling environment
The level of transformation that has been taking place in Berbice as a result of the enabling business environment facilitated by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration was acknowledged by the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association as it honoured those who have made sterling contributions to the county over the years.
Low interest rates on small business loans have been encouraging for budding Berbice entrepreneurs; technical and vocational training has been building the human resource capacity for certain skills in demand while the provisions in this year’s national budget for pensioners, first-time home owners and tax payers were regarded as excellent initiatives.
Region 6 Chairman David Armogan who attended the award ceremony said politics and business are interdependent since government’s investment in infrastructure facilitates the smooth flow of business in the country.
Among them is cheap and reliable electricity which President Donald Ramotar told the chamber will be facilitated through the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, and the public private partnership that enabled construction of the Berbice River Bridge.
As the closest point to neighbouring Suriname and major oil explorations offshore, Berbicians are looking forward to the announcement of a discovery, and the improvement of trade relations with plans to bridge the Corentyne River.
President Ramotar who was a special invitee at the annual dinner and award ceremony last evening in Albion, told executives of the chamber and its affiliate, the Association of Regional Chambers of Commerce, that the bridging of the Corentyne River is awaiting the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB’s) feasibility study.
In August last year Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her Surinamese counterpart Mr. Winston Lackin had announced the move to write the IDB for financing of the feasibility study for the bridge and advertising for contractors.
The two foreign ministers had met following a prior engagement that year between President Ramotar and Surinamese President Desi Bouterse in Suriname to discuss the importance of constructing the bridge across the Corentyne River, to, among other things, enhance economic relations between the two countries.
The Berbice Chamber’s eagerness about the new initiative is based on the same potential benefits, but also more importantly its concern about border smuggling which it said has been undermining trade arrangements.
The phenomenon has again vindicated President Ramotar’s case against corrupt practices which he said should be β€œnipped in the bud” with the help of the business community in particular.
Also with the demands for quality and other benchmarks in trade relations, the call was made for the adoption of a traceability system and the installation of the requisite technology to support such a system in Guyana.
The call made by the Private Sector Commission’s Chairman Ron Webster comes after last month’s signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Guyana and Haiti on the utilisation of the Haitian National Traceability System in Guyana.
The system articulated by Haitian President Michel Martelly will allow Guyana’s agricultural sector to trace produce to its origin, guarantee the quality and standard of agricultural produce for export by generating bar codes, defined benchmarks for processing and packaging of agricultural products, as well as assist in the reliable national mapping on the production potential and the results of the harvest.
Sugar has been one of Guyana’s major export commodities, but with its performance over the past few years not being what was expected, even with investment in the Skeldon Sugar Factory, this has persuaded the move to mechanisation, President Ramotar told members of the Berbice Chamber.


A REQUEST by opposition parliamentarians for an extension of time before the National Assembly begins consideration of estimates for the 2013 National Budget came as a surprise to President Donald Ramotar who spoke of the new development in a live televised interview at Little Rock Television Station in Berbice Saturday evening.

Ample time has been given for parliamentarians to peruse and critique the 2013 financial plan.
Debate on the national budget started after it was presented by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on March 25 and is scheduled to culminate on April 9, making way for the consideration of the estimates.


Development will be stymied if Budget 2013 isn’t passed- President Ramotar, Written by GINA, Sunday, 07 April 2013 23:26

Extension of time for what specific reason(s)?


Perhaps, only to wait until the opposition has its full complement of MPs in parliament.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ramkarran dares PPP to have congress debate working with opposition



Ralph Ramkarran clearly needs to have a lobotomy!


How dare he suggest that the PPP work along with the terrorists in the opposition ?


It is crystal clear that Ramkarran remains a bitter man---both he and Moses wanted Ramotar's position----and after being rejected by the party----they are now harboring deep grudges.




The Rev wouldn't label him a PNC Indian yet---but if he hooks up with Moses and Khemraj and work along with those 2 dirtbags to help elect the PNC----that's when he'll deserve the PNC Indian label.








Ralph is indeed a PNC Indian. In addition this dirtbag was flatly rejected by the PNC and AFC combined as the speaker of the house. This speaks volume of a rotten and bitter Ralph.


Like Moses and Ramjattan, these losers will sell their soul to the devil because they are envious that Rammo is president and that they will never become president so they are on a destructive path to destroy Dr. Jagan's party.


Moses, Ramjattan and now Ralph are bitter losers, rejects and PNC Indians. Ralph needs to ride off into the sunset and enjoy his retirement. He lacks support at the grassroots level.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ramkarran dares PPP to have congress debate working with opposition



Ralph Ramkarran clearly needs to have a lobotomy!


How dare he suggest that the PPP work along with the terrorists in the opposition ?


It is crystal clear that Ramkarran remains a bitter man---both he and Moses wanted Ramotar's position----and after being rejected by the party----they are now harboring deep grudges.




The Rev wouldn't label him a PNC Indian yet---but if he hooks up with Moses and Khemraj and work along with those 2 dirtbags to help elect the PNC----that's when he'll deserve the PNC Indian label.








Ralph is indeed a PNC Indian. In addition this dirtbag was flatly rejected by the PNC and AFC combined as the speaker of the house. This speaks volume of a rotten and bitter Ralph.


Like Moses and Ramjattan, these losers will sell their soul to the devil because they are envious that Rammo is president and that they will never become president so they are on a destructive path to destroy Dr. Jagan's party.


Moses, Ramjattan and now Ralph are bitter losers, rejects and PNC Indians. Ralph needs to ride off into the sunset and enjoy his retirement. He lacks support at the grassroots level.

codependent yugee . . . the dim witted Sancho Panza to rev's hustlin' donkey otey


rev pimping out yugee . . . har de har har har!

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Rev, Ralph is indeed a PNC Indian. In addition this dirtbag was flatly rejected by the PNC and AFC combined as the speaker of the house. This speaks volume of a rotten and bitter Ralph.



You ever notice how the phrase 'PNC' Indians aggravates and vexes the hell out of 'PNC' lovers. Read 'PNC' lover Tarron's post above






Deserters, judases and slime bags like Ralph Ramkarran must never be trusted by the PPP. It is crystal clear that Ramkarran envies the remarkable progress Guyana is making under the astute leadership of a man he secretly despises, Donald Ramotar.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Rev, Ralph is indeed a PNC Indian. In addition this dirtbag was flatly rejected by the PNC and AFC combined as the speaker of the house. This speaks volume of a rotten and bitter Ralph.



You ever notice how the phrase 'PNC' Indians aggravates and vexes the hell out of 'PNC' lovers. Read 'PNC' lover Tarron's post above






Deserters, judases and slime bags like Ralph Ramkarran must never be trusted by the PPP. It is crystal clear that Ramkarran envies the remarkable progress Guyana is making under the astute leadership of a man he secretly despises, Donald Ramotar.




PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it that young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by cain:


Rev Al why do you get me so angry and bitter ?



Look in the mirror--you are the one who get yourself angry and bitter ?




Maybe you like being angry and bitter.



Where in my post did I ever say that I was angry and bitter?

The only reason I commented on your asinine post is because you have become a stuck record (as councie) who I'm beginning to believe is also you.


So, you do dream of TK don't you?  Wish you were just like him?

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it the young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.

You are a flippin liar!!!


The only destruction going on is with the corrupt PPP party now in power, they are self destructing, the people have awakened and won't take the shit as they did in the past. Dem a watch the corrupt Govt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it the young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.

shake your money maker bai


rev, when u decide to join him, make sure he wearing panties . . . he does forget sometimes

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it the young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.







This angry and bitter PNC Indian hates the PPP with a passion----infact his hatred for the PPP is so well known that his name has been put on a special "MALCONTENT & AGITATOR" LIST----everytime this radical visits Guyana---he is keenly watched and followed.




Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it the young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.

You are a flippin liar!!!


The only destruction going on is with the corrupt PPP party now in power, they are self destructing, the people have awakened and won't take the shit as they did in the past. Dem a watch the corrupt Govt.

Boy Cain,


Rev is right. You are bitter, seems like you have joined the broken wheel AFC party. Listen, their last Massive meeting in Berbice was attended by 50 supporters. Expectation and reality are two different things. Ha Ha.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC Indians are envious a progressive and prosperous government. Slowly but surely they will all fade away and meet under a broken down tent just like ROAR. 

Just a reminder, ROAR was TK's favourite party until their wheels fell off.


The man is a kiss of death. The AFC is now in disarray. Party infighting is destroying the party. Word has it the young Gerhard is already fed up with the AFC. It is only matter of time before the party of KFC/PNC Indians self destruct.







This angry and bitter PNC Indian hates the PPP with a passion----infact his hatred for the PPP is so well known that his name has been put on a special "MALCONTENT & AGITATOR" LIST----everytime this radical visits Guyana---he is keenly watched and followed.





TK is a poster boy for failure and bitterness. Mr. Kiss of death, first ROAR now the AFC. Ha Ha.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is a poster boy for failure and bitterness. Mr. Kiss of death, first ROAR now the AFC. Ha Ha.



TK is a perfect example of a PNC Indian who will forever hate the PPP. But he is not alone---every PNC Indian is consumed by hatred---their souls are tortured.


Moses, Ramjattan, Ram, Khemraj, Ramsaroop, Ramkarran etc, etc----they are all longing for Guyana to be ruled by a PNC again----these dirtbags are PNC lovers.




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