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WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson let slip last week a few tantalizing details about one of the nation’s most secret military contingency plans: how the United States would try to race inside North Korea to seize its nuclear weapons if it ever saw evidence that Kim Jong-un’s government was collapsing.

For years, American diplomats have been trying to engage their Chinese counterparts in a discussion of this scenario, hoping to avoid a conflict between arriving American Special Forces — who have been practicing this operation for years — and the Chinese military, which would almost certainly pour over the border in a parallel effort.

And for years the Chinese have resisted the conversation, according to several former American officials who tried to engage them in joint planning. The Chinese feared that if news of a conversation leaked, Beijing would be seen as conspiring with the United States over plans for an eventual North Korean collapse, eroding any leverage that Beijing still held over Mr. Kim.


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I read another article that the United States possesses Microwave Weapons that can destroy NK nuclear warheads when deployed. Then again they say it's in a development stage. The U.S. military budget is the largest in the world. Why haven't these weapons reach its usable stage to deal with the rocket man? Iran is in fast space firing off its own missiles. I am more afraid of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon than North Korea. Middle East is where WW111 will begin. 


North Korea is now a  cult country. An invasion of North Korea will result in two scenarios. 1. North Korean suicide attacks on a major scale. 2. A Jim Jones style suicide scenario on a major scale when North Korea faces military defeat.  

Prashad posted:

North Korea is now a  cult country. An invasion of North Korea will result in two scenarios. 1. North Korean suicide attacks on a major scale. 2. A Jim Jones style suicide scenario on a major scale when North Korea faces military defeat.  

It wouldn't be time to hold hands and die. The major concern is to avoid mass casualty which is very difficult. 


The number one aim of the Chinese communists is land expansion.  Any war between North Koreaa and America will result in Chinese soldiers entering North Korea and taking a chunk of the country which they will never return.


Speaking of China's land and expansion, Russia and China are most likely to get into conflicts over Siberia. The U.S. promise to visit Taiwan with warships that put China on full alert. The Chinese must be stopped from making artificial islands in the south china sea. You give them an inch and they will demand a foot. 

Nehru posted:

The Chinese will do what is BEST for them and no one will be able to stop them!! The Orange Orangutan is nothing but a Car Salesman who can only fool dumb Rednecks!!!!!

Trump does only play stupid, but he is not stupid. People just can't read him and that's what keeps China, Russia, etc., biting their nails.  

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

The Chinese will do what is BEST for them and no one will be able to stop them!! The Orange Orangutan is nothing but a Car Salesman who can only fool dumb Rednecks!!!!!

Trump does only play stupid, but he is not stupid. People just can't read him and that's what keeps China, Russia, etc., biting their nails.  

What you see is what you get with The Donald. He is for real. As Michael Bloomberg said, "I am a New Yorker and I know a con-man when I see one". He is for real...stupid. You give this thief too much credit.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

The Chinese will do what is BEST for them and no one will be able to stop them!! The Orange Orangutan is nothing but a Car Salesman who can only fool dumb Rednecks!!!!!

Trump does only play stupid, but he is not stupid. People just can't read him and that's what keeps China, Russia, etc., biting their nails.  

Play ... or ... is really really prappa stoooopid.


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