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Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

And you are so friggin' smart not to know what I wrote was an insult to you. Take off your dunce cap now and celebrate your intelligence.

Prince posted:
Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

All those false information that Danyael in using against me comes from Sheik and chief. Sheik shared it with Chief and then it becomes open info to the public. That's how dangerous GNI is. Take for example how Chief is cheering on Danyael. 

Who is Sheik?


From GNI? 

I do not see him on GNI these days. Isn't he your dost who used  you used to drink piss with?

I do not this brother, never spoken to him.

Neither do I know D2.

But one thing D2 is the boss,  the man come off with this thread.


This should be the thread of the year.

Last edited by Chief
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

And you are so friggin' smart not to know what I wrote was an insult to you. Take off your dunce cap now and celebrate your intelligence.



Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???

Billy Ram Balgobin
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

And you are so friggin' smart not to know what I wrote was an insult to you. Take off your dunce cap now and celebrate your intelligence.



And who are you again? You cannot recognize an insult when it's directed towards you. You need a break from here. I might have a job for you at a pig farm in Iowa.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And who are you again? You cannot recognize an insult when it's directed towards you. You need a break from here. I might have a job for you at a pig farm in Iowa.

Having a discussion with you is a waste of time.

That's all you have to say? The farm job will be an easy one for you. No thinking on your part. You just have to hold a water hose and bathe the piglets and their mothers.

Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Agree!  Why Poor People Govna and Mit were hired by this new gov't. and not him??  Do you think his past stands on political issues came back to haunt him?  He wrote fairly and squarely many moons ago until he mired himself in with folks hollering for change.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Correctian, Correctian:

D2 THINK he is one of the smartest here on GNI.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???

Both dislike Hindus. And they proud of it. It unifies them. The Muslim and the Atheist, not much difference in their way of thinking.

Abu Jihad posted:
Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Correctian, Correctian:

D2 THINK he is one of the smartest here on GNI.

He (Storm, D2/Miss Danyealla) is just like a Storm Sewer, Full of filth. A jackass is a lot smarter than that park bench resident.

It is time that those whom he has threatened and is attempting to intimidate unite and call a spade a spade.

GNI is place for free speech and the founders of this website has Given Guyanese an opportunity to express their political opinion be it right or wrong.

Every Indo Guyanese have every right to defend other Indos against PNC racism. This fool D2 or Miss Danyella thinks that Indos will sit back and allow themselves to be trampled upon while he attempts to intimidate them by wrongfully calling them racists.

Dis time na laang time.

No member has the right to intimidate others and publish the real names of posters in an attempt to humiliate and embarrass them. I hope that Amral is taking notes at to the actions of D2/Storm or Miss Danyella or whatever he chose to call himself.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

I think the blows d2 getting daily on this site for drinking PNC kool aid has finally sent him into mental anguish.  He is yet to reveal his identity as he cowers behind his fake buckman persona. 

It is getting to his head, He switched from the Storm Sewer handle to Miss D2/Danyella.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Correctian, Correctian:

D2 THINK he is one of the smartest here on GNI.

He (Storm, D2/Miss Danyealla) is just like a Storm Sewer, Full of filth. A jackass is a lot smarter than that park bench resident.

It is time that those whom he has threatened and is attempting to intimidate unite and call a spade a spade.

GNI is place for free speech and the founders of this website has Given Guyanese an opportunity to express their political opinion be it right or wrong.

Every Indo Guyanese have every right to defend other Indos against PNC racism. This fool D2 or Miss Danyella thinks that Indos will sit back and allow themselves to be trampled upon while he attempts to intimidate them by wrongfully calling them racists.

Dis time na laang time.

No member has the right to intimidate others and publish the real names of posters in an attempt to humiliate and embarrass them. I hope that Amral is taking notes at to the actions of D2/Storm or Miss Danyella or whatever he chose to call himself.

What the guy has done is add humour to a site that is beginning to get tiresome and boring, what some of you post here daily is much worse, so heh.  Barbed Wire Gives Middle Finger

Last edited by cain
Prashad posted:

Guyana is the only country in the world where the black man is claiming that the buck man has cheated him out of his land. Yet this Danyael fella choses to fight East Indians.

Why do think I should fight alone while you sit on your behind just spouting the usual bigoted nonsense routinely? And how come you think I do not confront racism where I see it? Show me that you addressed this matter in any way that you sanctimoniously see it as my fight!

And note your peculiar racist framed as black vs buck in your usual ignorant racist tone. Further,  it was addressed where it matter most and not here where you mentally stunted, bigoted  folks hold court.  It was also not about black people vs Amerinds but the toxic view on one man, Eric Phillips, who no different from you expressing an odious and biased position. Here is what I wrote to him at that time:-


The lie you sell that you know definitively that the wai wais and wapishanas were late comers... to where did they come my I ask? There was no Guyana! There were only only places where brown people traverse and where they could be found!

That their population were not in the hundreds of millions necessary to fill every river bank or mountain valley does not mean their claim to the land was void! Remember, you give a skull group identity and first comer status! The further lie you tell is that you know definitively this ancient skull is African ( even paleo anthropologists debate what it is) and on that account all Africans of later origins are to be grand fathered in as " first comers".

Additionally, there is the stupid stretch of the imagination that Wais Wais and wapishanas ( if they are late comers) do not get a similar discretion to be grand fathered in on account that they are amerindians ( a fact not in doubt). Note, they are not like Brazilian wapishanas or wai wais since they were in the region long enough to create their own unique language... Yet you yammer that they are late comers and the other quacks are accepting your fiction as fact and repeating it ad infinitum.

Then there is your convenient ignoring of the fact that some 10,000 Africans were brought in ( they constitute a large percentage of the then population) prior to indenture and during indentureship and none of these were slaves or unpaid ditch diggers paid laborers but you still grant them natural patrimony.

You are being an intellectual fraud and and is playing three card Monty with the lives and indubitable natural patrimony of native peoples. You must strenghten the arguments about who qualify as first comers and why. You also must tell us the source of the conclusion as to the dates of Wai Wais and Wapishanas into headwaters region of the Essequibo. Explain for us why you link them to elsewhere when they posses a unique language.
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is a man who has found himself all isolated after jumping ship. He claims lineage to the Amerindian people of Guyana but has never shown a semblance of their culture in his words or deeds. He tries hard to impress us with his intellect but falls short of backing it up with deeds or facts.  Daily postings on GNI has earned him a reputation of being a peevish old man with plenty of mouth but no action.  His influence on this forum has waned to nothing since he began lobbying for the APNU/AFC gov't. The dire situation in Guyana and the growing attacks on our Amerindian brothers and sisters by the PNC concerning the controls of lands is of no concern to him. He is bending to the rules of Guyanese political opportunism instead of fostering a new political culture by standing up for one's people when they're attacked by government or the political party to which you belong.  We feel that he is a product of corrupt national culture or has succumbed to the pressures of such influence on the internet. Whatever the case maybe our sincere hope is for him to get back on track and join in us in this fight for a just society where all can live and have a better life.  May Makanaima or Hyrima shower his blessing in this misguided and lost son of GNI.

Billy goat; you pay lip service to Amerindian culture so you do not count. I doubt you ever wrote a kind word of them or even consider them to be full humans. One sees that in  your habitual disparaging salutations  when you feel inclined to denigrate them through me as "buck", "piwari drinker" and "cassava eater". That is the subtotal of your view of us.

You have been here as long as I have. If I am old what are you? Again, wisdom does not seem to be cumulative with your age. I am a nice, tempered, personality cured by age ( 58 in a few weeks) that love to watch how you confused bastards try to snake you way across the reality that you are competing with people who laugh at all claims of superior intellect based on genes. It has been long repudiated so come out of your bigoted shell and accept that reality. You are not going to win with me by pretending you are smart because you are Indian.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

All those false information that Danyael in using against me comes from Sheik and chief. Sheik shared it with Chief and then it becomes open info to the public. That's how dangerous GNI is. Take for example how Chief is cheering on Danyael. 

Dude, I invited you here when you were on the Community forum cussing Jean King win your usual nasty racist way. I know you well. Do not blame others for what I do. I do not keep company with any one here. I know a few people and when we talk it is never about any of you folks here. You do not matter in real life.

That is why I am burying you here in this grave yard for racists.

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???

Why would I eat an animal as smart as a pig? And even after being here decades you still miss the obvious....I am vegetarian....My animal protein is limited to cheeses and milk products. I do not eat eggs either. It is not a religious thing just conditioning from growing up with a hindu father and keeping his memory alive.

seignet posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???

Both dislike Hindus. And they proud of it. It unifies them. The Muslim and the Atheist, not much difference in their way of thinking.

For one who repudiate the faiths you should not be speaking on them. I am and atheist. Id does not mean one dislike religion. I just see no place for it in my life. That these faiths are the major source of morality means the serve a function. Muslims are christians of another color. Hindus and atheists have lots in common not counting there are two openly atheistic strains of hindus existing with a few hundred millions of followers globally. BTW Atheism is the largest of the faiths if you count having a position on god a faith!

yuji22 posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Correctian, Correctian:

D2 THINK he is one of the smartest here on GNI.

He (Storm, D2/Miss Danyealla) is just like a Storm Sewer, Full of filth. A jackass is a lot smarter than that park bench resident.

It is time that those whom he has threatened and is attempting to intimidate unite and call a spade a spade.

GNI is place for free speech and the founders of this website has Given Guyanese an opportunity to express their political opinion be it right or wrong.

Every Indo Guyanese have every right to defend other Indos against PNC racism. This fool D2 or Miss Danyella thinks that Indos will sit back and allow themselves to be trampled upon while he attempts to intimidate them by wrongfully calling them racists.

Dis time na laang time.

No member has the right to intimidate others and publish the real names of posters in an attempt to humiliate and embarrass them. I hope that Amral is taking notes at to the actions of D2/Storm or Miss Danyella or whatever he chose to call himself.

And the nit of all nits speaks. Dude, shut the ***k up about the founders of this site. Were it not for those like me it would not exist. I was here before amral and at one time only me and the bushmaster posted on this site. While safraz created it, the bushmaster could be counted as the one who resurrect it and keep from dying because at one time he alone was here for months in 97 and 98 as its only poster. I joined him and when Amral came on we all came back from another site called we used for that period. You do not know a damn about what are the origins of this site.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How about you butcher a pig and use the fat. Maybe the blood will spill all over you.

You are  a Dunce!

I f by now you are not aware  that Muslims are clean and do not deal with Swines, then you are doubly dunce!

Are you saying D2 is filthy because he eats pork???  If yes, then why do you revere this filthy man???



Agree!  Why Poor People Govna and Mit were hired by this new gov't. and not him??  Do you think his past stands on political issues came back to haunt him?  He wrote fairly and squarely many moons ago until he mired himself in with folks hollering for change.

Why would I want to join the government?  And you are right, I doubt they would have me since I am not into "yes man" services nor am I ideologically a fit for them. And yes I hollered for change. One pack of thieves cannot be allowed to raid the nations till to their complete discretion. This pack is there as a counter measure and they will have to invent new cover up skills than the PPP to cover their tracks. At least we will not be getting another pradovilles with dachas for party hacks. It is also with great pleasure I like to see what those hapless idiots like Plumpy and Iffart will do to maintain their caviar life style now they cannot work a grift on the state.

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Now you  have a crystal ball to see what I breathe. Good going there MS. Cleo. Take it easy on the piwari.

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Now you  have a crystal ball to see what I breathe. Good going there MS. Cleo. Take it easy on the piwari. crystal ball is research.  That I live in a park that is what going to Ms Cleo gets you.

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Now you  have a crystal ball to see what I breathe. Good going there MS. Cleo. Take it easy on the piwari. crystal ball is research.  That I live in a park that is what going to Ms Cleo gets you.

I believe you spent your last 24 hours coming up with your responses.  If you should have the opportunity to be a parliamentarian you would goof up big time since there won't be enough time for you to come up with a good counter-attack.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Now you  have a crystal ball to see what I breathe. Good going there MS. Cleo. Take it easy on the piwari. crystal ball is research.  That I live in a park that is what going to Ms Cleo gets you.

I believe you spent your last 24 hours coming up with your responses.  If you should have the opportunity to be a parliamentarian you would goof up big time since there won't be enough time for you to come up with a good counter-attack.

You are a simpleton as usual if that is your belief. I have a job and most of yesterday I was preparing for a long stint from home. There is nothing you fellows can come up with that can stymie a 10 year old. You are completely uncreative and rely on the nonsense of prejudice as your universal, response. I have an hour music class but will be here all day otherwise to give you cretins hell.

Last edited by Former Member

In memorium of Persaud the pissant and in honor of his long suffering wife.

Give honor where honor is due, the Pissant's wife has to be a women of imponderable strength to be of minority ethnicity and to live with this miserable bigot.
I would surmise she is just waiting to throw a party.
I remember another fellow here of a darker hue complaining about his half ne-gro kids annoying him because of their half neg-roness and I wonder, Persaud the Pissant could have been far worse than that.

It is also a delight that the passing of this moron will no longer be the annoyance for partition.

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Danny Boy - do you think D2 and Stormwear are racists?  Seems like the three of you know each other well.

Ask yourself the same question miss DP? Also, there is no mystery the aliases are rentals. Ask anyone. Were you philosophically vetted for integrity and not known for wearing out kneepads bending over for the PPP you could be a guest user of any of those aliases.

Don't look behind you. Maybe we will see your obituary here soon.

I never look behind. I only look ahead. And when death comes it will be as expected...blissful nothingness.

You must be one sad, disappointed and confused loser to wish death upon people who do not share your opinions. Looks like your folks did not squeeze all the juice from the bitter cassava before making the cassava bread. You know bitter cassava can be toxic.

As I noted often, aircraft exhaust fumes must be seeping into that brain of yours and making a mush of it. Even in your protestations against be tagging and labeling the lot of you as racist you cascade into the usual racist phraseology that typifies you stupid people.

Now you  have a crystal ball to see what I breathe. Good going there MS. Cleo. Take it easy on the piwari. crystal ball is research.  That I live in a park that is what going to Ms Cleo gets you.

I believe you spent your last 24 hours coming up with your responses.  If you should have the opportunity to be a parliamentarian you would goof up big time since there won't be enough time for you to come up with a good counter-attack.

You are a simpleton as usual if that is your belief. I have a job and most of yesterday I was preparing for a long stint from home. There is nothing you fellows can come up with that can stymie a 10 year old. You are completely uncreative and rely on the nonsense of prejudice as your universal, response. I have an hour music class but will be here all day otherwise to give you cretins hell.

You have inflated ego that is clear for everyone to see.  My view on issues are objective and free of prejudices.  You keep talking about yourself in glowing terms.  Your recent political stance has been so controversial that invites criticism from even the moderates.  You have been struggling to justify why are so bitterly opposed to the PPP and so supportive of the present coalition gov't.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

You are a simpleton as usual if that is your belief. I have a job and most of yesterday I was preparing for a long stint from home. There is nothing you fellows can come up with that can stymie a 10 year old. You are completely uncreative and rely on the nonsense of prejudice as your universal, response. I have an hour music class but will be here all day otherwise to give you cretins hell.

You have inflated ego that is clear for everyone to see.  My view on issues are objective and free of prejudices.  You keep talking about yourself in glowing terms.  Your recent political stance has been so controversial that invites criticism from even the moderates.  You have been struggling to justify why are so bitterly opposed to the PPP and so supportive of the present coalition gov't.  

I thought this attention seeker had taken time off because he could not handle the PNC criticism. He probably got fired form his dollar store job and the weather is starting to get cold so he cannot panhandle too much.
He just comes her to show off. He also probably got thrown out of the other forums.


Billy goat My ego is the inverse of the cassava eating, piwari drinking one you evoke more often than not. It would satisfy you if I cower in a corner and say yes sir no sir to your racist bilge. And yes, that is racism manifest when you cull the stereotypes to buttress your nonsense.


Similarly, no justification is necessary to augment any statement of about the PPP crookedness. That is self evident. I also do not and have not given glowing accolades  of the other side. I note here more often than not they will do what they can do given they are autocrats like the PPP.


Rotating government is a necessity to mediate thief especially in a third world nation where the party in power for long stints soon begin to act as if the state  is their grand fathers property. Actually, Ramson is noteworthy in the conclusion that the PPP is a family business! One can only begin to feel entitled as this fool if they think they are never going to be removed as this lot was.

skeldon_man posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

You are a simpleton as usual if that is your belief. I have a job and most of yesterday I was preparing for a long stint from home. There is nothing you fellows can come up with that can stymie a 10 year old. You are completely uncreative and rely on the nonsense of prejudice as your universal, response. I have an hour music class but will be here all day otherwise to give you cretins hell.

You have inflated ego that is clear for everyone to see.  My view on issues are objective and free of prejudices.  You keep talking about yourself in glowing terms.  Your recent political stance has been so controversial that invites criticism from even the moderates.  You have been struggling to justify why are so bitterly opposed to the PPP and so supportive of the present coalition gov't.  

I thought this attention seeker had taken time off because he could not handle the PNC criticism. He probably got fired form his dollar store job and the weather is starting to get cold so he cannot panhandle too much.
He just comes her to show off. He also probably got thrown out of the other forums.

Hay ugly fellow....I will post your ugly mug here just as I did to others here who persist in the personal without knowing who the hell I am. Do you see me suggesting you have your wife on the corner or other such nonsense as may avail the idle mind? I can however post your ugly old ass here for the world to see  and that is a promise. Ask the fellows here how many times I made a similar promise and kept it. Meanwhile I will go and write your orbit

Last edited by Former Member

In Memoroum for Skeldon Ape

This old geezer wish he was a trump like ass squeezer if only his fingers worked!
How he die you ask?

At a recent funeral for another old racist coot, he was asked his age.
On hearing it, the undertaker said so was the fellow in the ground so you better stay here.

Being the fool he did and so kicked the bucket!
His wife nevertheless, cremated him and sprayed his ashes at Costco.

She she said it was to make sure she visit him one a week.
And this fellow was no bright bulb.

Racism always gets in the way of this thinking. His grand-kid once asked her father for a grandpa test cheat sheet.
Grand dad she said always looked for a way to cheat everyone and she needed to help him pass the grand dad test as he was not doing so well as a grand dad. Rumor has it grand ma give her the cheat sheet....ssshhhhu she said...."he is not your grand dad"!
Well, the universe does not do well by racist nor they by it!


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