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Former Member

Let's take a close look at a unity government. PNC wins, they celebrated and dance in the street. Had the PNC lost, the city would be on fire.


The PPP wins, people will celebrate.

PPP lose, NO riots. Burning and killing.


1) After PNC victory: Old habits of Hooliganism.

2) Before the PNC victory. 8 cars and house burnt. later, the looting started.


Listen what the people are saying (The voters)

This is what our Indians vote for. soon it will be your wife, mother and daughters they will be dragging like this.;type=1&theater




Replies sorted oldest to newest

They say is how well you train your dogs when to sit and when to attack. The president elect is no even sworn in as yet and all of his is happening. Who wants to tell me that coolies are in good hands?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

They say is how well you train your dogs when to sit and when to attack. The president elect is no even sworn in as yet and all of his is happening. Who wants to tell me that coolies are in good hands?

How did Jagdeo train you and kwame? 


There are Afro-Guyanese people in Guyana right now who believe that they just escaped a slow holocaust. Both Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar are not men who hate Afro-Guyanese to the point of a holocaust.


It is these lower functionaries like Rev Al and Counscience that are extremely  racist that f things up.  


The country needs to heal before we can discuss unity governments.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

They say is how well you train your dogs when to sit and when to attack. The president elect is no even sworn in as yet and all of his is happening. Who wants to tell me that coolies are in good hands?

How did Jagdeo train you and kwame? 

head on pillow...nowww....bite.


Cobra Bhai. Go to bed and sleep well.


Our country has ushered in a new era. The people have spoken.


Let us all give APNU a chance. PPP had 23 Donkey years and the people decide they needed change. That's the way any Democracy works.


I woke up today feeling good knowing that my country has decided to select a government of their choice and we now have a second option.


Brother, please take the defeat in strides. In politics you win some and you lose some.


Please brother, embrace change. Be critical after APNU governs for 100 days, you will then have a better idea as to the direction where the country is headed. 


Send congratulations to President Granger and PM Moses, you can do it.


As for the PPP, it will have to rebuild. 


Look at America, they rotate Governments and Presidents ever so often and it makes their democracy stronger.




Somebody want to shut me up for reporting what I see? Since when I am being censored? I am not bashing anyone. I am just reporting the facts and concern of other voters. Please, yall get off my case.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I want to be a part of this unity government, but see no encouragement. This is a reminder of the same old PNC. I am afraid what I may see in one week from today.

Snakes are known for shedding their skins. I think you are a good person and very passionate about Guyana. APNU+AFC can use that fire in your belly and channel your energy to make our Guyana a better place for all the races.



Try finding a way to let it go Cobra, or there might be personal issues. 


There is deep anger on both sides in GY.

Indians for 28 years and Blacks for 23 years.

Like you, we cant control how people feel and what they say, but proper leadership will rule Guyana for all equally.

Please dwell that this time, there might be healing for both sides.

Guyana is unique, it was proven, it cannot be rules by one race.


Take some time off and talk to friends, but not to those who have anger.

Watch the movie Ghandi again, he had some good ways to handle deep anger.


You are passionate about the PPP and rightfully so.  We all did at one time too, but some of us  learn to see things objectively.

No matter how corrupt they were, if the PPP had been more inclusive of all races, they would still have my support  and  maybe they will again.        

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Somebody want to shut me up for reporting what I see? Since when I am being censored? I am not bashing anyone. I am just reporting the facts and concern of other voters. Please, yall get off my case.

By all means continue,  Riffraff says that he has never seen my laugh so much,


I believe me and some people on this board will really go up the road if I can't address my opposition views and concerns. I refuse to be on the same page with most of you. I refused to respect Granger and that my right. He is not a God to worship him.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I believe me and some people on this board will really go up the road if I can't address my opposition views and concerns. I refuse to be on the same page with most of you. I refused to respect Granger and that my right. He is not a God to worship him.

It is your choice to disrespect Granger, but some of us who were where you are now, experienced [painful] personal consequences.

As you say, the choice is yours.

Sometimes its good to learn from  others, with similar experiences.   

Last edited by Tola

          The Serpent
27 minutes ago

I believe me and some people on this board will really go up the road if I can't address my opposition views and concerns. I refuse to be on the same page with most of you. I refused to respect Granger and that my right. He is not a God to worship him.




Cobra did this happen under the PPP Govt?


Is Marcus Green lying?


CaribJ will get to you and address these charges.


But let us get some facts first


(1) Did an Indian Police push a baton

up the ******* of a Black youth

as claimed by Marcus Green?


(2) How far up did the Policeman Push the Baton

and did it cause Injuries?


(3) Is this something acceptable for a police

to do in any part of the world?


(4) Was the Policeman Charged?


(5) Why wasn't he charged?


(6) Was the Police who did this ever disciplined?


(7) Is that Fair?



(8) Was this Issue Raised in Parliament?


(9) Did APNU AFC raise this matter in Parliament?


(10) Who was the Minister of Home  Affairs

at the Time?


(11) Was this when the APNU AFC

moved a motion of No Confidence against Minister Rohee?


(12) Did Minister Robert Persaud say this is

just lill ruffing up for the lil (Black) boy?


(13) Did Minister of Health Beri Beri

tell Parliament this is "NO BIG THING"


(14) Did Minister Rohee laugh off

these serious wrong doings as small potatoes?


(15) Did the AFC APNU expose this unimaginable

crime by the police under Rohee's watch?


(16) Was this under a PPP Govt?


(17) Did the PPP condemn

the Police Action or the Minister's Coverup?


(18) Did the Guyana Parliament approve

the No Confidence Motion against Rohee?


(19) Did the President act by removing Rohee

after Parliament called for his Removal?


(20) Did the PPP support or Ignore

the Decision of Parliament to fire Rohee?

 (21) Ok... Did the lill black youth

suffered under the PPP?


(22) Did the PPP promote the

Indian police that did this Nasty Crime?


(23) What message did the President, His Govt & The PPP

send to the Blacks about these types of Crime?


(24) What message did the President, His Govt & The PPP

send to the Blacks about Law & Order in Guyana?



Cobra please answer

these few Simple Questions 

so the Honorable CaribJ

can properly address your issues.





Last edited by Former Member

There is no place in Guyana for the likes of this Green fool.  It is fools like these that get innocent people hurt.  All this fool will do is to create new business for the gun and ammo smuggler.


Green is green, not mature to understand that change has come so he will spill his bile of hate, he should be given the chance to puke his poison and then he may sing " I can see clearly now, the hate [pain] is gone"....Johnny Nash song.


Guyanese, be mindful of hatemongers who support the ppp and create fake IDs on social media to spread hate campaigns and promote racial strife. The elections may be over but the efforts to divide and conquer have not.


The AFC/APNU make changes, lots of them.  They will spend Billions to destroy what the PPP has built and replace them with their own.  That equals to zero development. I am looking forward to Moses trying to prosecuting PPP members.  Let me advise him to start with the Murderers of dolly Baksh, Vincent Teekah and Walter Rodney. Moses must now declare his assets. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC/APNU make changes, lots of them.  They will spend Billions to destroy what the PPP has built and replace them with their own.  That equals to zero development. I am looking forward to Moses trying to prosecuting PPP members.  Let me advise him to start with the Murderers of dolly Baksh, Vincent Teekah and Walter Rodney. Moses must now declare his assets. 

That was what PPP did! Every economic policy of PPP was meant to compete with and replace what exist. A small clan was about to dominate every aspect of the economy. As a result, billions of $$ in waste, inefficiency and low productivity. Do not judge the opposition by the standards of your sick mind. Complementarity not zero-sum PPP style is the way to go.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC/APNU make changes, lots of them.  They will spend Billions to destroy what the PPP has built and replace them with their own.  That equals to zero development. I am looking forward to Moses trying to prosecuting PPP members.  Let me advise him to start with the Murderers of dolly Baksh, Vincent Teekah and Walter Rodney. Moses must now declare his assets. 

That was what PPP did! Every economic policy of PPP was meant to compete with and replace what exist. A small clan was about to dominate every aspect of the economy. As a result, billions of $$ in waste, inefficiency and low productivity. Do not judge the opposition by the standards of your sick mind. Complementarity not zero-sum PPP style is the way to go.

Nothing went to waste.  Jagdeo and ramoutar completed over 5000 Projects.


They built roads, bridges, airports, schools, office buildings, hotels. Housing schemes. They improved education, Agriculture and manufacturing. 


They built what the PNC destroyed from 1964 to 1992.


Now 50% of Guyanese voted for the men who destroyed our country.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC/APNU make changes, lots of them.  They will spend Billions to destroy what the PPP has built and replace them with their own.  That equals to zero development. I am looking forward to Moses trying to prosecuting PPP members.  Let me advise him to start with the Murderers of dolly Baksh, Vincent Teekah and Walter Rodney. Moses must now declare his assets. 

That was what PPP did! Every economic policy of PPP was meant to compete with and replace what exist. A small clan was about to dominate every aspect of the economy. As a result, billions of $$ in waste, inefficiency and low productivity. Do not judge the opposition by the standards of your sick mind. Complementarity not zero-sum PPP style is the way to go.

Nothing went to waste.  Jagdeo and ramoutar completed over 5000 Projects.


They built roads, bridges, airports, schools, office buildings, hotels. Housing schemes. They improved education, Agriculture and manufacturing. 


They built what the PNC destroyed from 1964 to 1992.


Now 50% of Guyanese voted for the men who destroyed our country.

Lots of waste. Imagine how much better the country would be if they were not that greedy...and perhaps they would be in power.


Imagine what the country would been like if Chedi was not cheated in 1964.

The PNC had a great infrastructure to build on, but they destroyed everything in their path.

What they did was spending billions on National Service to make Guyana one nation that mean douglarizing the country. The result today 17% of the Population is Douglas, but I can see tat you are one happy umbre.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Imagine what the country would been like if Chedi was not cheated in 1964.

The PNC had a great infrastructure to build on, but they destroyed everything in their path.

What they did was spending billions on National Service to make Guyana one nation that mean douglarizing the country. The result today 17% of the Population is Douglas, but I can see tat you are one happy umbre.

Rama it is thinking like this that cause the PPP party to go down in defeat. There were Afro Guyanese yesterday who were on the streets praising God for rescuing them from a slow holocaust. Instead of trying to heal the country you are trying to Cheddi Jagan it more.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


The PNC had a great infrastructure to build on, but they destroyed everything in their path.

Outside of the major towns and the sugar estates Guyana had no infrastructure in 1964.  Quit lying to yourself.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


What they did was spending billions on National Service to make Guyana one nation that mean douglarizing the country. The result today 17% of the Population is Douglas, but I can see tat you are one happy umbre.

This is why you lost.  There are now more non Indian than there are Indian voters so your primitive appeals to race FAILED!

Originally Posted by Wally:
. There were Afro Guyanese yesterday who were on the streets praising God for rescuing them from a slow holocaust. .

And yet when I said this I was called a racist. 


Yes most blacks thought PPP rule was pure hell, because of its racism towards them, and now they are elated that it is over.  Let us hope that the Indian elite takes note.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Imagine what the country would been like if Chedi was not cheated in 1964.

Would have been like Cuba. Or Venezuela. Or take your pick of any starving guts communist nation on the planet.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:
. There were Afro Guyanese yesterday who were on the streets praising God for rescuing them from a slow holocaust. .

And yet when I said this I was called a racist. 


Yes most blacks thought PPP rule was pure hell, because of its racism towards them, and now they are elated that it is over.  Let us hope that the Indian elite takes note.

Black power time.Abe untap now.  Only you ever used those words on GNI.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Black power time.Abe untap now.  Only you ever used those words on GNI.

OK it is no longer "abe".  It is now "Ahwe". 


And Granger already told some folks screaming anti Indo racist nonsense to behave themselves, as but for an Indo swing vote, they would still be suffering under a slow Holocaust.


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