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Home > TOP STORY > HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion
HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion
Dr Roger Luncheon

HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion


HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon has put his option of retirement at the end of 2014 on hold.

Speaking to members of the Press Corps yesterday after his post-Cabinet press briefing, he indicated that the move by the political Opposition to table and pass a no-confidence motion in the government has forced him to delay his retirement plans.

“My plan has certainly been altered by this no confidence motion and its likely outcome,” he stated.

Dr. Luncheon had planned to give up his role in government due to ill health. A few months ago, he had announced that he was suffering from cancer and had opted to not have any treatment administered.

“I may or I may not live up, both literally and figuratively, to this outcome of the no confidence motion, but if they have elections I would like to have the last opportunity to lay my wares out to the Guyanese public,” Dr. Luncheon said.

He added that if there are no early elections, then he will stick to his retirement plan.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Roger Luncheon is a conformist bandit.

Agreed. The only honorable thing he can do would be to retire and stop defending the band of thieves. Then again, he's probably being compensated handsomely, like Judas was, to sell out the Guyanese people.





* If the PPP cannot find an "honorable & respectable" black man to replace Sam Hinds as Prime Minister, then appoint a woman for that position.




* He has become old and boring and STALE like Moses Nagamootoo.


* And by the way, can someone tell Roger Luncheon no man is indispensable ? He ought to retire and enjoy the little time he has left with his loved ones.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Roger Luncheon is a conformist bandit.

Agreed. The only honorable thing he can do would be to retire and stop defending the band of thieves. Then again, he's probably being compensated handsomely, like Judas was, to sell out the Guyanese people.

I understand how you feel, guys.

As PPP functionaries go, Roger is one of the few least corrupt ones. He chose to stay with the Jagdeo-Ramotar axis for reasons only he knows and, indeed, as the corrupt PPP regime's chief spokesman, he defended a slew of indefensibles.

I deplore his actions in that regard, but I harbour no ill-will toward him personally.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion
HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion
Dr Roger Luncheon

HPS postpones retirement – in light of no-confidence motion


HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon has put his option of retirement at the end of 2014 on hold.

Speaking to members of the Press Corps yesterday after his post-Cabinet press briefing, he indicated that the move by the political Opposition to table and pass a no-confidence motion in the government has forced him to delay his retirement plans.

“My plan has certainly been altered by this no confidence motion and its likely outcome,” he stated.

Dr. Luncheon had planned to give up his role in government due to ill health. A few months ago, he had announced that he was suffering from cancer and had opted to not have any treatment administered.

“I may or I may not live up, both literally and figuratively, to this outcome of the no confidence motion, but if they have elections I would like to have the last opportunity to lay my wares out to the Guyanese public,” Dr. Luncheon said.

He added that if there are no early elections, then he will stick to his retirement plan.

This is the man who hunt down afro-Guyanese professionals out of the Guyana public service.  House slave???

Originally Posted by Rev:




* If the PPP cannot find an "honorable & respectable" black man to replace Sam Hinds as Prime Minister, then appoint a woman for that position.




* He has become old and boring and STALE like Moses Nagamootoo.


* And by the way, can someone tell Roger Luncheon no man is indispensable ? He ought to retire and enjoy the little time he has left with his loved ones.



Rev, I may shock you by telling you the following.

Three weeks after Sam Hinds became Prime Minister in 1992, I was walking on Water Street when I spotted a former PPP comrade [I had already left the party] standing in front JP Santos.

I started chatting with him and he told me he was hired as PM Hinds' chauffeur. He pointed out the official car parked nearby.

I looked around and asked him: "Wheh Sam deh?"

He said he didn't bring Sam in the vehicle but his two daughters. So, I asked him: "Wheh dem deh?"

He pointed into JP Santos.

I told him bluntly:"Comrade, Sam start abusing he privilege early. Using government vehicle, official driver and government gas for he picknee dem shop. Dis nah lean and clean at all."

Since then, I had a low estimation of Sam Hinds.


Sufficient evidenence of corruption exists – Dr. Roger Luncheon

July 8, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Corruption is said to be a disease that eats away at the confidence, a people have in their Government, and while the government isn’t denying the outright existence of corruption in Guyana, it is questioning the motivation behind those on the ‘corruption crusade bandwagon.’ This was expanded on by Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon during a post Cabinet Press briefing at Office of the President, yesterday morning.

Head of State Donald Ramotar takes a swipe at the corruption crusaders

He was speaking mere hours after Head of State Donald Ramotar sought to castigate those whom he says label every project being undertaken by Government in its developmental drive, as being tainted by corruption. Ramotar’s comments were made at the opening ceremony of the Third Annual International Building Exposition, being held at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. Hundreds packed the tarmac of the National Stadium to listen to the President launch the Expo. Ramotar as he delivered his verbal vitriol said that “There seems to be a mentality created to try to criticize projects that can transform our country and bring a better standard of living for our people” He said that “there seems to be a crusade, a direct attack and a crusade to taint everything with corruption to say everything is corrupt.” Ramotar cautioned that, “we cannot live with such negative feeling around us…We must be determined to push ahead.” His official spokesman in the person of Dr. Roger Luncheon, during his press briefing yesterday at Office of the President was hit with a direct question on whether there is any corruption in Guyana. “I can’t believe that you could seriously be asking if corruption exists…I think there is sufficient evidence,” was the response of Dr. Luncheon. After conceding the existence of corruption in Guyana, Dr. Luncheon said that what the administration has been focusing on recently “is what is behind the crusade.” He told media operatives that there is talk of domestic violence and while no one questions its existence there is also none questioning the administration’s emphasis on the issue. Dr. Luncheon emphasized that in the current discourse on corruption the administration is seeking to emphasize to the Guyanese what is behind the crusade. He said that they were seeking to address the anti-government machinations. Dr. Luncheon says that there are those that are seeking to imply that there is something significantly wrong with Government, its developmental thrust and its implementation of its strategies. “That is what we are bringing to the attention of the Guyanese people…We are pointing to the major projects and asking what is the intent in crusading against these projects.” The most recent voice to be added to call against corruption in Guyana is that of Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran. His comments against corruption in Guyana attracted the ire of some people in the ruling party. Up until his resignation he was one of the most senior functionaries of the ruling Peoples Progressive Party and a member of its Central Executive Committee.


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