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August 2, 2021


A year ago today, Irfaan Ali was sworn in as President of Guyana following the months-long attempt to rig Guyana’s March 2nd 2020 general elections in favour of APNU+AFC and a return of the incumbent, former President Granger.  A year is a good enough period to draw a line under that dastardly attempt to upturn the will of the people so that the country can grapple single-mindedly with the tasks ahead.  Those in the GECOM Secretariat who nakedly corrupted the electoral processes must be removed from their positions and they and others involved in the plot must face the full brunt of the law for their criminal acts.

Having benefited from local and international sympathy over the struggle to gain office, President Ali and his administration now face vertiginous challenges in taking the country forward over the next four years. COVID-19 remains a clear and present danger to the people and there are ongoing questions about the government’s unwillingness to tighten measures, including targeted shutdowns when necessary, particularly with the likelihood that the rampant Delta variant is present here.  The death toll continues to mount with six more fatalities confirmed on Saturday and five more yesterday and the situation has been compounded by the veritable vaccine hesitancy that is evident across the country. The education sector faces particularly serious challenges and expert views must be canvassed before any decision is made for the reopening of schools for face-to-face instruction.

One  of the dominant features of the Ali administration thus far is its engagement with the public. The President and his ministers have crisscrossed the country as a definite strategy to explain their programmes and deliver services and relief. This is a welcome development and a marked departure from the outlook of the Granger administration.  This engagement creates conditions for direct accountability by ministers and senior officials to the public as has been seen in the outreaches by Minister of Agriculture, Mustapha and Minister with responsibility for Finance, Singh in relation to the National Insurance Scheme.

Accountability is however a much broader canvas and here the government has much work to do. Communication of Cabinet decisions and explanations of them have been found wanting. The public has a right to be aware of decisions taken by Cabinet and their justification.  The covert issuing of two trawling licences early in the life of the administration remains a source of concern. Ministers have given explanations as matters arise but this has to be done in a structured way.  Regular presidential press conferences have been a useful vehicle for the Head of State to explicate and enable engagement with the media but President Ali thus far seems disinclined

Within the rubric of accountability, questions will continue to mount over the decisions that are being made on the launch of major projects and whether value for money will be assured.  The last year has seen an impressive array of projects launched such as the two bypass roads on the East Bank of Demerara and pertaining to myriad community thoroughfares, bridges, sea and river defences and drainage works among other areas. Given the dearth of engineering, supervisory and other skills in the country,  members of the public would be well in order to question the evolution of these projects and whether quality work is being done with these large amounts of taxpayers’ money and loans.

As there is no contemporaneous external scrutiny of these projects  unless a special investigation is embarked upon by the Office of the Auditor General, President Ali’s government should consider the urgent establishment of an inspectorate manned by qualified engineers and others to examine the quality of work on these projects so that they don’t fail and cost the country enormous sums. There is also justified concern that the government appears wedded to time frames for the completion of marquee projects, such as the new crossing over the Demerara River, rather than ensuring the best possible plans are approved.  In its former incarnations, the PPP/C government would be well aware of major failures in public projects. Undue risks cannot be taken with the large projects that are being contemplated.

The unwillingness to insist on the renegotiation of the unjust 2016 Production Sharing Agreement with ExxonMobil and its partners raises frontally the question of whether President Ali’s government is intent on securing the best terms for the Guyanese people and future generations. Apart from this, there has been consternation that despite its full awareness of the complex issues surrounding the oil and gas sector, the PPP/C government has been lax in securing the regulatory boundaries and has been indulgent with ExxonMobil, its partners and their major contractors. Who would have believed that after a year in office the government is yet to present a single piece of legislation on the oil and gas industry? A bill is scheduled for tomorrow’s sitting of Parliament but not on crucial areas. Who would have believed that after 12 months the government is yet to activate Natural Resource Fund Act which has become standard in the firmament of new oil producers? Who would have believed that the keystone Petroleum Commission is yet to be established to provide effective oversight?

In the meanwhile, the government – again for the expediency of growing revenues – has permitted ExxonMobil to flare billions of cubic feet of gas over the Atlantic whereas the company should have been told that there would be dire consequences for the inability to rapidly repair faulty compression equipment on its Liza-1 platform together with severe fines.  The government has also now embarked on a gas-to-shore-to-energy project, the soundness and viability of which has not been adequately grounded. The project is rife with a variety of risks and if proceeded with will add to the climate burden. Rather than focusing on its executive and regulatory functions, the government comes across as a partner in ExxonMobil’s operations and there needs to be a recalibration of its role.

With the opposition thoroughly discredited following their term in office and the elections impasse, President Ali has paid little heed to the vital need to fully engage with the Leader of the Opposition.  This is a blunder that will have all manner of repercussions not least the inability to mobilise support for vaccinations in all parts of the country. The Opposition Leader remains the formal spokesperson in Parliament for that nearly half of the population that didn’t vote for  President Ali’s government. Their views, insecurities and rights cannot be diminished one whit through the intransigence of the government or the opposition.  President Ali must ensure the immediate activation of the full gamut of responsibilities of the Leader of the Opposition as it pertains to representing the views of the people who voted for APNU+AFC in addition to constitutional functions such as consultations on the substantive appointments of the Chancellor of the Judiciary, the Chief Justice and the Commissioner of Police.

It also remains to be seen whether the government is indeed committed to constitutional reforms. A year has already been lost even though virtual consultations have been successfully embarked on in many other arenas in light of the pandemic. The government should have already published a skeletal outline of how it intends to pursue constitutional reform. Not even this has been available.

Given the projected oil revenues over the next four years, there can be transformational changes in the country. However, the enduring challenges remain and it is not yet clear that these can be overcome.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

hip hip hooray. ali the new dubai sheik. to the moon we go. guyana sweeter than sapodilla           

He is too black to be a Sheik plus he has an overgrown pot belly.

@Former Member posted:

Yes, the PPP boys are much more politically savvy than the previous gov. They also learned from previous mistakes. They are all over the country showing up.

Strongly propping them PPP boys ,they good at photo ops. It's your rights bhai ,much respected.

Last edited by Django
@Viper posted:

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'PRESIDENT DR IRFAAN ALI'S FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE

Freddie Kissoon is full of it.  This PPP government is the most pro big business government in the history of Guyana.  It was installed by big business and is controlled by big business. It is a government of big business, by big business, for big business.   


Don't agree completely wid Freddie here. Yes, Presi Ali definitely seems less arrogant than BJ and may have some Cheddi in him. However, the PPP is an unabashedly pro-business party. They are now populated with young pro-business right wingers...all believing in trickle down economics. They are only bailing out Guysuco out of necessity and to keep the rural Indos happy. But deep down they want to get rid of the industry and divvy up the land. But politics makes it hard. They will lose the election. This is not a pro poor party. Don't let that lil cash grant fool aluh. Dem busy enriching family and party loyalists and of course some black folks out of political necessity.


1st anniversary in office: Govt has done an excellent job – PSC Chairman

… ICD applauds Govt for caring approach

Sunday marked 100 days in office for the Dr Irfaan Ali-led People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Government and according to Private Sector Commission (PSC) Chairman Paul Cheong, the President has done an excellent job leading the nation.

PSC Chairman Paul Cheong

In an invited comment, Cheong told this publication that the President has led from the front in various facets ranging from the economy to how his Administration has handled the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide floods.
“He’s been leading from the front. Both in terms of how he has managed the economy and other sectors. He’s put the country on a good footing. In the flood relief efforts, he’s been fantastic,” Cheong said.

Caring approach
Meanwhile, the International Center for Democracy (ICD) sent out a statement in which it congratulated President Ali’s Government on reaching its one-year anniversary following the struggle for democracy to have every vote counted. The Center went on to give the Government a passing grade, noting that it has paid keen attention to events in Guyana.

President Irfaan Ali

“During the past year the ICD have continued to monitor Guyana’s politics and its development.  We are pleased that the Irfaan Ali Administration has consistently kept their election promises to the people of Guyana.”
“We applaud the Government, not only for their vision, management of the economy and the massive infrastructural works they have embarked on but, also for their caring approach. President Ali has delivered to all Guyanese, irrespective of race, religion, political affiliation and or geopolitical location,” the Center said.
According to the ICD, it will continue in its unwavering support to the people of Guyana, President Ali, and his Cabinet. The Center noted that it remains committed to Guyana’s development and the country’s democratic ideals.
The PPP’s first year in office got off to a feverish start, with a $330 million emergency budget passed within two months in office and a number of projects that had stagnated under the former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government taking off.
One of the major concerns persons had with the former President David Granger Administration was the increase in the tax burden on the ordinary man. President Ali, in the 2020 Emergency Budget, prepared in a record 29 days, made sure to roll back these measures.
Making good on an issue it campaigned on and criticised the former APNU/AFC Government for, the President Dr Irfaan Ali-led Government rolled back the imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) and duties on mining equipment.
VAT was also removed from exports, cell phones, medical supplies, personal protective equipment (PPE) and building and construction materials, as well as pesticides and agricultural chemicals. VAT was also removed from the importation of stones as the construction sector sets up for a boom.
One project that the PPP Government jumpstarted was the Diamond-Ogle bypass road. Originally, Guyana had signed a US$50 million loan with the Indian Exim Bank in 2016 for the project. By 2019, that price had shot up to US$175 million and the Exim bank was reluctant to fund it. The PPP Government was able to reconfigure the project back into the US$50 million bracket within the first 100 days.
The contract for the new Demerara River bridge is another project the PPP jumpstarted. After site visits by the President and a team of officials, the Government settled on plans to construct a four-lane, high-span fixed bridge from Nandy Park, East Bank Demerara, to La Grange, West Bank Demerara.
Meanwhile the Eccles to Mandela road project, which has seen six contractors work on completing the important road link under the auspices of the Ministry of Housing and Water, is on course for completion and opening by this year end.
The Government has also gone countrywide with its “Dream Realised” housing initiative – an exercise that has so far distributed thousands of house lots and over 500 land transports. In the Government’s first four months in office, 3500 house lots were distributed, an amount that was half the number of house lots distributed during the former Government’s five years in office. (G3)

Source -


Kapadulla Wood ...

I have placed the source of article which was missing.

Please ensure that future articles have their sources.


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Don't agree completely wid Freddie here. Yes, Presi Ali definitely seems less arrogant than BJ and may have some Cheddi in him. However, the PPP is an unabashedly pro-business party. They are now populated with young pro-business right wingers...all believing in trickle down economics. They are only bailing out Guysuco out of necessity and to keep the rural Indos happy. But deep down they want to get rid of the industry and divvy up the land. But politics makes it hard. They will lose the election. This is not a pro poor party. Don't let that lil cash grant fool aluh. Dem busy enriching family and party loyalists and of course some black folks out of political necessity.

me hope party loyalist kapa getting enrichments

@Django posted:

Mr.KP where is the source for the article ?

you know if hemraj muniram still alive? we use to see he at freedom house sharing out pamplets. he and dready freddy were fellow journalists

@Former Member posted:

you know if hemraj muniram still alive? we use to see he at freedom house sharing out pamplets. he and dready freddy were fellow journalists

Hemraj is Gilbakka/Bookman right?


Guyana wins Academy Award!

Aug 02, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-wins-academy-award/

Kaieteur News – A lot ah memories come flowing back. One year ago, one party seh dem statement of polls show dem win de elections.

Dem tell Soulja bai dis and he believe. He was confident dat when he agree to a recount dat he party statements of poll had to prove dat he win de election.

But no sooner de leader sign pun de dotted line, dat de same party wah seh de recount gan show dem win de elections, didn’t bother to object to de motion to de court fuh stop de recount.

And when de recount did start, de same people wah say dem statements of polls gan show dem win de elections fair and square suddenly start claim dat dead people and migrated people vote. And to think dat dem had polling agents at every polling station who nah see when these dead and migrated people vote.

When de international observers seh dem satisfy with de recount and how it show how de PPP/C win de election, de tune change pun de other side.

Dem seh how is only Caricom could pronounce on de recount.

Well Caricom did pronounce. Dem seh how de Coalition party went pun a fishing expedition. But yuh think da mek de Coalition concede. Nah too much was at stake fuh some ah dem.

Dem nah complain again when court action file. And is a whole set ah results declare. If de elections was a comedy movie, Guyana would ah win de Oscar.

But guess wat de same people who claim dem get cheat, tek up dem seats in de National Assembly. Dat too deserves an Oscar!

Talk half and wait fuh de award ceremony.


Never again! – President Ali on attempts to steal election, undermine democracy

Today marks one year since the end of the five-month tumultuous period following the March 2, 2020 General and Regional elections and according to President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, those assaults on Guyana will never be repeated.

In an Address to the Nation to commemorate one year since he was sworn in as Guyana’s 10th Executive President and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) into government, Dr Ali saluted all stakeholders both here and abroad who stood firm to defend the Guyanese institutions and its Constitution.

“Never again shall we countenance, in our country, any attempt to deny the popular will of the people… I hope and pray that never again will our people have to endure the agonising and fearful ordeal that we suffered for five months from March 2 to August 2, 2020. Never again should the air of freedom that we breathe be poisoned by the noxious fumes of electorial malpractice, and fraud. Never again should our integrity as a nation be threatened by the base motives and the nefarious intrigues of those who will defy the will of the people, and subvert our democracy, and their lust for personal power.”

He said the post-March 2020 events were historic a historic time as citizens took a stance that the rigging of elections would not be tolerated then or in the future.

“We established with resolve that Guyana and the Guyanese people are committed to democracy and democratic principles including respect for the majority.”

“That victory was ours, ours as a people longing for peace, progress and prosperity. It was a triumph for rule of law, and democracy and ‘One Guyana’.”

The Head of State went onto say that even after being unmasked for their actions to steal the elections during those five months when the country was locked in an impasse and at risks of international sanctions, the culprits are still masquerading as ‘paragons of virtue.’

“[They continue] to try to deceive and mislead the people whose hopes they dashed and whose beliefs they destroyed. They remain trapped in the failed politics of race and in the flawed policies of division, offering no new ideas, No novel vision, and no creative pathways for Ghana’s future. They have become yesterday’s shadows.”

“By contrast, over the past year, I’ve made clear by words, and by deeds, my deep and swerving commitment to One Guyana: One People, One Nation, in which all races and all persons are equal, with common rights, common entitlements and shared benefits. From the first day of my presidency, I’ve insisted on and demonstrated a firm commitment to good governance and transparency, to upholding fundamental human rights and to advancing equitable development for all.”


Just learnt that the PPP have no budget which means  no intention of conducting House to House registration to clean up the voters list.

Will there be Local Government Elections?

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

Just learnt that the PPP have no budget which means  no intention of conducting House to House registration to clean up the voters list.

Will there be Local Government Elections?

mitwah, ppp is dead against house to house registration. they will make every case under the sun to avoid it. the bloted list is working for them, it's their only game in town to rig elections

notice the usual suspects here (pretending) don't discuss that issue so we don't know their view on the list of electors

Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

mitwah, ppp is dead against house to house registration. they will make every case under the sun to avoid it. the bloted list is working for them, it's their only game in town to rig elections

notice the usual suspects here (pretending) don't discuss that issue so we don't know their view on the list of electors

Who told you the Ppp is against house to house registration? I guess in your hallucination visions you miss the PPP master plan.

30,000 PPP Jumbies and migrants makes it pass and voted undetected not only by PNC, but all contesting party, local and international observers. What makes you think dem jumbies won’t re register when the house to house agents comes around? The PPP jumbies is unstoppable bai....y’all totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Who told you the Ppp is against house to house registration? I guess in your hallucination visions you miss the PPP master plan.

30,000 PPP Jumbies and migrants makes it pass and voted undetected not only by PNC, but all contesting party, local and international observers. What makes you think dem jumbies won’t re register when the house to house agents comes around? The PPP jumbies is unstoppable bai....y’all totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

what master plan? see why the only conclusion i could come to is these plans that only you know about must be hidden in yuh BT. two plans yuh pull out yuh BT so far, shuman's and now the ppp's

gecom couldn't reach the stage of verification of the recounted ballots because they would have had to exclude the 47 boxes with missing statutory documents. these boxes were set aside initially by gecom but then singh had a change of heart (bless her) and they were included. had they not included those boxes ppp would have lost hands down

how many more plans yuh have hidden in yuh BT? because is only shit yuh posting

@Spugum posted:

what master plan? see why the only conclusion i could come to is these plans that only you know about must be hidden in yuh BT. two plans yuh pull out yuh BT so far, shuman's and now the ppp's

gecom couldn't reach the stage of verification of the recounted ballots because they would have had to exclude the 47 boxes with missing statutory documents. these boxes were set aside initially by gecom but then singh had a change of heart (bless her) and they were included. had they not included those boxes ppp would have lost hands down

how many more plans yuh have hidden in yuh BT? because is only shit yuh posting

Who’s gona stop the jumbies from stuffing those 47 ballot boxes again? No one except the poor PNC can see them..
The PPP jumbies is unstoppable bai....y’all totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Who’s gona stop the jumbies from stuffing those 47 ballot boxes again? No one except the poor PNC can see them..
The PPP jumbies is unstoppable bai....y’all totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

it's your dishonest mindset that wouldn't allow you to tell the truth

then yuh come here quoting bible scripture like anyone is impressed with that. some of the worst example of human beings frequent places of worship and quote religious texts. you are evidence of that

@Spugum posted:

it's your dishonest mindset that wouldn't allow you to tell the truth

then yuh come here quoting bible scripture like anyone is impressed with that. some of the worst example of human beings frequent places of worship and quote religious texts. you are evidence of that

That is another one of your vomit soak shakebatty lie. Not  that I have anything against the Bible or Christians but except for a few sermons l listen to here and there l never read the Bible. l quote Shakespeare from the books I did for literature in school back in Guyana. You, a dunce you probably thought it came from the bible...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Who’s gona stop the jumbies from stuffing those 47 ballot boxes again? No one except the poor PNC can see them..
The PPP jumbies is unstoppable bai....y’all totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Maniac, tell us why the PPP does not want House to House Registration? Dem scared that all dem Jumbies who voted and all those who migrated and remained on the voters list will be eliminated. And that's 30,000 votes right there like in the last election.

@sachin_05 posted:

That is another one of your vomit soak shakebatty lie. Not  that I have anything against the Bible or Christians but except for a few sermons l listen to here and there l never read the Bible. l quote Shakespeare from the books I did for literature in school back in Guyana. You, a dunce you probably thought it came from the bible...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

you went to school? lol

you could have fooled me

@Mitwah posted:

Maniac, tell us why the PPP does not want House to House Registration? Dem scared that all dem Jumbies who voted and all those who migrated and remained on the voters list will be eliminated. And that's 30,000 votes right there like in the last election.

How is  the house to house registration gona successfully removed  the jumbies from the list? What or who would stop them from showing up and register like they did on Election Day? according to the PNC they get passed all observers- pnc, oas, eu, carter center etc. undetected and voted ppp. y’all PNC totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

How is  the house to house registration gona successfully removed  the jumbies from the list? What or who would stop them from showing up and register like they did on Election Day? according to the PNC they get passed all observers- pnc, oas, eu, carter center etc. undetected and voted ppp. y’all PNC totally screwed...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Maniac, why is it that your PPP doesn't want House to House registration?



is it democratic that the ppp should try to shut down glen lall's newspaper because he's a critic of their oil dealings? using tax payers money to do so by the way

the ppp is undemocratic and only shout democracy at election time

@Spugum posted:


is it democratic that the ppp should try to shut down glen lall's newspaper because he's a critic of their oil dealings? using tax payers money to do so by the way

the ppp is undemocratic and only shout democracy at election time

Are you hallucinating again? Where did you see Glen Lall news paper shut down? In one of your vision?

“the ppp is undemocratic and only shout democracy at election time”

The PNC is not any different when it comes to democracy but they are sanctimonious rigging gangsters at election time...

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Are you hallucinating again? Where did you see Glen Lall news paper shut down? In one of your vision?

“the ppp is undemocratic and only shout democracy at election time”

The PNC is not any different when it comes to democracy but they are sanctimonious rigging gangsters at election time...

so you accept the ppp is undemocratic

what is this about the pnc you keep on about? apnu-afc held scheduled local government elections that the ppp failed to call for 19 years, parliament was never shut down for long periods, there was press freedom (glen lall wasn't threatened), ppp supporters were out on the street at the drop of a hat and no-one was shot or locked up, no-one saw heavily tinted vehicles suspiciously parked across the street at their homes to intimidate....i could go on

the ppp has bought out most glen lall's reporters with taxpayers money and have them sitting around doing nothing and getting paid of course - this was designed to shut him down

@Spugum posted:

so you accept the ppp is undemocratic

what is this about the pnc you keep on about? apnu-afc held scheduled local government elections that the ppp failed to call for 19 years, parliament was never shut down for long periods, there was press freedom (glen lall wasn't threatened), ppp supporters were out on the street at the drop of a hat and no-one was shot or locked up, no-one saw heavily tinted vehicles suspiciously parked across the street at their homes to intimidate....i could go on

the ppp has bought out most glen lall's reporters with taxpayers money and have them sitting around doing nothing and getting paid of course - this was designed to shut him down

That's truth .

On side note ,the heading of a thread is one paragraph.

Last edited by Django

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