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Abandoned baby recovering in hospital

May 4, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


A baby suspected to be a few days old was found abandoned on Thursday morning in the vicinity of the Albion Koker, Corentyne. The baby boy was found around 08:00 hrs by workers who had gone to the back dam.


Yesterday the child was recovering in the New Amsterdam hospital.


The child recovering in hospital.


The child was suspected to be left abandoned by teenage parents who were not prepared for the pregnancy.


The infant was said to be naked and had lacerations about the body. However he has miraculously survived the ordeal.

After the child was spotted the police were informed, and ranks of the Albion Police Station raced to the scene where the child was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital. He was examined by doctors and subsequently placed in the Paediatric Ward for further observation.

A source at the hospital stated that the child will be kept for further observation and social workers will be in charge of his welfare.

No one has so far come forward to claim the child.

Police investigations are continuing.

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