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Former Member

All three of the Diplomatic representatives said they observed that the elections were conducted properly and they offered praise to the Elections Commission.

ABC Diplomats pleased with Election Day process; Urge patience for results

The American, British and Canadian envoys to Guyana were among the local observers for Monday’s General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

The American Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch and the British High Commissioner, Greg Quinn flew to different parts of the country yesterday with other observers to get a first-hand look at the voting process.

The Canadian High Commissioner, Lilian Chatterjee remained in Georgetown and visited a number of polling places and the Returning Officer’s location to observe the process.

All three of the Diplomatic representatives said they observed that the elections were conducted properly and they offered praise to the Elections Commission.

According to the American Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch, “things were well run and very smooth and so really it is a great achievement and a great success”.

The British High Commissioner Greg Quinn shared a similar view and told News Source that “yesterday we saw a good process. A process that worked the way it was meant to. The staff at the GECOM offices were very friendly and everybody was doing what they did and all of the process seemed to be in place”.

The Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee said the Elections Commission must be commended for its work on Elections Day.

“I would like to commend GECOM on a very professional and dedicated system yesterday, now like everybody else, the citizens of Guyana and the rest of the world, we are anxious for those results and let’s hope we get those results as soon as possible”, the Canadian High Commissioner said.

The three Diplomats called for citizens to be patient as the country awaits the results of the elections, reminding that their governments are ready and willing to work with whoever forms the next government.

“Now, we are at the stage where everybody is looking for results, the important thing is that we get the results that are accurate and credible and that will take a little bit of patience and I think the message really is for everybody to exercise that patience while GECOM does what GECOM needs to do”, the British High Commissioner said.

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Did these ABC diplomats see the video before making their statement? Are they supporting the GECOM interference and tampering with the envelopes and Seals? 

Last edited by Former Member

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