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Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

He was,as most will agree... a prick, but, he does have family/relatives who I  send sympathies.

That is very rewarding to call the man a prick and claim he still has family. That's like applying salt on open wounds, and you call that sympathy. That was the main reason I asked the members to judge your honesty, and you have been very dishonest and insulting to a dead man's family. Shame on you! Is that's the image you're building for the AFC?

Did you offer any condolences, Cabra? too have family, don't you?


Dude, you are crawling quite low now, you are now using the family of a deceased person to try and discredit a party that stands in the way of corruption, it's that slimy attitude I really don't like ...slither on....slithe......slith..slit...


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