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PPP better be an inclusive party and listen to the people. When citizens request a hearing with an official, do not chase them away regardless of their party affiliation. Be the government for all the people; not like what the PNC did for 5+ years. Taking care of the people will attract voters at election time. I think PNC and AFC might be in for a long haul.

@Former Member posted:

PPP better be an inclusive party and listen to the people. When citizens request a hearing with an official, do not chase them away regardless of their party affiliation. Be the government for all the people; not like what the PNC did for 5+ years. Taking care of the people will attract voters at election time. I think PNC and AFC might be in for a long haul.

Well said, Skelly.


As a PPP supporter I want to see an inclusive government and ALL Guyanese must share in its oil wealth.The current fight is about ethnic insecurity and it must be addressed. GECOM must become a truly independent body managed by an internationally recognized accounting firm for the counting of SOP or ballots.

The Police and army needs balancing and constitutional reform is mandatory.  PPP needs to deal with these issues immediately so that we end this Abbie on top mentality.

One People, One Nation, One destiny.

Failing to do so will lead to a PPP loss at the next election. It will be a very tough five years for the PPP given the current economic situation.


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