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Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan resigns from cabinet

Concedes it was not appropriate for him to write to Tax Court on behalf of constituent



Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan has resigned from cabinet over contacting a tax court judge on behalf of a constituent, the MP for Vancouver Island North announced in a written statement late Friday afternoon.


“In June of 2011, I wrote a character reference letter to the Tax Court of Canada on behalf of an individual to whom my constituency staff was providing casework assistance on a Canada Revenue Agency matter," said Duncan.


The letter, which he says originated from his riding office in Vancouver Island North, surfaced after cabinet members were recently asked to review all of their correspondence.


The directive came following revelations that Finance Minister Jim Flaherty had improperly tried to influence the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission on behalf of an Ontario-riding radio station's bid to obtain a new licence.

"While the letter was written with honourable intentions, I realize that it was not appropriate for me, as a Minister of the Crown, to write to the Tax Court," Duncan said in his statement.


"I have therefore offered my resignation as Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development to the Prime Minister, which he has accepted."

"I take full responsibility for my actions and the consequences they have brought," Duncan said.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper said while Duncan would continue to serve as an MP, Heritage Minister James Moore will become acting minister of aboriginal affairs and northern development until a new minister is named.


Last month, ethics commissioner Mary Dawson said it was "improper" for Flaherty to have written the letter, and directed him to "refrain from writing such letters in future without seeking approval from her office."


Dawson also rebuked two parliamentary secretaries for improper letter-writing.


Ministers have to stay away from court proceedings because cabinet and the judiciary are separate powers under the Constitution. It's inappropriate for them to be seen as interfering with a judicial or quasi-judicial process. It also violates federal conflict of interest rules.

Mixed reaction


NDP Aboriginal Affairs critic Jean Crowder said that after seeing Harper defend his embattled senators and ministers' conflict of interests, it was "good' to see Duncan take responsibility for his actions.


Duncan, who was at the centre of First Nations' protests during the past few months, was also heavily criticized in 2011 for his handling of a housing crisis in the northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat. He also suffered from poor health and underwent heart bypass surgery in 2010.


"Conservatives have clearly been unable to get the job done on aboriginal issues. At this crucial time in First Nation, MÉtis and Inuit relations, the prime minister must move quickly to replace Mr. Duncan," said Crowder.


Grand Chief Stan Louttit, of the Mushkegowuk territory that includes the First Nations community of Attawapiskat, said Duncan's resignation did not come as a surprise.


"What has he accomplished in his term as [aboriginal affairs] minister besides confusion, anger and distrust in government," said Louttit in a written statement to CBC News, adding that he hopes the prime minister will involve First Nations leadership in the selection of a new minister.

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples National Chief Betty Ann LavallÉe said she was saddened to hear of Duncan's resignation.


“Over a number of years, I have gotten to know Mr. Duncan quite well. He is an honourable man who was doing his best to improve the lives of all Aboriginal Peoples throughout Canada. His contributions in moving the aboriginal agenda forward will not be forgotten," said LavallÉe.



Harper cabinet departures


John Duncan's resignation as aboriginal affairs minister makes him the fifth member of Stephen Harper's cabinet to leave amid controversy. Here's a look at the others:

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