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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

May I remind you Moses cultists that General Granger is the head of this Coalition and that every single voter understands this.


My brain starts to go into overload when I see normal thinking humans become scraping sycophants for politicians in 2015....especially Guyanese politicians.


And let's not act like Moses is some virgin. He was the hatchet man for the Jagans; wielding "neemakharam" and "harkati" knives for any and all anti-PPP Indians for decades.If Moses was still a member of the PPP, he would be right there with Yuji and Rev lambasting anti-PPP Indians as "dirty Indians."


Moses bears a lot of responsibility for where the PPP is today and where Guyana is today.


I shed no tear when Moses gets called "neemakharam" or "dirty Moses." Them are Moses' yard fowls coming home to roost.



Please let us hear from

our political







were still the

Campaign Manager

for Baldeo...

What if…


Which party

will win the elections in Guyana

on May 11th.

IF… is a European innovation festival organized under the auspices ...

Would you work with same

"Dirty Moses"


Better yet....

Will Moses be

close to Baldeo &

His Campaign Staff? 

Last edited by Former Member
For Antiman Jalil,

Lemme remind you that the Coalition is at 31 seats with two small parties on the ballot likely to pull disgruntled anti-PPP votes. IP can pull a few thousand Black votes. And URP can pull a similar number of anti PPP  Indian votes. This election has been won by no one yet. This is one of those rare Election Day elections where anything can produce a victory or loss.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Lemme remind you that the Coalition is at 31 seats with two small parties on the ballot likely to pull disgruntled anti-PPP votes. IP can pull a few thousand Black votes. And URP can pull a similar number of anti PPP  Indian votes. This election has been won by no one yet. This is one of those rare Election Day elections where anything can produce a victory or loss.

awww shaddup with your 'authoritative' Bisram numbers/bogus analysis


absent the rig factor, this close race would likely be over already

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Lemme remind you that the Coalition is at 31 seats with two small parties on the ballot likely to pull disgruntled anti-PPP votes. IP can pull a few thousand Black votes. And URP can pull a similar number of anti PPP  Indian votes. This election has been won by no one yet. This is one of those rare Election Day elections where anything can produce a victory or loss.

awww shaddup with your 'authoritative' Bisram numbers/bogus analysis


absent the rig factor, this close race would likely be over already


No one is referencing NACTA here.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Lemme remind you that the Coalition is at 31 seats with two small parties on the ballot likely to pull disgruntled anti-PPP votes. IP can pull a few thousand Black votes. And URP can pull a similar number of anti PPP  Indian votes. This election has been won by no one yet. This is one of those rare Election Day elections where anything can produce a victory or loss.

awww shaddup with your 'authoritative' Bisram numbers/bogus analysis


absent the rig factor, this close race would likely be over already

No one is referencing NACTA here.

ok . . . then don't "remind" people of numbers you are pulling out of your ass

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
For Antiman Jalil,

Lemme remind you that the Coalition is at 31 seats with two small parties on the ballot likely to pull disgruntled anti-PPP votes. IP can pull a few thousand Black votes. And URP can pull a similar number of anti PPP  Indian votes. This election has been won by no one yet. This is one of those rare Election Day elections where anything can produce a victory or loss.

Shaits, the coalition move rent asunder all the other parties who would "take away" votes from the two big guys. It's a two horse race. It's close as we speak, but where on earth is this 31 -31 with 3 undecideds coming from? Top-ups, regional and national, etc., are at this time parsing numbers into oblivion. The Big Picture is the real picture.


I misspoke slightly. I should not have said "likely " but possibly in the unlikely side of the house when it comes to the small parties referenced. There is right now a 31-31 split between the PPP and the Coalition and 3 seats hang in the balance. This is without reference to Geographic or national top ups as that breakdown is irrelevant and almost impossible to breakdown with pin point accuracy due to the formula.

The other poll I am aware of puts the parties tied at 30 to 30 and 5 undecided seats based on the national totals.

I always thought Moses had more political capital than any East Indian leader since Balram Singh Rai and before. Probabilistically I thought the risk was worth it as Indians are slowly making a psychological break from PPP. All I heard was Indos will not vote for PNC. But I get a good cussin for that. Now is time for training to make sure they will govern well. You know the first mistake and Moses and Granger will try to cover up. Imagine one of Moses sycophants committing a crime and the need to cover up like the Monica Reece incident. Imagine one of Granger's army sycophants commit a crime like the Monica Reece incident. Y'all get ready!!

Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine one of Moses sycophants committing a crime and the need to cover up like the Monica Reece incident. Imagine one of Granger's army sycophants commit a crime like the Monica Reece incident. Y'all get ready!!

yes and with the culture of the personality cult this might well happen.  This is why I am coming down hard on Kari.


Guyanese need to move towards a model of developing an institutional and inclusive form of governance.  As Vanessa K said " this is not about Granger or Nagamootoo".  Its about ALL the people involved in this effort.


As the honey moon wears off, there will be many who will remind folks of that, if we fall into our usual Guyanese trap of the personality driven politics.


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