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Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Ordered To Pay U.S. Contractor's Legal Fees

Posted: 09/06/2013 9:12 am EDT  |  Updated: 09/07/2013 9:28 am EDT

WASHINGTON -- A federal judge on Wednesday ordered four Iraqis who were imprisoned at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison to pay nearly $14,000 in legal fees to defense contractor CACI, an Arlington, Va.-based company that supplied interrogators to the U.S. government during the Iraq War.

The decision in favor of CACI stemmed from a lawsuit filed by the former prisoners in 2008, alleging that CACI employees directed the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. The suit was dismissed in June, when U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled that because the alleged acts took place on foreign soil, CACI was "immune from suit" in U.S. court.

Lee did not, however, directly address the question of whether CACI employees took part in the mistreatment of prisoners. The treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib exploded into an international scandal in 2004, when shocking photos emerged of prisoners being stacked on top of each other, threatened with dogs, and sexually abused.

A little over a month after winning the dismissal this summer, CACI requested that the former prisoners be ordered to pay $15,580 to cover the company's legal expenses.

Lawyers for the Iraqis disputed that their clients should pay CACI's bills, partly because the Iraqis had "very limited financial means, even by non-U.S. standards, and dramatically so when compared" to CACI, according to a court filing. Moreover, they wrote, the initial claims against CACI, involving "serious claims of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and war crimes were dismissed on very close, difficult -- and only recently arguable -- grounds."

Attorneys for the Iraqi prisoners have said they plan to file an appeal of the June dismissal this fall.

CACI did not respond to a request for comment on the ruling.

The massive defense contractor has long denied allegations that its employees abused or directed others to abuse prisoners at Abu Ghraib. A statement on CACI's website notes that "Neither CACI nor any of its employees have been found or proven to be involved in" or "participated in" or "charged" with abuse, nor have they been indicted for "directing abuse."

In 2008, CACI’s executive chairman, J. Phillip "Jack" London, wrote a book in defense of the company titled Our Good Name: A Company's Fight to Defend Its Honor and Get the Truth Told About Abu Ghraib.



1 hour ago (12:55 PM)
Unfortunately, gross injustices like this are becoming all too common. Read this article. Notice any similarities?
1 hour ago (12:53 PM) can't make it up ...
Both salubrious and lugubrious concurrently.
2 hours ago (12:30 PM)
Not ashamed of being an American yet?
2 hours ago (12:22 PM)
I challenge anyone to logically explain why Gerald Bruce Lee should not be disbarred for his evil decision.
2 hours ago (12:08 PM)
Alice we have definitely fallen down that rabbit hole again.
This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program
2 hours ago (11:54 AM)
Sounds like they didn't have to mount a very costly defense...because they knew the outcome beforehand? Seriously, that's lawyer chump change.
This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program
2 hours ago (11:52 AM)
THAT's ALL they are charging? A Wall Street terrorist typically spends a small fortune to defend himself from his clients.

I'm considering a clothing line one can take off a clothesline. Sheets of pastels for the reclining captive of this muckity muck media inspired BS world as it turns. Just cut a hole in it, your done. Enjoy our glorious sponsor's message as you bathe. NSA, Take me away!

Cyber Nick
Woman on the road less traveled
3 hours ago (11:19 AM)
Oh, so the contractors get off the hook, but we need to bomb others.

live by the golden rule
3 hours ago (10:38 AM)
No more of my hard-earned taxpayer dollars to the CACI contracting creeps--- that will put them out of business.
Liberty Loving, Liberal
4 hours ago (10:16 AM)
Wow, just Wow. The Military Industrial Cabal (formerly Complex) is so vilely disgusting; and so are those who support it.
4 hours ago (10:05 AM)
It's the american way.
5 hours ago ( 9:05 AM)
Fair enough; then it ok to torture , maim, rape and abuse any US citizen just as long as "the alleged acts took place on foreign soil".

Philosophy is the stray camel of the faithful
5 hours ago ( 8:48 AM)
Ahh Yes, when Americans commit war crimes in other countries it is not illegal in the States, but when foreigners commit war crimes in their own country it is time for America to bomb them. They have to pay for our wrongs, isn't it right and just?
5 hours ago ( 9:11 AM)
fanned again KR . . and America is set to create more victims of its imperialistic agenda . . .
6 hours ago ( 8:25 AM)
There is a statue on a balcony at the Federal court building, Alexandria named Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. It shows Lady Justice holding the scales of justice. Would somebody local please take a look to see if she has threw them down in disgust.
2 hours ago (11:32 AM)
I neglected to mention that this building is the court for his circuit.

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