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Former Member

according to Dr Arif Bulkham..

All PPP Supporters Today are


  Battered Spouses...


First he was abused

by Jagdeo


and Now they are Abused

by Kwame & PPP....


Lets examine what Dr Bulkhan is saying...


First of all, was the behaviour of the AG

so uncharacteristic of senior PPP membership?


It is difficult to miss that the AG’s conduct

is perfectly in line with the standards of his party –

demonstrated ad nauseam

in the trademark cuss-outs

of former President Bharrat Jagdeo,


the ‘feral’ blasts of Ministers

that are proudly celebrated,


and the gun-toting,




Nero-esque excesses

that accompany the obscene grab

by high-ranking PPP officials of

state lands and resources

for themselves and their cronies.


Where else in the world could one company,

whose CEO is the best friend of the Executive President,

be solely granted the contract

to supply all the pharmaceutical drugs

to the public hospital for over a decade,

simply by cabinet decision without tendering,

bidding or any of the processes necessary

for prudent financial management?


Equally important is that

no one in the PPP has ever,

not once, admitted how detrimental

this predatory practice is for a poor country,


how immoral it is,


how vulgar,


how plain wrong.

They are suffering from battered spouse syndrome, no matter what vulgarity the PPP subjects them to, they are still in love....and they keep running back for more.


Is the same thing wid kwame and julius though that involves pedophilia which again is another vulgarity the PPP has imposed on the people.


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