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Former Member

Actions that are morally wrong and economically disastrous


Friday , October 16 2015, Source


THE vicious nature of the APNU+AFC regime is now on full display. The same people who took the oath that they would govern ‘without fear or favour, affection or ill will’ are showing how easy it is for them to violate the sacred oath taken.  The regime arrogantly gave itself huge increases in pay. Reports suggest that these increases are higher than what is paid to persons in similar positions in countries far richer than Guyana.

They took the increase even after telling the Parliament during the recent budget debate that the treasury could not afford the $10,000 grant that was previously given to each child in school,; that it could not afford the subsidies paid to pensioners for water and electricity.

They even reneged on their own promise made in their own manifesto to set up a committee to look at salaries of ministers and constitutional office holders.

The criticism of the regime has been almost universal. Some commentators who have been noted as their supporters have stated that the timing was bad. Even they found the move hard to defend/justify.

In light of this universal criticism, the regime decided to strike back. This time they are threatening to repossess lands and properties bought from the government between twenty to five years ago.

It is clear that this is aimed at depriving persons who they feel are opposed to them of their legitimate property.

This is only the beginning. If they are allowed to succeed, then it means that any person who was allocated a house lot by the PPP/C government between 1992 and 2015 faces the possibility of having it repossessed.

The AFC+APNU regime can identify anyone, for whatever reason, whom they dislike, and take away their property. This is what such actions will lead to.

The regime is determined to rule (as it is clear they are not seeing themselves as a governing body but as rulers of the nation) by instilling fear in the minds of the people of our country.

On the West Coast Berbice, they are also moving to retake agricultural lands granted to genuine farmers, which they will hand over to PNC hacks in the area. This is because the MMA management had granted lands to farmers who were being exploited by PNC hacks who controlled defunct co-op. Now they want to give it back to their “comrades.”

The regime is clearly not thinking or they have clearly lost reason.

In the first instance, they may immediately achieve the goals they initially have, but in the medium and long term, they will seriously damage the country’s economy.

People will be fearful to invest, since the attitude to personal property, including private property is clearly callous. They are giving themselves the right to confiscate people’s legitimate property – a very dangerous step.

Not only will investors and entrepreneurs not want to invest, but many people will take their money out of the country. That means that we can have a major capital flight from Guyana.

That, of course, will impact on the economy and the quality of life for our people.

Managing by vindictiveness, spite and hate is not only morally wrong, but economically disastrous.

People must stand up now against this terrible behavior of the rulers who intend to destroy and not build.

By Donald Ramotar

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THE vicious nature of the APNU+AFC regime is now on full display. The same people who took the oath that they would govern ‘without fear or favour, affection or ill will’ are showing how easy it is for them to violate the sacred oath taken.  The regime arrogantly gave itself huge increases in pay. Reports suggest that these increases are higher than what is paid to persons in similar positions in countries far richer than Guyana.

They took the increase even after telling the Parliament during the recent budget debate that the treasury could not afford the $10,000 grant that was previously given to each child in school,; that it could not afford the subsidies paid to pensioners for water and electricity.

They even reneged on their own promise made in their own manifesto to set up a committee to look at salaries of ministers and constitutional office holders.


Actions that are morally wrong and economically disastrous, Friday , October 16 2015, Source

PNC cum AFC in full actions on serving their preserved and selected group with no regard for the interest of the masses.


As usual, no one cares about truth.


Former presidents take home $6.3M monthly …can pay 10 senior ministers, 13 juniors

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Former President Donald Ramotar
Former President Donald Ramotar

Former presidents take home $6.3M monthly …can pay 10 senior ministers, 13 juniors


DESPITE the 50% increase in the salaries for government ministers, the monthly pension of former Presidents, Bharrat Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and Samuel Hinds is higher than that of any of the sitting Vice Presidents and Prime Minister. The combined salaries for the former heads of state can also pay 10 senior ministers or thirteen juniors, a senior government official said on Wednesday.


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

There has been public outcry over the increase in the salary for cabinet members- with many critics saying that the hike in pay has come at a wrong time.
Though in support of Government’s move to increase wages for ministers, parliamentarians and other government officials, the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) said last week that the way in which it is administered is not consistent increases for public servants.
“We believe in a wage-led economy, and we can’t believe in a wage-led economy and condemn the increase. We are not against the increase in wages or salaries. What we are concerned about in the process in which it has been applied to deliver it,” disclosed General Secretary of GTUC, Lincoln Lewis, at a press briefing. He said that Government had denied that such an increase was on its agenda. “You have said two months ago that it is not on the cards. Now it is on the cards (and) you have a responsibility to come back and tell people that it is on the cards. You have a right to come back and tell citizens,” Lewis proclaimed.

Meanwhile, speaking to the Guyana Chronicle on Wednesday the senior government official explained that even after the recent increase to address what the government has described as the anomalies in the pay structure for ministers, the actual monthly take home of the Jagdeo, Leader of the Opposition remains higher than that of senior functionaries. Jagdeo has refused to take the salary attached to his office in favour of his monthly pension which is 7/8th of his last salary. Jagdeo takes home $2,100,000 per month which is more than the take home salary of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Attorney General Basil Williams, the three Vice Presidents and all ministers.
“In effect while there has been severe criticism of the increase from the public the full extent of the salary situation needs to be shared so that persons understand that the issue of salaries is not constrained only to government officials but members of the opposition as well,” the government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity said. “In addition to Jagdeo, two former PPP presidents enjoy monthly pensions of $2.1M which amounts to a monthly expenditure for three former PPP presidents of $6.3m,” the official pointed out. “These pensions are not taxable and when examined further what Mr. Jagdeo, Ramotar and Hinds take home on a monthly basis can pay ten senior ministers or thirteen junior ministers,” the official told this publication on the issue on which the government has taken widespread criticism. He explained that the salaries and pensions which are non-taxable are that of the President and Attorney General and the pensions of the former presidents.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who served briefly as President following the death of former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan in 1997

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who served briefly as President following the death of former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan in 1997

“The Prime Minister, the Vice Presidents and all ministers are subject to the 30% PAYE tax,” the official said. “When you consider this, the Prime Minister takes home less than the Attorney General on a monthly basis,” the official explained. In addition Minister of Finance Winston Jordan recently explained that the issue of ministerial salaries required addressing to correct what was viewed as anomalies.
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan was quoted in another section of the media as saying: “we inherited a system where the President was receiving a salary of about $2M non-taxable, the Prime Minister was receiving a taxable salary of $1.5M while the Attorney General, the Chancellor and the Chief Justice were receiving $1.6M. Minister Jordan explained that there was no allocation for Vice Presidents and that senior and junior ministers were receiving the same pay of about $579, 000, hence the reason for Cabinet regularising the pay structure. “It is clear that there were huge anomalies (in the system we inherited). The President, Prime Minister and AG are receiving massive salaries and the senior and junior ministers are at the same level,” Jordan said.


I hope Uncle Donald is not surprise. When dealing with a CRIMINAL PNC AND TWO SHAMELESS HOUSE SLAVES anyone should have been able to conclude that the POOR and HELPLESS will be trampled by this CHANGE GOvt!!!!


So both the PPP and the APNU/AFC use their clout to pay themselves super salaries, as only they are entitled to not to have to steal, so need high pay.


Well that didnt stop the PPP from stealing, and rumors have it that one needs to pay a "fee" to get audience with some of these APNU/AFC folks.  They come cheaper than the PPP though. At least for now.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So both the PPP and the APNU/AFC use their clout to pay themselves super salaries, as only they are entitled to not to have to steal, so need high pay.


Well that didnt stop the PPP from stealing, and rumors have it that one needs to pay a "fee" to get audience with some of these APNU/AFC folks.  They come cheaper than the PPP though. At least for now.

u mussbe the "New" Guyana Times on GNI


name and shame dem nah?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So both the PPP and the APNU/AFC use their clout to pay themselves super salaries, as only they are entitled to not to have to steal, so need high pay.


Well that didnt stop the PPP from stealing, and rumors have it that one needs to pay a "fee" to get audience with some of these APNU/AFC folks.  They come cheaper than the PPP though. At least for now.

u mussbe the "New" Guyana Times on GNI


name and shame dem nah?

I see.  Already you are re-introducing Burnhamite nonsense. Any critic of APNU must be "anti-gov't".


Run along and prove those PPP thugs right as they try to create mischief, and it will be president Jagdeo sooner than you think.


Those who care about Guyana do not want APNU/AFC to become another PPP.  But you don't care.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So both the PPP and the APNU/AFC use their clout to pay themselves super salaries, as only they are entitled to not to have to steal, so need high pay.


Well that didnt stop the PPP from stealing, and rumors have it that one needs to pay a "fee" to get audience with some of these APNU/AFC folks.  They come cheaper than the PPP though. At least for now.

u mussbe the "New" Guyana Times on GNI


name and shame dem nah?

I see.  Already you are re-introducing Burnhamite nonsense. Any critic of APNU must be "anti-gov't".


Run along and prove those PPP thugs right as they try to create mischief, and it will be president Jagdeo sooner than you think.


Those who care about Guyana do not want APNU/AFC to become another PPP.  But you don't care.

like i said: name and shame dem . . . bring it!


this should be your contribution if u have any integrity


wuh happen . . . doan go all "conscience" pan abee now?

Last edited by Former Member

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