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MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS CLEMENT ROHEE: Writing in the Kaieteur News on Sunday, March 31, 2013, Adam Harris in an article headlined “The days of protest may be over” stated; “…..the people of Guyana appear to have been beaten into submission”.
Harris went on to brand the Private Sector as “selfish” and he accused Trade Unionists of being what could be likened to Franz Fanon’s “Wretched of the Earth”
Harris further went on to disparage the working people of Guyana by stating that they only “talk” and do not act. And even when they do such actions are “sporadic” and at best “negligent”
Harris then concluded his article by saying that “protest is something of the past”. And in a subtle but clearly agitational manner, Harris suggests that the political parties “are hard pressed to bring out their supporters to protest anything”
But Harris does not stop there; indeed, in a provocative and journalistic slight (sic) of hand reflects how on one occasion the “PNC brought the Government to its knees” He then wonders aloud whether this could ever happen again”. He then laments; “people have been beaten into submission”.
So Harris; while weeping over the “absence” of protest actions was at the same time encouraging it.
But Harris could not have been oblivious to protest actions which took place at Linden alone over a period of one month by Teachers, Bosai Workers, Nurses, Mothers in Black and the National Congress of Women.
Further, protest actions were initiated by workers at GPL. More recently Harris must know about the protest at Plaisance in connection with the location of the e-governance transmission tower.
The question is two-fold; why would Harris be spreading such misinformation?
What is Harris’ agenda?
What Harris must acknowledge and recognise is the heightened political awareness of the Guyanese people who refuse to be drawn into protest actions that mean little or nothing to them and, as experience has shown, it is the AFC’s or APNU’s agitation that has led to misguided political protests.
Is it reasonable to surmise therefore that Harris is telegraphing a message to the APNU and AFC?

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Adam Harris of the Kaieteur News uses his media as a conduit to agitate its readership into acts of uncivilized behavior, we should let sleeping dogs lie (no pun intended). Our history has shown that protests organized by political parties, particularly APNU, have quickly escalated into very very violent riots where properties are vandalized and many innocent persons are either injured, jailed, or have lost their lives

Originally Posted by warrior:

albert i hope when they start to protest somebody put a slap around your head

I hope when they do men such as Clifton Hicken and Todd are still in the GPF

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see the Kaietuer News is being used as a tool to forge the sinister motives of APNU/AFC.

Been reading some detective books recently, movies???

Originally Posted by cain:

Bray on Clement, Bray on.

PPP in full rampage about evil black man scaring innocent Indians in their usual plan to scare an Indian vote.


First Jagdeo, and now Rohee.


They dont care what non Indians think.  no wondr in 1997 they won 220k votes, and only got 166k in 2011.  Each election since 1997 has seen the PPP winning fewer and fewer votes. And continuing to fail to win support from African and mixed voters.

Originally Posted by albert:

Adam Harris of the Kaieteur News uses his media as a conduit to agitate its readership into acts of uncivilized behavior, we should let sleeping dogs lie (no pun intended). Our history has shown that protests organized by political parties, particularly APNU, have quickly escalated into very very violent riots where properties are vandalized and many innocent persons are either injured, jailed, or have lost their lives

To protest injustice is the most civilized thing to do. Actually, the word civic duty comes to mind as part of ones civilized mode of action. In light of the PPP appropriation of autocratic rights and demand to hide behind the "legitimacy" of a dictatorial constitution one has to inform them legitimacy is with agreement of the people not two too bit legal cronies forging a piece of paper at their masters behest.


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