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skeldon_man posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

For President. Hats off to you Sir!!!  You are indeed a great American HERO!!!

He is giving back the  Republicans and Devin Nunes their own medicine. The Republicans don't like it now. 

I am glad Devin Nunes was reelected so he can experience the saltiness.

I do not think there is a bigger IDIOT than the COW in Congress!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Is that the pencil neck guy?

Pencil neck or fowl neck...he is a nightmare for Trump and the Republicans in the house. 

Trump taking it light for now. They are loading up the armory for 2020.  All his critics will be taken down one after another!

He knows the angry democrats will launch a multi pronged assault. His army is preparing!

BTW, is Avenatti still thinking of running for President?😁

Baseman posted:

Is that the pencil neck guy?

That statement made by the obese /dunce for a president. Last night he said he knows all about WIND, especially HOT/Fart. How stupid can he be along with his base, excuse the pun,at a rally in Michigan, he bragged he had the nicest house, condo, he went to best schools and now he is the president, he is Winging the presidency all along, doesn't know Fart.

 Barr took less than two days to write a 4 page report that took Mueller two years and over 300 pages and yet he cannot release the full report, he now needs months. Did he really read the full report or just put out a statement that will appease Trump.

 Yesterday Adam Schiff blasted the GOP in congress and outlined step by step how the Trump family and organization was influenced by Russia to help them win the election. LOCK TRUMP UP!

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Is that the pencil neck guy?

That statement made by the obese /dunce for a president. Last night he said he knows all about WIND, especially HOT/Fart. How stupid can he be along with his base, excuse the pun,at a rally in Michigan, he bragged he had the nicest house, condo, he went to best schools and now he is the president, he is Winging the presidency all along, doesn't know Fart.

 Barr took less than two days to write a 4 page report that took Mueller two years and over 300 pages and yet he cannot release the full report, he now needs months. Did he really read the full report or just put out a statement that will appease Trump.

 Yesterday Adam Schiff blasted the GOP in congress and outlined step by step how the Trump family and organization was influenced by Russia to help them win the election. LOCK TRUMP UP!

I think you’re a day late banna! The Trump locomotive left the station and gathering steam!

The difference between Barr and Mueller, Mueller had to investigate, gather evidence, examine and evaluate then document. Barr took the 300 page report and provided a synopsis!

The full report will never be released. It contains lots of sources and methods which will be a goldmine for the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc.

You have to take Barr’s word for it!

Oh....and the Canadians.  That pretty boy cannot be trusted!

Last edited by Former Member

Schiff is disgusting, I was disgusted listening to him on and on. Kostick said, American politicians are full of hate, they justify their hate by assuming that their intentions a right. They are destroying the Greatness of America. 

I hope the Mayflower Americans tek dem country back, these damn come lately immigrants messing up the place like a shithole country.

Baseman posted:

You have to take Barr’s word for it!

True. But Barr wouldn't have any influence over the SDNY. That is where Trump's most egregious sins will be dealt with. Trump is from New York and should know how the roaches run for cover when the lights go on. Roaches detest bright lights more than anything else. Unfortunately for Trump, his ego couldn't prevent him from placing the brightest lights on himself. His jealousy of and hatred for Barak Hussain Obama blinded his already defective vision causing him to place himself fully in front of a speeding New York train. TIME IS LONGER THAN TWINE. 

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Is that the pencil neck guy?

That statement made by the obese /dunce for a president. Last night he said he knows all about WIND, especially HOT/Fart. How stupid can he be along with his base, excuse the pun,at a rally in Michigan, he bragged he had the nicest house, condo, he went to best schools and now he is the president, he is Winging the presidency all along, doesn't know Fart.

 Barr took less than two days to write a 4 page report that took Mueller two years and over 300 pages and yet he cannot release the full report, he now needs months. Did he really read the full report or just put out a statement that will appease Trump.

 Yesterday Adam Schiff blasted the GOP in congress and outlined step by step how the Trump family and organization was influenced by Russia to help them win the election. LOCK TRUMP UP!

I think you’re a day late banna! The Trump locomotive left the station and gathering steam!

The difference between Barr and Mueller, Mueller had to investigate, gather evidence, examine and evaluate then document. Barr took the 300 page report and provided a synopsis!

The full report will never be released. It contains lots of sources and methods which will be a goldmine for the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc.

You have to take Barr’s word for it!

Oh....and the Canadians.  That pretty boy cannot be trusted!

I listened to American TV, those commentator are freaking stupid, they juss talk shit.

On BBC, there was this American law professor on. And he explained why Adam Schiff will never see the full report. The AG has alot of information to safe guard. 

I am saying this, Obama was the one who started the idea that Trump must have a Russian connection. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

You have to take Barr’s word for it!

True. But Barr wouldn't have any influence over the SDNY. That is where Trump's most egregious sins will be dealt with. Trump is from New York and should know how the roaches run for cover when the lights go on. Roaches detest bright lights more than anything else. Unfortunately for Trump, his ego couldn't prevent him from placing the brightest lights on himself. His jealousy of and hatred for Barak Hussain Obama blinded his already defective vision causing him to place himself fully in front of a speeding New York train. TIME IS LONGER THAN TWINE. 

Trump will deal with SDNY.  Let those corrupt liberals and socialist jump the gun. They already chased away Amazon.

Trump will find a way to defund some or their programs and see the people react!


The Trump CULT don't like the truth, Congress is the one to decide who is guilty and who is innocent not Barr.

 How can Schiff be disgusting? he was accused of lying in the congress and was asked to resigned by the Republicans/ Trump Lap Dogs. Schiff is a hero, he exposed the lies of Trump and that you will see in the Report.

I want to see how Trump will back peddle when the facts do come out.

seignet posted:

Schiff is disgusting, I was disgusted listening to him on and on. Kostick said, American politicians are full of hate, they justify their hate by assuming that their intentions a right. They are destroying the Greatness of America. 

I hope the Mayflower Americans tek dem country back, these damn come lately immigrants messing up the place like a shithole country.

So Siggy, yuh prefer how Nunes conducted himself when he sat in that chair. Remember he was the dude who picked up some papers from the White House, got in a car, then ditched his co-workers who were in that car as he ran in the dark of the night back to the White and give them the same set of papers telling them that he acquired them from some other source. 

Schiff was perfect in his deliverance and tone of his condemnation yesterday. No American would have ever expected the Republicans to sell out their country to the Russians but they too are acting their hatred for Obama. The foolish Conaway used his 5 minutes to personally attach Schiff then be went demanding more time that he didn't have. Schiff was right to tell he to kyer he skont for wasting his 5 minutes just like the Republicans wasted the past 8 years while they were the majority of that committee. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

You have to take Barr’s word for it!

True. But Barr wouldn't have any influence over the SDNY. That is where Trump's most egregious sins will be dealt with. Trump is from New York and should know how the roaches run for cover when the lights go on. Roaches detest bright lights more than anything else. Unfortunately for Trump, his ego couldn't prevent him from placing the brightest lights on himself. His jealousy of and hatred for Barak Hussain Obama blinded his already defective vision causing him to place himself fully in front of a speeding New York train. TIME IS LONGER THAN TWINE. 

Trump will deal with SDNY.  Let those corrupt liberals and socialist jump the gun. They already chased away Amazon.

Trump will find a way to defund some or their programs and see the people react!

The Federal government cannot push New York and California around. Those states along with some others bankroll the Federal government. The only dealing Trump will be doing with the SDNY is doing time at a minimum security facility in NY. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, it is my belief that SDNY will delay any Prosecution until after 2020. If Trump lose is Bye Bye, welcome to Sing SinG

I agree. They too know that the madman's fingers are still very close to the nuclear codes. 

Ayuh two deh pon Ayuh love fest!!

Ker Yuh Baxside suh Yuh coming this weekend to the Parade leh we feel up some things???

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, it is my belief that SDNY will delay any Prosecution until after 2020. If Trump lose is Bye Bye, welcome to Sing SinG

I agree. They too know that the madman's fingers are still very close to the nuclear codes. 

Ayuh two deh pon Ayuh love fest!!

Ker Yuh Baxside suh Yuh coming this weekend to the Parade leh we feel up some things???

Couple people ask me. Thinking about it!

We can go to Nest after!

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bibi coming wid yuh

Me sure she guh deh deh.  If she there, we cyar she to Nest wid abie!

And nah mek worries, all pon me VISA!

Kyer yuh rass. Nehru gat he PPP Visa back. Charrandas picking up de tab now using he million dalla bribe. 

Yea, but PNC in powah, suh PPP cyard guh run dry!!  Mi PNC cyard coded to the Guyana treasury rite weh dem hiding Datt $18 mil!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bibi coming wid yuh

Me sure she guh deh deh.  If she there, we cyar she to Nest wid abie!

And nah mek worries, all pon me VISA!

Kyer yuh rass. Nehru gat he PPP Visa back. Charrandas picking up de tab now using he million dalla bribe. 

Yea, but PNC in powah, suh PPP cyard guh run dry!!  Mi PNC cyard coded to the Guyana treasury rite weh dem hiding Datt $18 mil!

So yuh sehin Nehru guh have tuh start opting fuh de dalla menu soon. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bibi coming wid yuh

Me sure she guh deh deh.  If she there, we cyar she to Nest wid abie!

And nah mek worries, all pon me VISA!

Kyer yuh rass. Nehru gat he PPP Visa back. Charrandas picking up de tab now using he million dalla bribe. 

Yea, but PNC in powah, suh PPP cyard guh run dry!!  Mi PNC cyard coded to the Guyana treasury rite weh dem hiding Datt $18 mil!

So yuh sehin Nehru guh have tuh start opting fuh de dalla menu soon. 

Mi don’t know what wrong wid Nehru.  PPP milk bowl on ration!  PNC plush with Exxon bribe dough.

But come soon, abie pon tapp again!😁


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