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Dave posted:

It was a pleasure sharing my thoughts and information on this forum. I found a few great friends and will continue our conversation outside of this forum.

Good luck Mr Django, I spoke with you once for less than a minute and was enough to conclude your ego. 

Take care everyone.

You don't want anyone to make comments on your threads and post. The messages are to be left alone. That's not the intent of Forums.

You have to be a maestro to judge some one in a minute conversation, there was no discussion of politics, the conversation was about people i know ,old friends from your village.

Good Luck to you.

Last edited by Django

Dave ---

Individuals indeed have their views on issues; some are the same, some a bit different and others can be diametrically opposite.

The diametrically opposite ones generally create most attentions and indeed lots of discussions.

GNI discussions forum is for varied political issues and there will be heated exchanges among members. At the end of the day; we are all friends and acquaintances who look forward to meeting online for other exchanges.

With that in mind; hopefully you may rest for one day and then return to GNI to continue with your interactions.


Dave posted:

It was a pleasure sharing my thoughts and information on this forum. I found a few great friends and will continue our conversation outside of this forum. Good luck Mr Django, I spoke with you once for less than a minute and was enough to conclude your ego. 

Take care everyone.

Words of a defeatist !  U let Jango get the best of u.  Shame!  Nothing but a mangy coward. If u truly represent the PPP and wished to promote their cause, u should stay on and fite. Change your tactics, use your head and be more diplomatic in your approach. Unfortunately, u don't seem to posses these qualities.  😃

@Sheik101 posted:

Words of a defeatist !  U let Jango get the best of u.  Shame!  Nothing but a mangy coward. If u truly represent the PPP and wished to promote their cause, u should stay on and fite. Change your tactics, use your head and be more diplomatic in your approach. Unfortunately, u don't seem to posses these qualities.  😃

What are you really saying, he must stay or go?. Django would be the happiest person if all the PPP posters leave, that's his eventual intention. Congress Place will award him the Roraima Award, Sorry for po D-G he only here to clean up the mess.

 I often say, Dj as a Rum Shop owner is doing a fine job at loosing customers.

@kp posted:

What are you really saying, he must stay or go?

Django would be the happiest person if all the PPP posters leave, that's his eventual intention.

Congress Place will award him the Roraima Award, Sorry for po D-G he only here to clean up the mess.

 I often say, Dj as a Rum Shop owner is doing a fine job at loosing customers.

Never ,defend your positions when confronted ,discussions aren't one way street.

Last edited by Django

'Dave' provides another side to Guyana politics, but he seems to be a person who want others to beg him to stay, so he can feel important. While others just delete their membership THEMSELVES quietly and just leave, why is it so hard for him to do the same ?  

How much more important he wants to feel, by others begging him to  stay ?  

Last edited by Tola

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