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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You are full of yourself. 

I am a dragon, I am pure magic. Do not infuriate me troll! Let me change my skin in peace.

While you are changing your skin maybe you should also be thinking about changing your soul, cleansing it from all the pent up hatred and evil. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sunil:
i think you can change your name from your profile. If not, PM me your choice of a new name. No need to  re-register.

 I do not want the dragon's post to die if attached to a new personality. I will re register tonight.

Are you changing for better or worst?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You are full of yourself. 

I am a dragon, I am pure magic. Do not infuriate me troll! Let me change my skin in peace.

While you are changing your skin maybe you should also be thinking about changing your soul, cleansing it from all the pent up hatred and evil. 

What is this thing you call a soul? My senses contact the world not some inner personality or agency that is in your imagination. You are weak so you think in term of hatred. I do not waste my time like that. Evil is what you are so quit attaching to me your endemic traits.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Its called animism in Amerindian cosmology.

sorry animism is not remotely like reincarnation. On a basic level it is that the world is animate ie made alive by the things in it be the rocks or flora or fauna. Animism is about the god in everything ie there is no separation between what is conventionally called "life" and "non life".

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Gabriel: What's it like? To wake up... as dead meat... with the buzzards circling?

Danyael: Do I know you?

Gabriel: I know -you.- From before you were born. Both times.

Gabriel was a very long time before Lucifer. He was at the creation of Lucifer as a cherub in the Kingdom of God and Gabriel was present again when Lucifer was re-created as a god of the earth due to pride and open rebellion in the heavens. Ezeckiel 28. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Gabriel: What's it like? To wake up... as dead meat... with the buzzards circling?

Danyael: Do I know you?

Gabriel: I know -you.- From before you were born. Both times.

Gabriel was a very long time before Lucifer. He was at the creation of Lucifer as a cherub in the Kingdom of God and Gabriel was present again when Lucifer was re-created as a god of the earth due to pride and open rebellion in the heavens. Ezeckiel 28. 

Its funny that d2, a self confessed atheist, would give himself a bibical/jewish character's name. Maybe he got inducted into a clap hand church and discovered religion.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Gabriel: What's it like? To wake up... as dead meat... with the buzzards circling?

Danyael: Do I know you?

Gabriel: I know -you.- From before you were born. Both times.

Gabriel was a very long time before Lucifer. He was at the creation of Lucifer as a cherub in the Kingdom of God and Gabriel was present again when Lucifer was re-created as a god of the earth due to pride and open rebellion in the heavens. Ezeckiel 28. 

Its funny that d2, a self confessed atheist, would give himself a bibical/jewish character's name. Maybe he got inducted into a clap hand church and discovered religion.



Good call. The man is now a clap hand church member. Let us wish him well.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Gabriel: What's it like? To wake up... as dead meat... with the buzzards circling?

Danyael: Do I know you?

Gabriel: I know -you.- From before you were born. Both times.

Gabriel was a very long time before Lucifer. He was at the creation of Lucifer as a cherub in the Kingdom of God and Gabriel was present again when Lucifer was re-created as a god of the earth due to pride and open rebellion in the heavens. Ezeckiel 28. 

Its funny that d2, a self confessed atheist, would give himself a bibical/jewish character's name. Maybe he got inducted into a clap hand church and discovered religion.

The prohibition to stepping outside your knowledge base leaves you making an ass of yourself. The name is from fiction and I went to great pains on another thread by making my first post an exact paraphrase from the fictional character.


As an Aside, do you think the demonstration of jubilation in Baptist and other christian churches of revivalist ilk make them less sanctified or secure in their faith than the staid Episcopalians? Would catholic be well within their rights to call Episcopalians heretics since they allow priests to marry, accept abortion as normal, permit contraception and allow divorce? Now they even have gay preachers!


You are, dear sir, leaping outside the bounds of reason

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Gabriel: What's it like? To wake up... as dead meat... with the buzzards circling?

Danyael: Do I know you?

Gabriel: I know -you.- From before you were born. Both times.

Gabriel was a very long time before Lucifer. He was at the creation of Lucifer as a cherub in the Kingdom of God and Gabriel was present again when Lucifer was re-created as a god of the earth due to pride and open rebellion in the heavens. Ezeckiel 28. 

Its funny that d2, a self confessed atheist, would give himself a bibical/jewish character's name. Maybe he got inducted into a clap hand church and discovered religion.



Good call. The man is now a clap hand church member. Let us wish him well.

And here again is the man with a tiny brain ( certainly a corollary to more oft mentioned body parts). And the presumption of the royal prerogative, "us"! Man, do you believe in more than five impossible things before breakfast!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The prohibition to stepping outside your knowledge base leaves you making an ass of yourself. The name is from fiction and I went to great pains on another thread by making my first post an exact paraphrase from the fictional character.


As an Aside, do you think the demonstration of jubilation in Baptist and other christian churches of revivalist ilk make them less sanctified or secure in their faith than the staid Episcopalians? Would catholic be well within their rights to call Episcopalians heretics since they allow priests to marry, accept abortion as normal, permit contraception and allow divorce? Now they even have gay preachers!


You are, dear sir, leaping outside the bounds of reason

You are correct, since you are an atheist of course Daniel will be an invented character and so was the Angel Gabriel. ahaha 

Read the book of enoch and find the inspiration for Danyael, a fallen angel. ahahaha

It is funny that you abhor religion by yet are eager to embrace fictional characters as role models. ahahahhahha 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The prohibition to stepping outside your knowledge base leaves you making an ass of yourself. The name is from fiction and I went to great pains on another thread by making my first post an exact paraphrase from the fictional character.


As an Aside, do you think the demonstration of jubilation in Baptist and other christian churches of revivalist ilk make them less sanctified or secure in their faith than the staid Episcopalians? Would catholic be well within their rights to call Episcopalians heretics since they allow priests to marry, accept abortion as normal, permit contraception and allow divorce? Now they even have gay preachers!


You are, dear sir, leaping outside the bounds of reason

You are correct, since you are an atheist of course Daniel will be an invented character and so was the Angel Gabriel. ahaha 

Read the book of enoch and find the inspiration for Danyael, a fallen angel. ahahaha

It is funny that you abhor religion by yet are eager to embrace fictional characters as role models. ahahahhahha 

dude danyael has been the name here for me for over a decade. You just never looked what the d was for. Anyway, if you think that anyone with a name that corresponds to some thing in your frame of reference means that is what it is then I cannot persuade you otherwise. You do have a will of your own.


Further, who said I abhor religion? Religion is a useful tool to keep the sheep-like  in line. Obviously not all can see morality for what it is; habit, custom, culture, best methods etc. Some need to be told it has "beyond" this world implications. They need the wonder and awe of believing the you!

Originally Posted by Danyael: 

dude danyael has been the name here for me for over a decade. You just never looked what the d was for. Anyway, if you think that anyone with a name that corresponds to some thing in your frame of reference means that is what it is then I cannot persuade you otherwise. You do have a will of your own.


Further, who said I abhor religion? Religion is a useful tool to keep the sheep-like  in line. Obviously not all can see morality for what it is; habit, custom, culture, best methods etc. Some need to be told it has "beyond" this world implications. They need the wonder and awe of believing the you!

As one poster stated, you must have been recruited in a clap hand church and decided to use the moniker Daniel based on its biblical roots as an atonement for your sins. 

If you had this name for over a decade then you have been ignorant of its roots for that long and as they say, "he who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him".  Now you will claim that the science fiction movie invented Angel Gabriel and Danyael all on their own, without an inspiration. ahhahaah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael: 

dude danyael has been the name here for me for over a decade. You just never looked what the d was for. Anyway, if you think that anyone with a name that corresponds to some thing in your frame of reference means that is what it is then I cannot persuade you otherwise. You do have a will of your own.


Further, who said I abhor religion? Religion is a useful tool to keep the sheep-like  in line. Obviously not all can see morality for what it is; habit, custom, culture, best methods etc. Some need to be told it has "beyond" this world implications. They need the wonder and awe of believing the you!

As one poster stated, you must have been recruited in a clap hand church and decided to use the moniker Daniel based on its biblical roots as an atonement for your sins. 

If you had this name for over a decade then you have been ignorant of its roots for that long and as they say, "he who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him".  Now you will claim that the science fiction movie invented Angel Gabriel and Danyael all on their own, without an inspiration. ahhahaah

 Dude, you are   parrot. As noted, I took the spelling from a successful fantasy that is all you need to know. Actually, my initial post made that clear but being a chronic twit you missed it. That the fantasy is a religious fantasy exploiting the apocryphal stories and expanding on end of time themes has nothing to do with the bible but straight up  fantasy.


And are you claiming to be an authority on religion now? That is a laugh.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Dude, you are   parrot. As noted, I took the spelling from a successful fantasy that is all you need to know. Actually, my initial post made that clear but being a chronic twit you missed it. That the fantasy is a religious fantasy exploiting the apocryphal stories and expanding on end of time themes has nothing to do with the bible but straight up  fantasy.


And are you claiming to be an authority on religion now? That is a laugh.

Now that you admit that you didn't know the real root of the name, that is forgivable. Hollywood draws on the bible and other religious works for its inspiration. You being an atheist would not know of the biblical roots as you read only science fictions which by the way seem to be your religion. Imagine a grown man believing in star trek when the rest of us know that it was invented by the  movie industry.  It is quite shallow for you to take the name of a science fiction character based on biblical roots and claim to be a person to be taken seriously. It is no accident that Danyeal is a fallen angel as per the science fiction series The Prophecy. The book of Enoch is the inspiration for your character, my work is never done as I continue to teach you:


Daniel (Hebrew: Ũ“Ũ Ũ™ŨŨœ, Greek: Î”ÎąÎ―ÎĩÎđÎŪ&lambda, also spelled DÃĒnÊl, is a fallen angel, the seventh mentioned of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, who taught the "signs of the sun" to humans. The name is translated by Michael Knibb[1] as “God has judged."



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Dude, you are   parrot. As noted, I took the spelling from a successful fantasy that is all you need to know. Actually, my initial post made that clear but being a chronic twit you missed it. That the fantasy is a religious fantasy exploiting the apocryphal stories and expanding on end of time themes has nothing to do with the bible but straight up  fantasy.


And are you claiming to be an authority on religion now? That is a laugh.

Now that you admit that you didn't know the real root of the name, that is forgivable. Hollywood draws on the bible and other religious works for its inspiration. You being an atheist would not know of the biblical roots as you read only science fictions which by the way seem to be your religion. Imagine a grown man believing in star trek when the rest of us know that it was invented by the  movie industry.  It is quite shallow for you to take the name of a science fiction character based on biblical roots and claim to be a person to be taken seriously. It is no accident that Danyeal is a fallen angel as per the science fiction series The Prophecy. The book of Enoch is the inspiration for your character, my work is never done as I continue to teach you:


Daniel (Hebrew: Ũ“Ũ Ũ™ŨŨœ, Greek: Î”ÎąÎ―ÎĩÎđÎŪ&lambda, also spelled DÃĒnÊl, is a fallen angel, the seventh mentioned of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, who taught the "signs of the sun" to humans. The name is translated by Michael Knibb[1] as “God has judged."



You are in your plainly deluded world. Using Google does not mask that. Clearly you do not know what the hell you are talking about and as usual is making claims about others not affirmed anywhere except in your head.


The bible has no book called Enoch. It also does not speak of any fallen angel or angel of any kind by the name of danyael or daniel or any of its derivation. Above I stated clearly the name was from a fantasy movie that sourced it from an apocryphal text and expanded on it to create a mythical archangel.


I am also quit clear I am grounded most of the major religious texts than you are since I took the time to read and understand them while you are as usual a shallow loud mouthed lout with the brain the size of a pea.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Dude, you are   parrot. As noted, I took the spelling from a successful fantasy that is all you need to know. Actually, my initial post made that clear but being a chronic twit you missed it. That the fantasy is a religious fantasy exploiting the apocryphal stories and expanding on end of time themes has nothing to do with the bible but straight up  fantasy.


And are you claiming to be an authority on religion now? That is a laugh.

Now that you admit that you didn't know the real root of the name, that is forgivable. Hollywood draws on the bible and other religious works for its inspiration. You being an atheist would not know of the biblical roots as you read only science fictions which by the way seem to be your religion. Imagine a grown man believing in star trek when the rest of us know that it was invented by the  movie industry.  It is quite shallow for you to take the name of a science fiction character based on biblical roots and claim to be a person to be taken seriously. It is no accident that Danyeal is a fallen angel as per the science fiction series The Prophecy. The book of Enoch is the inspiration for your character, my work is never done as I continue to teach you:


Daniel (Hebrew: Ũ“Ũ Ũ™ŨŨœ, Greek: Î”ÎąÎ―ÎĩÎđÎŪ&lambda, also spelled DÃĒnÊl, is a fallen angel, the seventh mentioned of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, who taught the "signs of the sun" to humans. The name is translated by Michael Knibb[1] as “God has judged."



Interesting book. I read it 30 years ago and firmly believe in it. In 1947, among the Dead Sea scrolls a copy of it was found. In the Bible, the Book of Jude it is written about and Hebrews 5:11. They have unearth giants in the ME. And the Orthodox Church of Abisynnia, the Book is used as part of their cannon.


It is not fiction. And Danyael is not one the 20 satans. Homer wrote about them, he called them titans. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Dude, you are   parrot. As noted, I took the spelling from a successful fantasy that is all you need to know. Actually, my initial post made that clear but being a chronic twit you missed it. That the fantasy is a religious fantasy exploiting the apocryphal stories and expanding on end of time themes has nothing to do with the bible but straight up  fantasy.


And are you claiming to be an authority on religion now? That is a laugh.

Now that you admit that you didn't know the real root of the name, that is forgivable. Hollywood draws on the bible and other religious works for its inspiration. You being an atheist would not know of the biblical roots as you read only science fictions which by the way seem to be your religion. Imagine a grown man believing in star trek when the rest of us know that it was invented by the  movie industry.  It is quite shallow for you to take the name of a science fiction character based on biblical roots and claim to be a person to be taken seriously. It is no accident that Danyeal is a fallen angel as per the science fiction series The Prophecy. The book of Enoch is the inspiration for your character, my work is never done as I continue to teach you:


Daniel (Hebrew: Ũ“Ũ Ũ™ŨŨœ, Greek: Î”ÎąÎ―ÎĩÎđÎŪ&lambda, also spelled DÃĒnÊl, is a fallen angel, the seventh mentioned of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, who taught the "signs of the sun" to humans. The name is translated by Michael Knibb[1] as “God has judged."



Interesting book. I read it 30 years ago and firmly believe in it. In 1947, among the Dead Sea scrolls a copy of it was found. In the Bible, the Book of Jude it is written about and Hebrews 5:11. They have unearth giants in the ME. And the Orthodox Church of Abisynnia, the Book is used as part of their cannon.


It is not fiction. And Danyael is not one the 20 satans. Homer wrote about them, he called them titans. 

THe book of enoch is not among the dead sea scrolls.  Parts of the astronomical  references corresponds to those among the assorted calendrical texts discovered. It is also not canonical for most Christians even known from the first century.


The Homeric gods were Olympians and the Titans were mentioned tangentially ie Helios. You are probably speaking of the historian Hesiod. The Titans were gods. The beings referenced in the book of Enoch were angels and angelic/human hybrids or Nephilim


To me they are as real as unicorns.


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