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Administration under pressure to hold

Local Govt. Elections – Ramkarran

March 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Ralph Ramkarran, a former Executive Member of the ruling Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) says that now that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has dismissed any notions that it is unprepared for the holding of Local Government Elections, the pressure is on Government to set a date.

Former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran

Former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran


Ramkarran in his most recent writings on his media outlet,, reminded that against the background of the passage in the National Assembly of the Local Authorities (Election Amendment) Bill, not yet assented to by the President, which provides that Local Government Elections be held by August, the Chairman of GECOM, Dr. Steve Surujballi, announced that they are ready to ‘go into election mode’ as soon as the date for Local Government Elections is fixed. “This ends speculation about GECOM’s readiness…It also challenges the Government’s position on the holding of Local Government Elections.” According to Ramkarran, Dr Surujbally’s statement nullifies that of Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee’s that GECOM is not ready. “Minister Whittaker’s view that the people are not ready has been an age old excuse for the withholding of democracy, and lacks credibility.” Ramkarran noted that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has seized the opportunity which was opened up by GECOM’s announcement to call on the Government to fix a date for the elections. ‘The clock is ticking,’ said APNU’s Chair, David Granger. According to Ramkarran, Government has always expressed an anxiety for early Local Government Elections. “Shortly after his assumption of office, President Ramotar announced his intention to hold Local Government Elections in 2012…These had been delayed since 1994 due to the unfortunate circumstances whereby during the PPP/C’s last term of office, the Government allowed negotiations to be unnecessarily prolonged with the Opposition PNCR-IG for the legislation which was necessary after the recommendations of the Constitution Reform Commission.” He reminded that these started during the life of the 2001 to 2006 Government and continued interminably, for eight years, into the life in the next Government. According to Ramkarran, it ought to have terminated the negotiations after one or two years, and taken the issues for resolution to the National Assembly, which it eventually did after eight years. He noted too that the then Opposition PNCR-IG also adopted an intransigent position by demanding that the reforms must be completed before elections are held. “There was no reason why elections could not have been held under the old system while negotiations were going on…These two positions combined to deprive the Guyanese people of having local democracy.” Ramkarran surmised that having regard to President Donald Ramotar’s earlier commitment, the PPP surely recognized that this deficit is one of the reasons why it performed so poorly at the last General Elections. “What in fact happened is that the lack of democracy allowed corruption to spiral, services to decline and bureaucratic inertia to spread…Frustration at the local level increased and this was partially reflected in the 2011 election results.” According to Ramkarran, given such an experience, it would have been expected that current procrastination by the Government as regards Local Government Elections would have been eschewed, “But not so…The only explanation is that the issue of General Elections is on the agenda of the PPP leadership.” Ramkarran posits that “one may be tempted to believe that the Government is examining the negative impact of a low turnout at the Local Government Elections.” He reminded that after the traditional high turnout at the 1992 General Elections, the Local Government Elections in 1994 saw only a 30+ percent turnout. “It is anticipated that if Local Government Elections are now held, the turnout would be even lower…Such a result may cause its supporters to lose confidence in its ability to return victory at the General Elections.” According to Ramkarran, this may well lead the Government to hold its hand on the Local Government Elections as it now appears to want to do. He noted however that the country is currently going through a particularly potent political battle in relation to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill (AML/CFT)  with there being no signs that any compromise is about to be negotiated. “The consequences of this alone may be so grave that elections would be necessary.” He observed however that the budget is soon to be presented in the National Assembly and that this would be the occasion for further disagreements. “No one knows what the outcome of the debate on the estimates is going to be…One suspects therefore that the Government wishes to keep its powder dry and not commit to Local Government Elections until it is in a position to decide whether or not General Elections would be necessary.” He said that it is not known whether this analysis is accurate but in the absence of any definite information, it is a reasonable proposition to explain the reluctance of the PPP to commit to Local Government Elections at this moment even though the leadership is aware of its importance and necessity. “It is aware that the absence of Local Government Elections is resulting in progress not being adequately made, which is likely to harm its political prospects…But it is between a rock and a hard place…It has no choice but to keep its options open at this time.” According to Ramkarran, “Government is now under serious pressure to fix a date for the Local Government Elections.” He noted that not only the Opposition but the diplomatic community too has been exerting pressure on the Government to call the elections.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chairman of GECOM, Dr. Steve Surujballi, announced that they are ready to ‘go into election mode’ as soon as the date for Local Government Elections is fixed. “This ends speculation about GECOM’s readiness…It also challenges the Government’s position on the holding of Local Government Elections.”

Originally Posted by asj:

The corrupt PPP/C are very much scared, these scumbags know that they do not have the support they can rely on to call any elections.


They and pissing their pants/panties

the only language the ppp will understand is the sounds of the guns


Ramkarran hit them hard here.


Dr. Steve Surujballi, announced that they are ready to ‘go into election mode’ as soon as the date for Local Government Elections is fixed. “This ends speculation about GECOM’s readiness…It also challenges the Government’s position on the holding of Local Government Elections.” According to Ramkarran, Dr Surujbally’s statement nullifies that of Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee’s that GECOM is not ready. “Minister Whittaker’s view that the people are not ready has been an age old excuse for the withholding of democracy, and lacks credibility.” Ramkarran noted that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has seized the opportunity which was opened up by GECOM’s announcement to call on the Government to fix a date for the elections.


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