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I read where Jalil was asked to take a break (Ray's euphemism for "you rass banned") and I confirmed it.


I don't know the reason(s) for this Administrative action, and as a participant on this BOARD I respectfully seek an explanation. This will provide guidance for those of us who may inadvertently cross the line.


I have a few observations that concern me, and I urge the Admins to address these too.


Firstly, let's get one thing clear. The word "Buggery" is an official English word and it is in the Statues of Guyana's jurisprudence. It is a crime, and I believe it would be exercised as anal sex. As outmoded as this might be in today's world let's acknowledge that it is the laws of Guyana.


Secondly, if the news media in Guyana report that an individual was caught engaging in such illegal sex (as defined in the Guyana Statutes), then citizens are in their right to publicly assail this person and the legal system that brook no punishment or remedy. This is what I think Jalil was exercising and may the Admins say if this is a consideration in their decision to ban him.


Thirdly, if the public sees not only no punishment for this infraction of the law, but a reward by the Government, then the public is in its right to speak out against this Government. This is what I believe that Jalil was doing in the thread


Fourthly, if other participants on the Board take an opposing view to Jalil's post on this subject, then it stands tio reason Jalil has a right to put them in the same group with this offensive behavior. Jalil may be doing so in this thread also -


Fifthly, if no reasonable explanation or refutation of the above is provided, and Jalil is banned then he is reasonable in being alarmed at what he may see as a dangerous turn by this Board's Administration.


I once said that this Board is dumbing down and soon people like myself who have much to contribute - not only to partisan politics, but life in general - may need to move on.


I anxiously await the Admins response to my queries.


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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Raymond/Admin, give Kari some time off for questioning your decision. Admin decision is final.

Like you are afraid of the buggery topic......

No sir, I don't care for that. You question the Admin and I think you should get time off. What's the big deal? As a matter of fact, you said some very insulting words toward D_G in most of your posts. You need to pull up your socks or I will do it for you.

Originally Posted by raymond:

Please, I give folks here plenty leeway, even multiple warnings...all Jalil posts are about sex plus he continually insults other posters...folks can't have a discussion w/o his continuous nonsense...


he'll be back...eventually, but I expect the same nonsense from him


he adds nothing of substance....

Ray, I appreciate your indulgence. What you needed to do is to show where his "posts are about sex". Speaking about buggery in jurisprudence terms is not talking about sex. Also if you're going to say someone insults another you should cite these instances, because man, this Board proliferates with what you term insults, and it is a testament to how weak and not even-handed admin's exercise has become.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Ray, I'm gone too......until there is some sense of fairness, common sense and a forum that is enlightening, because right now this forum lack these attributes.

Apply for the moderator job!

Oh rass, look how this senior member of the infamous gang lay down as a martyr for Jalil.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TI:

I notice you picked up that term from the new military relaxed rules , hehehe

In fact he was a man ahead of his time, way ahead of the relaxed rules. Bending over and picking up the soap when it was not fashionable. Satiating the cuffies before the revolution. ahahaha

Ray, if you're going to apply the rules for Jalil, then you should not let this idiot be getting away with his nonsense every day.


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