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Why some of us can't accept gay men kissing, but adores two women making out? To add, today's game was entertaining to the max. Both teams performed at their best. The cheerleaders were in bikinis and leave nothing to the imagination. Congratulations to the patriots. Nehru told me that Guyana lose by a couple of runs yesterday. In T/20, you either win or lose. Slim margin don't count. Anyway, it's Saturday night. What you fellas are up to ? Are you happy that gays get their freedom from coast to coast in America?

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P.S....ah couldn't help but notice de deafening silence among Guyanese people. Only Shaitaan and Cobra have a gay cousin. Apparently, no other GNI family has a single gay person. Not one! Ayuh liard daags ayuh. Ayuh sons and data probably deh Gemini Lounge right now ah hussle lil same-sexing before church and mandir tomorrow morning
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
P.S....ah couldn't help but notice de deafening silence among Guyanese people. Only Shaitaan and Cobra have a gay cousin. Apparently, no other GNI family has a single gay person. Not one! Ayuh liard daags ayuh. Ayuh sons and data probably deh Gemini Lounge right now ah hussle lil same-sexing before church and mandir tomorrow morning

Ayatollah, I do not have gay relatives. There is nothing wrong giving them equal protection and the right to marry. Who are we to judge? Can anyone show me where "god" said that marriage should be between one man and one woman? If god said that, how come we have men and women marrying multiple times? Did god sanction divorce? Did god write the religious books or men did?



For the same reason children don't marry each other or parents don't marry children, men don't marry men, and women don't marry women.  That's has always been deviance and criminal, and should remain so.Homo is not a normal thing; it's an aberration.


The Court decision remove all gender differences making it OK for anyone to marry anyone, regardless of whether they are family members or not.

As Obummer said, it does not matter who you love.


So homos would be suing you for anything they are upset about.  Homes now have more rights than normal people.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

For the same reason children don't marry each other or parents don't marry children, men don't marry men, and women don't marry women.  That's has always been deviance and criminal, and should remain so.Homo is not a normal thing; it's an aberration.


The Court decision remove all gender differences making it OK for anyone to marry anyone, regardless of whether they are family members or not.

As Obummer said, it does not matter who you love.


So homos would be suing you for anything they are upset about.  Homes now have more rights than normal people.

Very shallow thinking. Would you be ok if someone told you that you cannot marry a woman? Are you an expert on homosexual traits? How do you know it's an aberration? Are you a homosexual therapist?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

A normal man will want to be with a woman, and a normal woman would want to be with a man. That's natural and normal.  Anything outside of that is an aberration, and had been regarded by society throughout the universe as the norm.



What is your definition of "normal"? And why you think the homosexuals don't consider hetrosexuals abnormal? And who are we in society to judge another person's sexuality?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

OK, I can't help you.  Read my book when it is released. I am from the Vote for Marriage Campaign (meaning good decent, godly, wholesome marriage).

Then close your legs and shut your cyat. Your book will be written with  the help of the religious christian groups. I'll need 2 copies of your book. One to shit on and the other to wipe my ass.


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