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Former Member

Ok folks,


Moses threatened a no confidence motion over two weeks ago. To date, all they can do is talk and utter threats. As we all know, talk is cheap and the AFC is cheap.


Leader and Chairman Nigel and Cathy are in charge and is destroying the AFC while the grassroots can only watch and do nothing. The AFC top brass supporters fled and donations has dried up. Gerhard fled from the AFC. 


The PNC is the same old PNC and Guyanese knows this and will never elect a racist, dirty and rotten PNC. Ask Vanessa Kissoon, she was beaten up a and chased out of Congress place because she has Indo Blood and dared to threaten the PNC.


Moses is pictured with the Chinese business Investors while their supporters here are condemning the Chinese. Go figure.


The PPP is not perfect but seems to be a far better choice than

the combined PNC/AFC.


Here is the Bluffmaster:





Images (1)
  • CHEC_101

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen the chinese are funneling a lot of money into politics today. It is what it is. If moses and other fulling their pockets they have to because the PPP has created the conditions for that.


Fair enough and that is why I called (AFC) them Double Headed Snakes and Bluffmasters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen the chinese are funneling a lot of money into politics today. It is what it is. If moses and other fulling their pockets they have to because the PPP has created the conditions for that.


Fair enough and that is why I called (AFC) them Double Headed Snakes and Bluffmasters.

is that a cobra snake

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen the chinese are funneling a lot of money into politics today. It is what it is. If moses and other fulling their pockets they have to because the PPP has created the conditions for that.


Fair enough and that is why I called (AFC) them Double Headed Snakes and Bluffmasters.

fair enough,what the hell you know about fair,the only fair you know about is when you picking fair with your stink ass in front of rob and high st in the night

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen the chinese are funneling a lot of money into politics today. It is what it is. If moses and other fulling their pockets they have to because the PPP has created the conditions for that.


Fair enough and that is why I called (AFC) them Double Headed Snakes and Bluffmasters.

fair enough,what the hell you know about fair,the only fair you know about is when you picking fair with your stink ass in front of rob and high st in the night

Look ...... warrior start exposing youji Kwamism practice.

De na waiting fuh de Vote of No Confidence fuh Expose Yuji.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses is pictured with the Chinese business Investors while their supporters here are condemning the Chinese. Go figure.


Here is the Bluffmaster:




Yuji, you are brazenly misrepresenting what Moses is doing in this photo. You are deceiving people.

Here is the newspaper report that explains why Moses was pictured with Chinese:

Parliament will investigate US$150M CJIA secret deal – House Speaker

June 10, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 
A senior official and team representing the embattled Chinese company involved in the massive Timehri airport expansion project flew in, yesterday for a meeting with government and at least one opposition party, amidst rising concerns.
China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) and its parent company, Communications Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC), have both come under intense scrutiny in Guyana and Jamaica recently for revelations that the World Bank has debarred them until 2017 for bribery.
A Chinese official was last year sentenced to death while the son of a former Bangladeshi Prime Minister was jailed for six years for taking bribes from the company and its subsidiaries.
Yesterday, Zhou Gang, a Vice President of CCCC led a team that met with Prime Minister Sam Hinds.
The team later met with Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman and Parliamentarian for the Alliance For Change, Moses Nagamootoo, at the Parliament Buildings.
While the team said it is officially here to explore the possibilities of bringing US$10B in investments to Guyana in terms of infrastructure, the issue of its seriously dented credibility dominated the agenda.
According to the Speaker, the Parliament will be investigating the US$150M deal to rebuild the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
He noted that Guyana has a long standing relationship with China, but from time to time issues of concerns and difficulties will arise.
According to Nagamootoo, his party is “strongly against corruption. And we are strongly advocate accountability in everything we do. In that regard, we are very disturbedâ€Ķ very concerned about the newspaper reports about CCCC in issues of accountability in Jamaica. We want you to give us some assurance about the creditability of your company. We want to embrace you as a friend of Guyana but (we are) worried about what we hearing.”
Zhou Gang and his team said that they are here to learn more of Guyana’s concerns and will be relaying the findings back to his headquarters.
On Thursday, seven months after his administration secretly inked an agreement with CHEC in Jamaica, for the CJIA expansion, former President Bharrat Jagdeo backpedaled, calling for
President Donald Ramotar, to review the contract.
Jagdeo’s position, now, is that the World Bank pronouncement on the Chinese contractor “should not be taken lightly.”
He is urging Ramotar to seek explanations from the Chinese Government about the conduct of the company.
This Government to Government route has been suggested given that CHEC is ultimately owned by the Chinese Government.
The former President’s utterance as it relates to his new position for a review of the project is purportedly premised on the need for “value for money” as well as to weed out any possible illegalities that may be uncovered.
Jagdeo also said that based on what the Chinese Government said, the President should make a decision on the project’s feasibility.
The company is currently also under fire in Jamaica after a probe revealed suspicious discrepancies in relation to a US$400M contract awarded there.
It was as a result of this probe that the Jamaican Contractor General, Greg Christie, had cause to highlight the fact that the parent company has been debarred by the World Bank for corrupt practices.
It was subsequently also revealed that the same contractor with which the Jagdeo administration inked the deal, and its parent company, caused at least one Chinese official to be sentenced to death as a result of kickbacks.
The Chinese business executive was handed the death sentence for taking bribes.
This publication reported, also, that the son of a former Prime Minister of Bangladesh was last year jailed in absentia for taking in bribes from this same contractor.
Guyanese learnt of the secret signing between Jagdeo’s representatives and the Chinese contractor now under fire, only after the Jamaican media broke the story.
This investment is the second largest Guyana would be making behind the still to be adequately functional US$200M Skeldon factory. This was also built by Chinese contractors.

ya watch Yuji de PPP Monkey run and hide now...


Yuji point out the chinese crooks to us in this Picture.


Which one of them Build the Skeldon 200 Million Us Factory?


Which one of den Involved in the Amilia Hydro Road Project???


Which one of them Build the Marriot Hotel????


Which one of them got the Airport Expansion Project????


Which one of them gon Invest 10% and get 90% Ownership in de Marriot???


Which one of them got the Road Expansion Contract recently???


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Post all day long but this man is the Bluffmaster of 2014 and should be ashamed of himself for threatening a no confidence motion and not delivering but hosting Chinese investors while their supporters on GNI are condemning the Chinese:





One would suggest you read and improve your self but you are apparently born blue as I said earlier and suffered some brain damage. FIrstly, THe AFC can briong a no confidence vote but the need the APNU to come along.


Also, Supporting the AFC here does not mean agreeing with all of what they do. Hosting the Chinese is by itself no evil. Taking kickbacks and letting the Chinese run over you as is happening to the PPP is a different matter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

D2, you can spin your wheels all day long but the AFC is finished. Gerhard's departure drives the final nail in coffin of the AFC, a party of Bluffmasters and Double Headed Snakes.

 I do not have spin anything. The reality of your poor argumentation illustrates that.  The AFC pre existed Gerhard so it will continue after him. It is a welcoming middle space to many. And as any good philosopher will tell you, the middle ground is the most sound place to be.


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