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OK I am an armchair politician and by no means do I intend to sound like I have all the answers.

But here is the dilemma.

The AFC (ramjattan) needed votes in the 2011 elections so it courted Moses prior to elections and probably made him some promises behind closed doors. One being Speaker of the assembly.

Moses has fought the PNC/APNU for 40 years so he is not going to change overnight. Of course the APNU sees him as a threath because of his past relationship with their party and the stances he took against them.

Now we have the position of the Speaker of the assembly where Moses is a candidate for the job. The APNU recalls Moses and his confrontations with them from decades gone by. The APNU also has its candidates and hopes one of its nominees will get the nod.

How do you expect the APNU to react. Do you expect them to embrace Moses with open arms after 4 decades of hostility ... give him his own way ... or play hardball with him.

The fact is Moses was never part of any PPP opposition until 2 months ago. He is clueless about what it means to be a member of the opposition under PPP leadership. He is bringing his ways and ideas from the PPP ... will it work with the AFC when they are brokering a relationship for the first time with the APNU?

It remains to be seen.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
If nah fa Moses in AFC, PPP would be 58% bai.

Maybe more Indos would have stayed home. Did you think of that? Also not every AFC voter was a disgruntled PPPite.
you grabing at straw,for your support of the APNU.i hope its not because you is a racist or you think its for the good of the country.the oppisition is working it out,with a lot of other things.i am supporting moses not because i am a indian,but because i know that the AFC have to be between these two a ref.the AFC trust MOSES and i donot think APNU have the right to think he not a honorable man
Originally posted by warrior:
.i am supporting moses not because i am a indian,

You are supporting moses because you are naive. tell me doesnt the AFC have some one else who has spent a longer time with that party and therefore will be more familiar with that party's goals. Why rush to a man who is only in the AFC because he was rejecetd for the PPP top slot. The fact that Nagamootoo didnt leave the PPP when Ramkarran did destroys his credibility and shows he is a die hard PPP supporter, just out to punish them.

If it comes to that Ramkarran will be better. He has had some conflicts with his own PPP (Rohee threatened to beat him up). At the end of the day the PPP will not use a closet PPP, pretending to be an opposition representative. They will have their own and if he shows bias the opposition will have the votes to bring it on.

Naga, as a closet PPP, might rule in their favor and you will not be able to blame the PPP for that.

Select some one else who APNU can live with and then insist that they select the AFC represetative.

If you wish APNU's support you cannot force upon them some one who they probably see as bad or worse than Ramkarran.
How do you expect the APNU to react. Do you expect them to embrace Moses with open arms after 4 decades of hostility ... give him his own way ... or play hardball with him.

BS, this is where politics must stop and act with good faith and confidence of electing a man or woman who serves his or her country with honor. APNU-AFC is known to play hardball at the people's expense, and that is their duty in parliament to screw the system by scratching their testicle while a decision is pending. They're like armchair politicians to waste people's time.
Even Granger, in his heart, didn't believe APNU could beat PPP. It was not until Moses entered the scene that APNU saw some hope of doing so. APNU insiders were now talking of "winning by default" because they analyzed AFC was "sweeping Berbice". Who penetrated the PPP Berbice stronghold and opened the way for this APNU optimism? MOSES NAGAMOOTOO!

AFC must not blink from its stance. APNC cannot be trusted. Remember how PNC reneged on the sharing agreements with PPP on the administration of some regions and the City Council following the 2006 elections.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
[QUOTE]How do you expect the APNU to react. Do BS, this is where politics must stop and act with good faith and confidence of electing a man or woman who serves his or her country with honor. .

Since when does any politician operate on this basis. Ramjattan left the PPP and Nagamootoo, who had a disagreement with the PPP at the same time, didnt leave.

So why after a mere month or two of being affiliated with the AFC, having been all but dumped by the PPP, should Nagamootoo be seen as this conquering hero. Let him pay his des to AFC. Let AFC select one of their stalwarts who is suitable, and then let them sell the APNU on this.

Nagamootoo is a closet PPP. Had Jagdeo been nicer to him he would still be there.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:

AFC must not blink from its stance.

Good so APNU will stand by and allow Ramkarran to be the Speaker.

What will the AFC do cry with your 7 seats? You know full well that the PPP and the PNC has in the past collaborated with each other when it suited their purpose.

APNU may see it as having a PPP Speaker regardless as to whether it is Nagamootoo or Ramkarran. At least they know what to expect from the latter, and if he shows bias for the PPP (which Nagamootoo might also show) then this can be attacked as being partisan.

If Naga favors the PPP, the response of the PPP will be that he was selected by the opposition so they need to shut up and accept his rulings.

Its a real pity that after 6 years of existence the AFC is so pathetic that they have no stalwarts who they feel has the ability to be Speaker so they must run to a possibly closet PPPite who is only TEMPORARILY absent from the PPP to teach them a lesson for not selecting him to be the President, and virtually dumping him.
The real pathetic ones are APNU and you. Your attempt to press the AFC into accepting APNU ideology is just pure latrine stuff. Only a dumb Guyanese would fall for those kind of old tricks. So rest yourself and stop making an idiot of yourself. It's getting boring and people are falling asleep. Soon you'll be on widespread ignore. Guyanese politics is not for Old farts.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
The real pathetic ones are APNU and you. Your attempt to press the AFC into accepting APNU ideology is just pure latrine stuff. .

Mr T it is the AFc with a mere 7 seats which is pressing other more popular parties into accepting its will.

NEITHER THE PPP NOR APNU WANT NAGAMOOTOO. And there is NOTHING that the AFC can do about this.

If the AFC wishes its way they will need to find a candidate acceptable to either/or both APNU or the PPP. Otherwise Kamkarran continues.
Originally posted by Noel:
AFC has to show its supporters that the AFC will demand whatever mandate its supporters give the AFC and as such the AFC leaders has no choice than to insist on Moses.
The voters voted for a platform. That platform is their mandate and not some presumable compliant relationship with the APNU. Two months or 2 years, The people know what they voted for.
Originally posted by D2:
[ The people know what they voted for.

You daily remind PPPites that 51% of the population voted against them. Well 90% voted against the AFC. They need to accept this and behave accordingly. They cannot TELL anybody what to do. They can NEGOTIATE.

No one wants Nagamootoo, aside from Nagamootoo himself so the AFC needs to find another candiadte or accept Ramkarran. Why is the AFC so wedded to Nagamootoo. Has he taken over that party and is now determined to amass the personal power taht he was denied in the PPP. If the AFc selects some one else will Nagamootoo return to the PPP?

It may not be a surprise if APNU will sooner take the known PPP quantity (Ramkarran) than the unknown CLOSET PPP quantity (Nagamootoo). Dont think that the AFC is so mighty that it can overcome this sentiment if true.
Originally posted by albert:
The million dollar question is.........should the A.F.C trust the A.P.N.U to grant them the speaker's chair?.....1964 could repeat itself....

Dont worry neither opposition party trusts the PPP which pretends to want cooperation, but spends most of its time attempting to set a case for a no confidence vote.
Originally posted by caribj:
You daily remind PPPites that 51% of the population voted against them. Well 90% voted against the AFC. They need to accept this and behave accordingly. They cannot TELL anybody what to do. They can NEGOTIATE.

No one wants Nagamootoo, aside from Nagamootoo himself so the AFC needs to find another candiadte or accept Ramkarran. Why is the AFC so wedded to Nagamootoo. Has he taken over that party and is now determined to amass the personal power taht he was denied in the PPP. If the AFc selects some one else will Nagamootoo return to the PPP?

It may not be a surprise if APNU will sooner take the known PPP quantity (Ramkarran) than the unknown CLOSET PPP quantity (Nagamootoo). Dont think that the AFC is so mighty that it can overcome this sentiment if true.

Crib-Jack, you know jack-shit about politics if you continue to say such-and-such % voted AGAINST this party or that party. If you tell voters that you can vote for ALL parties you like then let's see what percentage would vote for the AFC. But because voting in national elections mean you vote for ONE party only it doesn't mean you won't vote another party if you can vote multiple parties. It's like, say, voting in the Heisman trophy or the Cy Young award where you have 5 points for first, four for second, etc. and you tally up the individual with the most points. So drop this disingenuous shyte about 90% voting AGAINST the AFC.

I will repeat again that take away the AFC's 7 seats and APNU's tally means beans as the PPP/C wouldhave gotten over 50% and there goes inclusive governance. Thank the AFC and Moses Nagamootoo in particular for making this happen. Moses has demonstrated master timing and not political opportunism and this stuff about him clamoring for power. Remember also that Trotman did what he said he would do by not taking a Parliamentary seat. Moses' comments about the horse trading over the Speakership is just showing political savvy - something you fail to grasp.
I fail to see what all the hype is about Moses. Someone please fill me in. The PPP had him sit on the bench for the last 15 years while Jgadeo had his "star" players on the court. I never heard a peep out of Moses while he sidelined under the PPP, now he wants to create a ruckus.

I am sure the APNU will have none of that. Whu should a disgruntled PPP'ite think he can run the opposition. Where was he the last 18 years. He's nothing more than a Johnny come lately as far as the opposition is concerned.

What has he done lately?
Originally posted by Nuff:
I fail to see what all the hype is about Moses. Someone please fill me in. The PPP had him sit on the bench for the last 15 years while Jgadeo had his "star" players on the court. I never heard a peep out of Moses while he sidelined under the PPP, now he wants to create a ruckus.

I am sure the APNU will have none of that. Whu should a disgruntled PPP'ite think he can run the opposition. Where was he the last 18 years. He's nothing more than a Johnny come lately as far as the opposition is concerned.

What has he done lately?

Six weeks ago, da man single handedly mek PPP a minority Govt. He alone mek Afro smell powah. But nah mek worry, me tink diss is a one trick pony.
Originally posted by Nuff:
I fail to see what all the hype is about Moses. Someone please fill me in. The PPP had him sit on the bench for the last 15 years while Jgadeo had his "star" players on the court. I never heard a peep out of Moses while he sidelined under the PPP, now he wants to create a ruckus.

I am sure the APNU will have none of that. Whu should a disgruntled PPP'ite think he can run the opposition. Where was he the last 18 years. He's nothing more than a Johnny come lately as far as the opposition is concerned.

What has he done lately?
why do you think he want to run the oppisition parties.the AFC want him there.and the people that vote for the afc trust his he is not holding a gun to APNU head.but he hold the balance of power in parlament.the whole AFC is johnny come lately in the eyes of guyana policits.yet they hold the balance of like god laughing
Originally posted by Nuff:
I fail to see what all the hype is about Moses. Someone please fill me in. The PPP had him sit on the bench for the last 15 years while Jgadeo had his "star" players on the court. I never heard a peep out of Moses while he sidelined under the PPP, now he wants to create a ruckus.

I am sure the APNU will have none of that. Whu should a disgruntled PPP'ite think he can run the opposition. Where was he the last 18 years. He's nothing more than a Johnny come lately as far as the opposition is concerned.

What has he done lately?

Two fallacies here. One is that Moses is not a disgruntled anything. And two, you can be more productive in the back-ofice than on the field. Moses has been battling the leadership of the Jagdeo administration mostly in ways that may not be discerning to you - and for much longer than you think.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Y'all make it sound like he turned water into wine and raised the dead.

Pity it took him 50 years to perform these miracles.
he findly give the black people a chance to have equal rights in guyana.without the AFC the ppp will bully them in parlament and they will do what they accoustom to do walk out of they can sing like the fat women and the ppp will have to dance to the see moses walk down off the mountain and there is hope in the nation

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