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AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana

February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters 
The last two weeks have witnessed the most hectic, intensive and sincere negotiations between APNU and the AFC, as their leaders prepare for the May 11 general election, irrespective of the outcome.
The stakes were high, but it is not unusual for political parties to embark on intensive negotiations when the stakes are high. Their goal was to form a coalition in the face of severe odds against them. It was the beginning of something new that no one believed would materialize, including some the leaders, but they and many of their supporters were optimistic. With no agreement in hand and time running out, supporters of both parties pleaded with their leaders for more time to reach an agreement. Failure was not an option for them.
The leaders’ renewed interest in forming a coalition in 2015 did not come as a surprise to many. The curious, enquiring public was not satisfied with the reasons given for not forming a coalition in 2011 and both parties regretted that decision after the results were published. Had they agreed to form a coalition in 2011, they would have been the government of today.
But even though some versed in philosophy put forth the proposition that “things happen for a reason” yet, many believe that the country could not stand five more years of PPP corrupt, scandalous and abusive rule.
So what drove the parties to negotiate? Was it fear? Was it their rationality that guided them to do what is best for the people and the country? Or was it because of widespread dissatisfaction by the constituents of both parties? Whichever way, it would have been humiliating for them not to form a coalition and then lose the election again.
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
The arrogant PPP regime continues to suffer from tremendous corrupt practices and scandals. Unlike 2011 when the political dynamic was somewhat different from 2015, these scandals have resulted in a backlash against the PPP.
It is indeed heartening to see the formation of the coalition has finally materialized with both parties injecting new, young blood into the party’s team of candidates. This is an excellent and selfless decision by true patriots and great statesmen who are prepared to put the interests of the people first and move Guyana forward. .The decision was not an easy one, and both parties had to work extremely hard to overcome decades of prejudice and mistrust, but in the end, they have succeeded and the people and Guyana have won.
Kudos to the principal negotiators — David Patterson and Dominic Gaskin of the AFC and Carl Greenidge and Joe Harmon of APNU — for their extraordinary patience, intellect and incredible negotiating skills, and for enduring restless days and sleepless nights.
All patriotic Guyanese must pay homage to the stalwart Guyanese politician, Moses Nagamootoo for parting the Red Sea a second time—first in 2011 when he left the PPP to join the AFC and now to be part of the coalition. Moses has shown a kind of humility which is a very rare quality found among politicians and human beings in general.
At the same time, all must applaud David Granger who never gave up on the idea of an AFC/APNU coalition and for putting Guyana and the people first. Like a true soldier, he is an eternal optimist, an everlasting pragmatist and a diehard nationalist. And Khemraj Ramjattan must be appreciated for putting the people and the country’s interests ahead of his party. His elegant, flamboyant and effervescent style of speaking coupled with his uncompromising stance against corruption and other wrongdoing have made him a tenacious politician.
Congratulations to all the leaders and negotiators of APNU and the AFC for their exceptional skills, talent and remarkable patience. Their conscious decision to unite for the good of the people and the country will have a positive influence on the quality of life for the masses and a bright future for the country. They have given hope to the hopeless and the downtrodden in Guyana. The coalition has allowed them to maximize their political potential to lead Guyana in a new direction. They are our heroes and real leaders, as according to Nelson Mandela “real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.”
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana

February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters 
The last two weeks have witnessed the most hectic, intensive and sincere negotiations between APNU and the AFC, as their leaders prepare for the May 11 general election, irrespective of the outcome.
The stakes were high, but it is not unusual for political parties to embark on intensive negotiations when the stakes are high. Their goal was to form a coalition in the face of severe odds against them. It was the beginning of something new that no one believed would materialize, including some the leaders, but they and many of their supporters were optimistic. With no agreement in hand and time running out, supporters of both parties pleaded with their leaders for more time to reach an agreement. Failure was not an option for them.
The leaders’ renewed interest in forming a coalition in 2015 did not come as a surprise to many. The curious, enquiring public was not satisfied with the reasons given for not forming a coalition in 2011 and both parties regretted that decision after the results were published. Had they agreed to form a coalition in 2011, they would have been the government of today.
But even though some versed in philosophy put forth the proposition that “things happen for a reason” yet, many believe that the country could not stand five more years of PPP corrupt, scandalous and abusive rule.
So what drove the parties to negotiate? Was it fear? Was it their rationality that guided them to do what is best for the people and the country? Or was it because of widespread dissatisfaction by the constituents of both parties? Whichever way, it would have been humiliating for them not to form a coalition and then lose the election again.
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
The arrogant PPP regime continues to suffer from tremendous corrupt practices and scandals. Unlike 2011 when the political dynamic was somewhat different from 2015, these scandals have resulted in a backlash against the PPP.
It is indeed heartening to see the formation of the coalition has finally materialized with both parties injecting new, young blood into the party’s team of candidates. This is an excellent and selfless decision by true patriots and great statesmen who are prepared to put the interests of the people first and move Guyana forward. .The decision was not an easy one, and both parties had to work extremely hard to overcome decades of prejudice and mistrust, but in the end, they have succeeded and the people and Guyana have won.
Kudos to the principal negotiators — David Patterson and Dominic Gaskin of the AFC and Carl Greenidge and Joe Harmon of APNU — for their extraordinary patience, intellect and incredible negotiating skills, and for enduring restless days and sleepless nights.
All patriotic Guyanese must pay homage to the stalwart Guyanese politician, Moses Nagamootoo for parting the Red Sea a second time—first in 2011 when he left the PPP to join the AFC and now to be part of the coalition. Moses has shown a kind of humility which is a very rare quality found among politicians and human beings in general.
At the same time, all must applaud David Granger who never gave up on the idea of an AFC/APNU coalition and for putting Guyana and the people first. Like a true soldier, he is an eternal optimist, an everlasting pragmatist and a diehard nationalist. And Khemraj Ramjattan must be appreciated for putting the people and the country’s interests ahead of his party. His elegant, flamboyant and effervescent style of speaking coupled with his uncompromising stance against corruption and other wrongdoing have made him a tenacious politician.
Congratulations to all the leaders and negotiators of APNU and the AFC for their exceptional skills, talent and remarkable patience. Their conscious decision to unite for the good of the people and the country will have a positive influence on the quality of life for the masses and a bright future for the country. They have given hope to the hopeless and the downtrodden in Guyana. The coalition has allowed them to maximize their political potential to lead Guyana in a new direction. They are our heroes and real leaders, as according to Nelson Mandela “real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.”
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks



WTF are you crackheads smoking? And where can I get some?


Sacrificed all? How did anyone even "sacrifice" anything? Is there some PNC Executive Committee Member who had to sacrifice his lifelong ambition to the Fourth Vice Presidency?


I can't help but notice how you all seem to share the same penchant for propaganda, group think, intolerance of dissent, and all round similar nasty political culture of the PPP. You all may have left the PPP physically but you retained their culture.


Oi Oi, I was never in any party.

What the joint opposition has to do is show the voters that the two parties have put all their petty differences aside so that they can bring some order in an otherwise fkd up country.

They need to drill it in the people, members from both parties should attend these meetings to show their solidarity.

This and the PPP making fools of themselves every so often finding themselves in the limelight for some cock an bull story coming to the forefront, is enough to kick they rass out.

Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

u r horse's behind

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

My point is writing is crucial for civilization whether the backward PPP wins or not. Many people in Guyanese history have been vociferous letter writers. Bechu comes to mind. If he did not write vociferously we could not know East Indian history. Ditto Dwarka Nath for writing the first history.  100 years from now people will be reading these letters. So you better put those fingers pun de computah soon.   

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

My point is writing is crucial for civilization whether the backward PPP wins or not. Many people in Guyanese history have been vociferous letter writers. Bechu comes to mind. If he did not write vociferously we could not know East Indian history. Ditto Dwarka Nath for writing the first history.  100 years from now people will be reading these letters. So you better put those fingers pun de computah soon.   

Lots of words with absolutely no relevance to the specific issue.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

My point is writing is crucial for civilization whether the backward PPP wins or not. Many people in Guyanese history have been vociferous letter writers. Bechu comes to mind. If he did not write vociferously we could not know East Indian history. Ditto Dwarka Nath for writing the first history.  100 years from now people will be reading these letters. So you better put those fingers pun de computah soon.   

Lots of words with absolutely no relevance to the specific issue.

Arite! Thank God Bechu na bin a likka yu.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
u r horse's behind

Another description of your personal trait.

I hope dem bannas can find some algorithm to data mine yuh one liners 100 years from now. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Now, speculation is rife in the PPP camp as the coalition enjoys tremendous national support and poses a formidable threat to the ruling cabal. The wave phenomenon which gripped the country since the election was announced in January 2015 was virtually absent in the last election as widespread anti-PPP sentiment increases.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall, 
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
AFC and APNU have sacrificed all for a better Guyana, February 17, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters

When the PPP/C wins at another free and fair elections in May, 2015, the trio would continue to write about what ifs and speculations.

You know writing is a great skill. Can you?

And, your point is ..... ??

My point is writing is crucial for civilization whether the backward PPP wins or not. Many people in Guyanese history have been vociferous letter writers. Bechu comes to mind. If he did not write vociferously we could not know East Indian history. Ditto Dwarka Nath for writing the first history.  100 years from now people will be reading these letters. So you better put those fingers pun de computah soon.   

Lots of words with absolutely no relevance to the specific issue.

That's because you are a mule's behind.


Where were their negotiating skills when they had to deal with the PPP in Parliament?  The AFC blackmailed the PNC in forming that coalition.  The AFC had no backbone left in them, so they made the PNC believed that they would get 12 seats and demanded 40% seats win, lose or draw.

What about all the scandals and corruption that were caused by the AFC and APNU.  They are now saints,eeh!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

WTF are you crackheads smoking? And where can I get some?


Sacrificed all? How did anyone even "sacrifice" anything? Is there some PNC Executive Committee Member who had to sacrifice his lifelong ambition to the Fourth Vice Presidency?


I can't help but notice how you all seem to share the same penchant for propaganda, group think, intolerance of dissent, and all round similar nasty political culture of the PPP. You all may have left the PPP physically but you retained their culture.

Calm down calm down you are getting too upset.


Doan worry de man gonna bring you back in on de ticket soon.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

WTF are you crackheads smoking? And where can I get some?


Sacrificed all? How did anyone even "sacrifice" anything? Is there some PNC Executive Committee Member who had to sacrifice his lifelong ambition to the Fourth Vice Presidency?


I can't help but notice how you all seem to share the same penchant for propaganda, group think, intolerance of dissent, and all round similar nasty political culture of the PPP. You all may have left the PPP physically but you retained their culture.

Calm down calm down you are getting too upset.


Doan worry de man gonna bring you back in on de ticket soon.




How do you plan on doing that? The Fifth Vice Presidency isn't already taken?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

WTF are you crackheads smoking? And where can I get some?


Sacrificed all? How did anyone even "sacrifice" anything? Is there some PNC Executive Committee Member who had to sacrifice his lifelong ambition to the Fourth Vice Presidency?


I can't help but notice how you all seem to share the same penchant for propaganda, group think, intolerance of dissent, and all round similar nasty political culture of the PPP. You all may have left the PPP physically but you retained their culture.

Dude...stop getting your panties in a's all politics

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

WTF are you crackheads smoking? And where can I get some?


Sacrificed all? How did anyone even "sacrifice" anything? Is there some PNC Executive Committee Member who had to sacrifice his lifelong ambition to the Fourth Vice Presidency?


I can't help but notice how you all seem to share the same penchant for propaganda, group think, intolerance of dissent, and all round similar nasty political culture of the PPP. You all may have left the PPP physically but you retained their culture.

Calm down calm down you are getting too upset.


Doan worry de man gonna bring you back in on de ticket soon.




How do you plan on doing that? The Fifth Vice Presidency isn't already taken?

These Vice-Presidents thing is a joke. It reminds of the Fools who were given such titles in the PNC days. That prestige thing has returned. I cannot believe these present day politicians would do it.


I am still waiting for their words on changing the voters racists demeanor.


So far, is the gains the AFC has acquired from the PNC.  


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