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The AFC should be commended

Posted By Henry Jeffrey On December 10, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features | No Comments

“…. APNU and the AFC should lead a movement aimed at making significant constitutional changes ….. the approach should be constructed in a broad-based manner with a strong civil society presence. Each political party may then participate independently in the post-reform elections. …. I believe that if approached sensibly, such an arrangement has tremendous possibilities. It could severely limit the fallout the AFC fears from an association with APNU. It is also more likely to catch the public imagination and create a tipping point in terms of voter turnout to support the reforms” (“Opposition parties should lead a reform movement:” Future Notes, SN: 13/08/2014).

APNU has long signaled its commitment to some kind of pre-election arrangement with the AFC and at its party congress last Saturday, the leader of the AFC stated that it is “…. ready to enter into negotiations and to lead a pro-democracy alliance of progressive forces that should comprise civic groups,workers unions and political forces including even disaffected PPP leaders and members and not excluding the APNU…” (“AFC ready to lead alliance against PPP/C – Ramjattan:” SN: 08/12/2014).

Notwithstanding some skepticism, this stance by the AFC should be commended and viewed as a major step forward both politically for the party and from the standpoint of national development.

20141126futurenoteAs the above Stabroek News report also noted, the present AFC position marks a departure from its historical position that any alliance with APNU would most likely cost it its Indian support and therefore should not be countenanced. Of course, not to show some willingness to deal with APNU would have also made it difficult for the AFC to expand and hold on to its African support.

In my assessment, most Africans believe that while such an alliance may not succeed, it certainly has the best chance of wrenching the PPP from office and allowing a new government the opportunity to make the kind of constitutional changes most rational people believe Guyana must now have if it is to make quick and steady progress.

Whether fact or fiction, it would be remiss not to at least note one possible trajectory of this AFC position. Since there is most likely some political strategisation here, we must watch carefully the unfolding of this process to ensure that it is not merely an attempt to placate the well known African concerns above and later deliberately scuttled as unachievable.

For myself, I believe such reversal would be foolish, for once placed on the table by the AFC, this proposal cannot be removed without giving the PPP a massive propaganda advantage. For example, the PPP will project the AFC as unprincipled and having never intended to form an alliance; accuses it of being unable to properly strategise and was thus pressured by rising PPP support to abandon its efforts or lose its Indian supporters; accusing the PPP of being unable to work with others while not being able to do so itself.

Yet since the objective of all those who wish to see Guyana flourish as a modern democratic society must be to hope that the parties succeed in this venture, it should also be the purpose of such people to ensure not only that the AFC does not lose any support but that the opposition together hold and possibly build upon what they already have.

In this regard, if the parties present their intention as a special purpose machinery, with the aim of achieving some generally acceptable outcomes, for example making constitutional changes, dealing with perceived governance misconduct and contesting post-reform elections as independent parties, the AFC will stand a better chance of mitigating the damage it fears and both parties will have a better opportunity to bring more people into their folds. It may also make negotiating a coalition agreement much simpler if the various constituencies come to understand the limited nature of the coalition agenda.

The most important issue on the Guyanese political agenda today must be the need for constitutional change. Both APNU and the AFC have long ago committed themselves to making some such changes. Indeed, at its recent congress, the AFC also outlined some of the changes it thinks should be made, and I will deal with these specific proposals in another article.

The PPP should be removed from office not only because it has been there too long but more perniciously, its long stay in office is based upon a virtually unchanging structural factor – racial allegiance. This creates a debilitating political environment in which major social actors must act as if the regime’s stay in government will be indefinite.

Until the glimmer of opportunity afforded by the 2011 national elections, of which the political opposition is now seeking to take advantage, this has been the political environment in Guyana. I have argued before that “Much of the concern about transparency, corruption, inefficiencies, etc, is the result of an unaccountability founded in regime longevity” (Future Notes, op cit).

Constitutional change is vital but there is a discourse that is of interest. After the politically inclusive and substantial constitutional process that resulted from the Herdmanston Accord around the turn of the century, it is merely disingenuous and propagandistic for Maxwell (“The 1980 constitution was not developed by the people:” SN: 05/12/ 2014) to claim that the present constitution is illegitimate and even to refer to it as the Burnham constitution simply because we failed to change some of the 1980 constitution’s more harmful provisions.

On the other hand, Mr. Lincoln Lewis’ belief that our political constitution is more-or-less adequate but that it is for us to hold our politicians accountable is pure humbug. (“Maxwell needs to explain his conflicting positions on the Constitution:” SN: 07/12/2014 and others).

The present constitution states: “WE THE GUYANESE PEOPLE, …. adopt these fundamental laws and make provision for their amendment to reflect future changes in our society…” and it is to the sovereign Guyanese people we must finally appeal if the constitution is breached or the necessary changes are not made.

But theory aside, there is no “Guyanese people”; the constitution has been mistakenly designed for a political/ethnic context that does not exist. Thus, by way of ours and the constitution’s commitment to majoritarian democracy, we allow the representatives of an ethnic majority to remain permanently in government, thereby undermining all social and political institutions – even those intended to demand and act if the constitution is not being upheld.

We must accept our own responsibility for what exists today and the next constitutional process should recognise Guyana as a divided society in which “one people” is an aspiration rather than a social fact upon which we can build important national institutions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In 1964, the PNC wanted to change the constitution to allow the UF and PNC to win the majority of seats. The constitution was imposed by braitain and they opposition won.   What followed after that, was Guyana became a police state and crime was centralized by the PNC.  Natioal Service was created to douglarized the country. God help Guyana if the PNC gets into Power again.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

In 1964, the PNC wanted to change the constitution to allow the UF and PNC to win the majority of seats. The constitution was imposed by braitain and they opposition won.   What followed after that, was Guyana became a police state and crime was centralized by the PNC.  Natioal Service was created to douglarized the country. God help Guyana if the PNC gets into Power again.

When you see men such as Basil Williams and Winston Felix being elected to parliament by the PNC, then you know terror will never stop being perpetrated on innocent citizens of Guyana, mainly East Indians.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
When you see men such as Basil Williams and Winston Felix being elected to parliament by the PNC, then you know terror will never stop being perpetrated on innocent citizens of Guyana, mainly East Indians.

alyuh punk enablers of barat's narco state will never forgive Felix for chasing Sash Sawh's murderer out of Guyana into the arms of American justice, eh?


hmmm . . .

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

In 1964, the PNC wanted to change the constitution to allow the UF and PNC to win the majority of seats. The constitution was imposed by braitain and they opposition won.   What followed after that, was Guyana became a police state and crime was centralized by the PNC.  Natioal Service was created to douglarized the country. God help Guyana if the PNC gets into Power again.

When you see men such as Basil Williams and Winston Felix being elected to parliament by the PNC, then you know terror will never stop being perpetrated on innocent citizens of Guyana, mainly East Indians.

i think the indians was the marjority,so what happen not enough chat3 only waterwash collie like you


Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese. I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

In 1964, the PNC wanted to change the constitution to allow the UF and PNC to win the majority of seats. The constitution was imposed by braitain and they opposition won.   What followed after that, was Guyana became a police state and crime was centralized by the PNC.  Natioal Service was created to douglarized the country. God help Guyana if the PNC gets into Power again.

When you see men such as Basil Williams and Winston Felix being elected to parliament by the PNC, then you know terror will never stop being perpetrated on innocent citizens of Guyana, mainly East Indians.

Gopaul and Nandlall don't seem to know there are PPP racists on GNI.

They see only APNU and AFC racists.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese. I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.

Nice. A coalition of APNU and AFC is a huge risk. Make no mistake. This is what the PPP/C wants. It would be good to see  that they work together to lead a democratic movement to make significant constitutional changes and throw out the Bunham Doctrine that is revered by the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese.


I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.




Some aya does be Quick to jump pun Nehru and aya call him a Drunk....

look how Sober & Normal his views can be......


He is very Careful not to be seen as

a PPP Abused Spouse like Yuji, Cobra and Skeldon 

who love tipping over fuh Kwame use lil Vaseline and

push de pole in de hole.

Last edited by Former Member

Nehru......We all know AFC tried to work directly with the PPP.....and the Arrogant PPP slam the door shut. They refuse to Budge.


So the PPP cannot complain if to end the Corruption & Thieving the AFC have to work with APNU.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Nehru......We all know AFC tried to work directly with the PPP.....and the Arrogant PPP slam the door shut. They refuse to Budge.


So the PPP cannot complain if to end the Corruption & Thieving the AFC have to work with APNU.

No one is complaining. KFC needs to get some Balls and come out and state their intentions clearly. This way they will be trusted and taken seriously.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese.


I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.




Some aya does be Quick to jump pun Nehru and aya call him a Drunk....

look how Sober & Normal his views can be......


He is very Careful not to be seen as

a PPP Abused Spouse like Yuji, Cobra and Skeldon 

who love tipping over fuh Kwame use lil Vaseline and

push de pole in de hole.

WE can  ALWAYS rely on you for INTELLIGENCE and CONSTRUCTIVE comments.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese.


I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.




Some aya does be Quick to jump pun Nehru and aya call him a Drunk....

look how Sober & Normal his views can be......


He is very Careful not to be seen as

a PPP Abused Spouse like Yuji, Cobra and Skeldon 

who love tipping over fuh Kwame use lil Vaseline and

push de pole in de hole.

WE can  ALWAYS rely on you for INTELLIGENCE and CONSTRUCTIVE comments.

Dem Battered & Batty Spouse cannot make INTELLIGENCE and CONSTRUCTIVE comments like Nehru & Jalil.


Nehru tell dem Haul dem Dutty Ass bak to Kwame.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Henry Jeffrey made a great point about the Opposition coming together to make real, constructive and Progressive changes that will benefit ALL Guyanese.


I am also encouraged by his honesty of stating that KFC FEAR of being close with APNU is indeed a concern.




Some aya does be Quick to jump pun Nehru and aya call him a Drunk....

look how Sober & Normal his views can be......


He is very Careful not to be seen as

a PPP Abused Spouse like Yuji, Cobra and Skeldon 

who love tipping over fuh Kwame use lil Vaseline and

push de pole in de hole.

WE can  ALWAYS rely on you for INTELLIGENCE and CONSTRUCTIVE comments.

Dem Battered & Batty Spouse cannot make INTELLIGENCE and CONSTRUCTIVE comments like Nehru & Jalil.


Nehru tell dem Haul dem Dutty Ass bak to Kwame.

You are deep into this Kwame Guy . Hope the Lord can help you with that.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Think Nehru Love De Vaseline Bhai....


Jalil don't think so

I hear Vaseline get cheap cheap now since Oil prices dip. Kwame and his crew here are in a shopping frenzy......



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Think Nehru Love De Vaseline Bhai....


Jalil don't think so

I hear Vaseline get cheap cheap now since Oil prices dip. Kwame and his crew here are in a shopping frenzy......



Remember the last time you came and bend over, yuh hall like a Pig and run home without yuh Panty.


Quote - "I hear Vaseline get cheap cheap now since Oil prices dip. Kwame and his crew here are in a shopping frenzy"......


Bhai that Black Friday Vaseline sale is fuh all dem PPP Abused Spouse.....

Wha Nehru got to do with them?

I do not think yuh gon find Nehru in da Line now.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Think Nehru Love De Vaseline Bhai....


Jalil don't think so

I hear Vaseline get cheap cheap now since Oil prices dip. Kwame and his crew here are in a shopping frenzy......



Remember the last time you came and bend over, yuh hall like a Pig and run home without yuh Panty.

You have quite a vile imagination. Not surprising for the low breed gang though. This is to be expected. 


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