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PPP/C government haters on the offensive peddling lies, innuendoesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 22:13

THERE is an ongoing discussion, oftentimes open warfare, in the press concerning Chinese labour and expertise in the building of the Marriott Hotel in Guyana. The discussion has taken a turn for the worst as the charlatans and haters of the PPP/C government have gone on the offensive to peddle their lies and innuendoes as to the motive behind the Chinese sole dependence on their labour force and none of our local people.
These clowns, through the media that afford them the opportunity, are casting blame on the government and, in particular, former President Jagdeo for selling out our sovereignty to the

This is furthest from the truth. The Chinese have always maintained that policy of utilising their technology and labour force wherever they conduct business whether it be in Africa, Asia, The Caribbean or even in the United States. This is standard practice.

Ever since the Chinese attained superpower status they have carried out that form of policy framework. Wherever they go they stake out that turf of only hiring their workers on major building projects, especially when they are the major financiers in those projects.
Probably that is why they are so successful. So why should Guyana be different? When the hotel is completed it would be staffed and operated by Guyanese; so what's the problem? The problem is with the opposition, who has nothing constructive to do with their time but to babble nonsense.
Let me pose this question which will sober them up:could the haters enlighten us where in the world Chinese construction is being conducted and local labour is utilised? Where can we find this place? The point is there is none. So trying to fool the people that there is some ulterior motive behind the Marriott construction is utter rubbish.
What I think they should be worried about and that is my problem also, that is, to make out a case as to the benefits to be accrued from Chinese help altogether. That I am more inclined to entertain. China has been amassing great wealth in their business strategies worldwide and I will take Africa as a case study. When you look at the way these people have taken over Africa it’s simply phenomenal. They are all over Africa with their cheap technology which is very successful there. And the Chinese brag about their developmental work there. But I take the line of argument where there was no investment in Africa, then, when there is investment, any investment, it becomes significant.
If Africans were starving yesterday, when the Chinese came today with bread that was taken out of the garbage then, they have bread today which makes the Chinese "God sent."

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 22:15

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:


Skeldon Factory Production Exceeding Targets

Media operatives were given a tour of the Skeldon Sugar Factory, Region 6 on Saturday, during which the factory’s progress  was highligtedand by Agricullture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and the  management team lauded for innovations  implemented to improve the factory’s capability.

Minister Ramsammy indicated that between the period July 1,  2011 to  June 31, 2012, sugar farmers in Region 6 produced 160,000 tonnes of cane, and it is hoped that for the period June 1, 2012 to June 31, 2013 that private cane farmers will be able to produce 170,000 tonnes of cane for the Skeldon Factory.

He pointed out that the factory has been described as many things however, from the Government and GUYSUCO’s perspective,  the factory will be the one that leads Guyana’s aspiration to reach and exceed a production of 400,000 tonnes per year, despite the critics  saying that such production is a utopian dream.

Since the factory’s commissioning in 2009, it is now demonstrating its potential.

Minister Ramsammy recalled nay-sayers describing the factory as a β€˜white elephant’ however, after touring the facility he called on the public to have faith in the personnel manning it.

He acknowledged that the factory had major work done by international partners and that it had to go through some innovations that are on-going. β€œThese additional innovations have led Skeldon to the point it is today… in the last week,  in the history of the factory for the time it exceeded a production of 2500 tonnes (weekly),” the Minister stated. One of the innovations addresses the cleanliness of the cane.

He added that the achieved amount is more than twice  what the old factory was capable of producing.

By the end of Saturday, production had exceeded 13000 tonnes for this crop and is approaching 20,000 tonnes for the year so far. This year’s  target is 34,000 tonnes.

The target for this crop is approximately 27,000 tonnes hence an additional 14,000 tonnes is needed; the same quantity also required to meet the year’s targeted production.

Once the additional 14,000 tonnes is achieved, the Skeldon Factory would exceed the targets for the current and annual crops.

There are about 9 to 11 weeks remaining for this crop

β€œI don’t know what then is the definition of a white elephant because this seems like a factory that is meeting its potential,” Minister Ramsammy said.

He declared his certainty that the next milestone, other than the 34,000 tonnes, will be a production of 50,000 tones, and hopefully by 2016 in the turn around plan,  the factory will be able to surpass 100,000 tonnes.

With regards to the additional $4B invested in the design modification of the factory, Minister Ramsammy noted that BOSH Engineering is currently doing off site work.

Minister Ramsammy  expressed his gratitude to the workers, who despite the challenges, have done a marvellous job.

He noted that prior to him becoming the Minister of Agriculture he had heard a lot being said about the local management, nevertheless they have demonstrated that they are capable of running it.

Guyanese have taken control of the factory and are making the necessary changes, the Minister highlighted.

Skeldon factory does not have a lot of  employees because much of its functioning is automated and is consistently monitored.

He also highlighted criticisms regarding the non-operation of the cogeneration plant which is currently generating 11mega watts, and is close to meeting 90 percent of its capacity. The plant  is intended to generate energy for the national grid and it is hoped that by next year it will be able to generate in excess of 20 mega watts.

These achievements demonstrate that GUYSUCO’s mandates and government’s vision of 400,000 tonnes and contributing energy to the national grid are reachable targets.

Most of the sugar (bulk) produced at Skeldon is exported to Caricom countries and Europe while Blairmont’s  production  goes towards meeting  10,000 tonnes of packaged sugar..

Factory Manager, Deodat Ompertab explained that three years ago the design issues were recognised and the management set about reectifying the problems affecting the factory’s production; one being the increase of grinding hours to 130 and washing of the cane prior to  processing.

He highlighted that the new innovations have resulted in the factory producing at least 300-400 tonnes of sugar in 24 hours. The innovations to the factory were done by professionals working at the factory and existing materials were used. This did not generate additional capital cost since the work was part of the factory’s operational cost.

With regards to the cogenerating plant which used a certain amount of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) to maintain a specific generation capacity, it now depends on the steam generation from the bagasse so  less HFO is used and  this contributes to cost reduction.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished





  In your view progress mean stealing us blind. Well, it does not.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished






Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:

The article is a fraud. Post the source.

they also lowered the output expectations to jin up the idea they met their target. The plant was designed for 400000 tons annually. It barely gets half of that. Plus it is less efficient than the decommissioned Albion plant.

Yugii is a dunce.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished






Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 

The Rev lies all the time. He probably inherited this trait at birth.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished






Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 

The Rev lies all the time. He probably inherited this trait at birth. turned out in this case it wasn't Rev was the "honorable" minister. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished





Every time Guyana makes progress the AFC whines and complain. The AFC wheels are now flying off. Moses was enjoying Ghee and Honey while he was with the PPP and became bewildered after he was not given the nod for the leadership of the PPP. The man Moses is now exposed... 


The Ghee and Honey stopped flowing for Moses after he left the PPP and now he is bitter and jealous and looks like a retiree who refuses to accept that it is time for him to pack it in.


Nigel wants to take over the AFC and bring a more radical brand to the party. Gerhard is very quiet these days as he sees disaster for the AFC.


The AFC is in a complete mess and any news of progress makes them burn in jealousy. We must support and encourage progress in the motherland. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished






TK: Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 


The PPP doesn't have to account for shyt--if the Republicans when they were in office in the Rev's great country the great US of A could practice Voodoo economics and get away with it, then surely the PPP bais can do the same. Go ahead TK. Keep braying about GDP compounding. It will be an exercise in futility.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here TK, take a close read and stop being jealous as the motherland continues to make progress:



Yuji bhai:


You are asking for the impossible--that is for TK to stop being envious and jealous.


The more Guyana progresses under the PPP, the more disgruntled, the more resentful, the more frustrated, and the more distressed TK becomes.


Hope Guyana never stops progressing---TK will go to his grave a beaten and vanquished






TK: Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 


The PPP doesn't have to account for shyt--if the Republicans when they were in office in the Rev's great country the great US of A could practice Voodoo economics and get away with it, then surely the PPP bais can do the same. Go ahead TK. Keep braying about GDP compounding. It will be an exercise in futility.






Yeah tell the President Ramo that when you see him in his office tomorrow.

Originally Posted by TK:


TK: Hey...did you account for the 11.22% GDP growth for 19 years? 


The PPP doesn't have to account for shyt--if the Republicans when they were in office in the Rev's great country the great US of A could practice Voodoo economics and get away with it, then surely the PPP bais can do the same. Go ahead TK. Keep braying about GDP compounding. It will be an exercise in futility.






TK: Yeah tell the President Ramo that when you see him in his office tomorrow.

When Ramo visits NY we'll have a private talk---none of the sycophants who surround him will be invited.





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