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Opposition parties formally agree to negotiate pro-democracy alliance; welcome election date

Opposition parties formally agree to negotiate pro-democracy alliance; welcome election date

Less than one hour after news broke that President Donald Ramotar announced that Monday, May 11, 2015 will be Election Day, Guyana’s two major political parties not only declared that they were ready for balloting but that they have made signficant headway for negotiations for a pre-electoral alliance.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) said that they were making progress on talks toward the formation of a pro-democracy alliance. 

APNU Chairman, David Granger and AFC General Secretary, David Patterson told Caribbean News Desk on Tuesday that the parties have selected negotiation teams which are to have their first meeting at a date already set.

Patterson, who will lead the AFC’s team, further shared that the APNU has agreed to its non-disclosure agreement and that the proposal for a pro-democracy alliance has been handed over. He said that the APNU had insisted that both sides be bound by the non-disclosure agreement, and that this has been agreed to. 

Granger is also optimistic about the prospects of an alliance. We “are deliberately entering into talks with AFC with the hope that there is some pre-election agreement. The important thing is that we remove the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) from office,” Granger remarked. 

The AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan late last year touted the pro-democracy alliance as a grouping of political parties, civil society organisations and individuals with integrity that his party would like to lead to contest the elections—a  major departure from its long-held view that any arrangement with APNU, whose major constituent is the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)- would be politically suicidal. The AFC has seen itself as being attractive mainly to East Indians who have been traditionally supporters of the incumbent PPPC.

Constitutionally, elections would have been required again next year but early elections became imminent after Ramotar announced late last year his intention to dissolve parliament and call general and regional elections. This announcement came after his proroguing of parliament on November 10th2014 in an effort to stave off the moving and passing of a no-confidence motion against the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government by the opposition parties in parliament. 

Reacting to the announcement, Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Opposition Leader David Granger said “we have been preparing and partners have been informed. We look forward to a clean campaign and hope that it is not marred by an abuse of state resources by the PPPC to attain an unfair advantage.” Granger also says he hopes these elections will not be marred by “vile propaganda.”

 APNU is yet to determine its Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates and Granger says such decision will be made during a meeting next Wednesday. 

The AFC is also pleased with the announcement of the date and during an interview with Caribbean News Desk its General Secretary (GS), David Patterson, says the announcement is welcomed “after three months of (parliamentary) paralysis.” 

In his address the president said “in light of the opposition’s sustained refusal to engage my Government in the dialogue we anticipated and in light of the commitment I made to you, the people of Guyana, I now move toward general elections. In the circumstances, I hereby announce that General Elections shall be held on Monday, 11th May, 2015.”

Meanwhile, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is gearing up to set its machinery in motion. Commenting on whether May 11this practical for the holding of general and regional elections the official said “it is not a matter of whether GECOM is ready, GECOM already has a framework with activities what will have to be executed.”

 What is needed now, he said, is for the various activities to be assigned dates on/by which they are to be done. 

The final voters' list is expected to contain close to 500,000 voters eligible to cast ballots at the 2,260 polling stations across this 83,000 square mile country.

The President said that he has invited international observers to monitor the poll, widely expected to be hotly contested by the PPPC in its quest to regain its parliamentary majority that it lost at the November 2011 election, and the opposition which hopes to at least become the minority government.

Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), Ernesto Samper, shortly after holding talks with the Guyanese leader, said that a request has been made for the 12-member continental organisation to dispatch a team of observers. 

The Caribbean Community (Caricom), Commonwealth and the Organisation of American States (OAS) are also expected to be invited to field observer missions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana’s two major political parties not only declared that they were ready for balloting but that they have made significant headway for negotiations for a pre-electoral alliance.


This is why the PPP will continue to fail......


This is totally unacceptable.

We are investing billions of dollars building a road in the hinterland of Guyana that is going to nowhere even though the PPP is trying to convince its supporters that the road is going to a nonexistent hydroelectric dam which will provide them with electricity 24/7....

If the PPP were to spend a fraction of the road-to-nowhere money to build a road for these people they wouldn't have to slog through the mud and slush as they have no choice but to do right now if they want to get home.

The PPP has been abusing the Guyanese People for the longest while but it is my belief that in addition to abusing Guyanese in general they have been making fools of their own traditional supporters by continuing to barefacedly lie to them expecting that they will continue to believe their lies and vote for them.

The evidence of their deceit is there for all to see.

I believe that the AFC and the APNU have a moral obligation to form a coalition, got out on the campaign trail together and highlight the lies of the PPP for all Guyanese to get a better understanding of who our rulers really are.

The reality that the pic illustrates is totally unacceptable....!


Bro Harry walk through mud ,over three miles,on Sunday 18-01-2015.AT Parika back to get to church
The AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan late last year touted the pro-democracy alliance as a grouping of political parties, civil society organisations and individuals with integrity that his party would like to lead to contest the elections — a major departure from its long-held view that any arrangement with APNU, whose major constituent is the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)- would be politically suicidal. The AFC has seen itself as being attractive mainly to East Indians who have been traditionally supporters of the incumbent PPPC.



Opposition parties formally agree to negotiate pro-democracy alliance; welcome election date, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 19:21, Written by  Chevy Devonish, 0 Comments

It will be seen what would now develop.

Originally Posted by cain:

Soon another of GNI's idiot brigade(yugli) will come in and say AFC=PNC, please let us not reply to the idiot, just let him carry on and get numerous orgasms if he needs to.

I agree. We should ignore all the PPP poster's posts and they might ignore all of ours.

Riff, just imagine how easy your job will become. You might even have time to go to Hawaii.

Seriously Cane, that is good point, because I was not able to get straight answers from them as a rep of the PPP and I felt it was a waste of time. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is why the PPP will continue to fail......


This is totally unacceptable.

We are investing billions of dollars building a road in the hinterland of Guyana that is going to nowhere even though the PPP is trying to convince its supporters that the road is going to a nonexistent hydroelectric dam which will provide them with electricity 24/7....

If the PPP were to spend a fraction of the road-to-nowhere money to build a road for these people they wouldn't have to slog through the mud and slush as they have no choice but to do right now if they want to get home.

The PPP has been abusing the Guyanese People for the longest while but it is my belief that in addition to abusing Guyanese in general they have been making fools of their own traditional supporters by continuing to barefacedly lie to them expecting that they will continue to believe their lies and vote for them.

The evidence of their deceit is there for all to see.

I believe that the AFC and the APNU have a moral obligation to form a coalition, got out on the campaign trail together and highlight the lies of the PPP for all Guyanese to get a better understanding of who our rulers really are.

The reality that the pic illustrates is totally unacceptable....!


Bro Harry walk through mud ,over three miles,on Sunday 18-01-2015.AT Parika back to get to church

This looks like Parika back dam, where our vehicle got stuck and we also had to walk.

I also believe the PPP will fail, because they were not good at accountability to the Guyanese people.


Harry, did a good job posing , looks like he works for Acme Studios . Dressed in shirt/tie, leather shoes/socks, surge pants,cell phone, laptop/bag. look at the amount of mud on his shoes as though he was dropped off by an helicopter to take photo. so what's the point, it's a back-dam road of mud after a heavy rain fall, look no houses??? Guyana is Guyana in my days some roads you have to use canoe to get by , and you have to be bare foot. Say something nice or shut -up.

Originally Posted by kp:

Harry, did a good job posing , looks like he works for Acme Studios . Dressed in shirt/tie, leather shoes/socks, surge pants,cell phone, laptop/bag. look at the amount of mud on his shoes as though he was dropped off by an helicopter to take photo. so what's the point, it's a back-dam road of mud after a heavy rain fall, look no houses??? Guyana is Guyana in my days some roads you have to use canoe to get by , and you have to be bare foot. Say something nice or shut -up.

Oi, Clement ak KP - the man shoes got mud.  


AFC risks ‘dead meat’ status in coalition with APNU

- Ramjattan

November 2, 2014 · By Staff Writer · 0 Comments    Next Article »



APNU leader David Granger recently raised again the idea of an ANPU/AFC coalition but AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is against such a move saying it would leave the party as “dead meat.”

Ramjattan recounted to Stabroek News yesterday that at their most recent meeting, Granger indicated that he would like to raise the issue of a coalition with AFC. Ramjattan said they told the APNU leader that they were in no position to deal with it at that stage. He added that he indicated to Granger that the matter would have to be profoundly discussed and deliberated on by the party.

The AFC leader added that he also gave his personal view that the AFC and APNU would be better placed in contesting elections as separate bodies and would do better against the PPP.

Ramjattan said that personally, he does not support an APNU and AFC coalition. However, the party at its various forums will discuss the matter and give a response to APNU. The AFC leader stated that at this stage, he is “very much against it.”


excerpts from the Stabroeknews

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC risks ‘dead meat’ status in coalition with APNU

- Ramjattan

November 2, 2014 · By Staff Writer · 0 Comments    Next Article »



APNU leader David Granger recently raised again the idea of an ANPU/AFC coalition but AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is against such a move saying it would leave the party as “dead meat.”

Ramjattan recounted to Stabroek News yesterday that at their most recent meeting, Granger indicated that he would like to raise the issue of a coalition with AFC. Ramjattan said they told the APNU leader that they were in no position to deal with it at that stage. He added that he indicated to Granger that the matter would have to be profoundly discussed and deliberated on by the party.

The AFC leader added that he also gave his personal view that the AFC and APNU would be better placed in contesting elections as separate bodies and would do better against the PPP.

Ramjattan said that personally, he does not support an APNU and AFC coalition. However, the party at its various forums will discuss the matter and give a response to APNU. The AFC leader stated that at this stage, he is “very much against it.”


excerpts from the Stabroeknews

Oi you joker, AFC said if the APNU lead the coalition, then the AFC is dead meat.


AFC will lead the coalition or will walk this road with its own team.


END of story.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan late last year touted the pro-democracy alliance as a grouping of political parties, civil society organisations and individuals with integrity that his party would like to lead to contest the elections — a major departure from its long-held view that any arrangement with APNU, whose major constituent is the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)- would be politically suicidal. The AFC has seen itself as being attractive mainly to East Indians who have been traditionally supporters of the incumbent PPPC.



Opposition parties formally agree to negotiate pro-democracy alliance; welcome election date, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 19:21, Written by  Chevy Devonish, 0 Comments

It will be seen what would now develop.

Thank you Captain Obvious.
Originally Posted by kp:

Harry, did a good job posing , looks like he works for Acme Studios . Dressed in shirt/tie, leather shoes/socks, surge pants,cell phone, laptop/bag. look at the amount of mud on his shoes as though he was dropped off by an helicopter to take photo. so what's the point, it's a back-dam road of mud after a heavy rain fall, look no houses??? Guyana is Guyana in my days some roads you have to use canoe to get by , and you have to be bare foot. Say something nice or shut -up

What's your point the shit he is standing on is part of a hollywood set also?


Please slap yourself out of your stupor...

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This confirms what most political observers have been saying for a very long time.


AFC = PNC = Thugs and Riggers.

yuji, it's simple arithmetic.

The AFC by itself cannot defeat the PPP.

APNU by itself cannot defeat the PPP.

The goal is to defeat the PPP.

APNU + AFC will defeat the PPP.



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