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A major challenge is the fact that the total allocation of $450M was chopped from the National Budget by the combined Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC), in a parliamentary vote.
Since then, only half of the monies have been restored by the Finance Minister – a move that has seen him referred to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee.
The combined Opposition contends that spending authorised by Dr. Singh, including the $225M for the UG loan fund, were “unconstitutional” given that the monies restored were not approved by the combined Opposition.
Prior to the restoration of the sums, the Vice-Chancellor, in an interview, had noted that if the loan subvention for the University of Guyana is not restored by the National Assembly, then the students would be placed in a dire situation as a result of the severe crisis at the tertiary institution if the decision to cut the subvention was not reversed.
However, the two parties maintain that the allocation for UG was linked to other provisions to which they were opposed and, given the ruling by Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang that individual line items could not be cut from the Budget, the entire sum, which included the student loan monies, was removed.
The Government, in turn, has underscored the fact that the National Budget is presented in the same format it has been for several years now, and no allocations are linked, as is being claimed by the Opposition, but listed under the relevant section in the estimates as per normal.The student loan allocation was listed under the Ministry of Finance’s Policy and Administration capital budget.

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A major challenge is the fact that the total allocation of $450M was chopped from the National Budget by the combined Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC), in a parliamentary vote.


It was chopped because the PPP was bundling this request with other requests.


The PPP of course had the choice of submitting a request for just this money as a stand alone. They refused to do so and prefer to punish poor Guyanese children. Of course the PPP does not want an educated population that is not in their best interest.


I will also add, that the budget cuts have not stopped Ashni Singh from spending money so what is stopping him now?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

It was chopped because the PPP was bundling this request with other requests.


The PPP of course had the choice of submitting a request for just this money as a stand alone. They refused to do so and prefer to punish poor Guyanese children. Of course the PPP does not want an educated population that is not in their best interest.


I will also add, that the budget cuts have not stopped Ashni Singh from spending money so what is stopping him now?

PPP was bundling this request with other requests.



Happens all the time. Even in Amereica. It's politics as usual.


That bundling is called "pork barrel politics" in the US. It's a source of contention between Republicans and Democrats.

The minority PPP regime in Guyana is smarting up with pork barrel budgets, naturally causing contention among the other parliamentary parties.

Since the PPP claims AFC and APNU are denying thousands tertiary education, the opposition parties must explain to the people that PPP pork-barrel smartness is to blame.


Jagdeo is not without fault, but he is not the evil that you want us to believe he is.

He is a good man who did a great deal for Guyana. His pension is just as nice as that of the country's chief justice. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Bringing in US criminals to shoot up Guyana, the Chinese to cut down Guyana, the Canadian to dig up Guyana: these are not the actions of a good man. These are actions of a greedy individual who cares less about Guyana than he cares about Kwame.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Jagdeo is not without fault, but he is not the evil that you want us to believe he is.

He is a good man who did a great deal for Guyana. His pension is just as nice as that of the country's chief justice. 

Can you list 5 great things Jagdeo has done for Guyana?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Correct but the PPP had a choice remove it and submit separately and it will get passed. That also happens in America.

Agreed. However, in America it's being debated on its merit. In Guyana, no matter what the govt, it's not good enough. Like the Dems and Repugs in America.


The Guyanese working class benefits the most from the student loans offered by the University, the budget cuts inflicted by the AFC/APNU will affect students of the working class tremendously. 


President promises to rectify UG student loan issue by new academic year

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

[] – President Donald Ramotar has committed to rectifying the student loan issue affecting University of Guyana students before the new academic year.

He told reporters at a news conference yesterday that the matter is under active consideration by the Cabinet.

“We are not going to allow the students unnecessary suffering,” President Ramotar said.

On August 12, the Univeristy’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi threatened to close down the institution in the second week of the semester if the Ministry of Finance continues to be unresponsive in dealing with the issues of student loans to ensure students gain access.

At a press conference, Professor Opadeyi had explained that this is plan ‘B’ for the University’s administration, since it will now await a formal word from the Ministry on the matter.

He made it clear that the University will not offer its services only to those who can pay but prefers to close its doors to all. When asked if this was a unilateral decision, he responded “I am the CEO”.

Meanwhile, President Ramotar reminded that it was the combined Opposition in Parliament that reduced UG’s 2014 budgetary allocation of $450M to zero.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Tell Ashni Singh not to present a pork-barrel budget next time and the opposition will approve government's spending plans for education and other things.



POrk Barral budget.  You mean HOG barrel BUDGET.  Them PPP tiefs are HOGs.


Gov’t to fund student loans for increased tuition fees

August 20, 2014 12:52 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

[] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has announced that the government will be providing funding for student loans to be granted to students of the University of Guyana to meet the cost of the increased tuition fees recently announced by the University.

In a press release from the Ministry, the Minister explained that the Cabinet had concluded its deliberations on the matter yesterday, having examined it exhaustively, and decided that student loans will be granted to cover the new tuition fees.

On August 13, Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Professor Jacob Opadeyi threatened to shut down the University in the second week of the semester if the Ministry of Finance continues to be unresponsive in dealing with the issues of student loans to ensure students gain access.

Meanwhile, Dr Singh clarified that, as before, the loans granted to finance tuition fees will not include the facilities fee which has historically been paid by students outside of the student loan arrangement.

As a result of this decision, Minister Singh indicated that he had issued the necessary directive for the Student Loan Agency to commence processing loan applications immediately for the coming academic year.

Minister Singh emphasised that the decision by Government to grant the increased student loans was made as a result of this Government’s commitment to ensure that no Guyanese student is denied access to University education because of affordability.

The Minister also noted that the increased revenue earned by the University through the new tuition fees provides the University with an important opportunity to make the necessary changes to ensure better effectiveness in its operations.

At the same time, Minister Singh indicated that the Cabinet expressed its continuing concern about the poor rate of repayment of loans previously granted, and urged increased voluntary compliance, even as Government considers options for strengthening enforcement to raise repayment rates.

The ideal option, Minister Singh declared, would be for persons to act responsibly and repay previous loans they were granted voluntarily without any stringent enforcement measures having to be applied.

On April 16, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For change (AFC) joined forces to cut the Ministry of Finance’s capital programme under which a number of developmental programmes and initiatives fall including an allocation of $450M for the provision of loans to students of the University of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President promises to rectify UG student loan issue by new academic year

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

[] – President Donald Ramotar has committed to rectifying the student loan issue affecting University of Guyana students before the new academic year.

He told reporters at a news conference yesterday that the matter is under active consideration by the Cabinet.

“We are not going to allow the students unnecessary suffering,” President Ramotar said.

On August 12, the Univeristy’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi threatened to close down the institution in the second week of the semester if the Ministry of Finance continues to be unresponsive in dealing with the issues of student loans to ensure students gain access.

At a press conference, Professor Opadeyi had explained that this is plan ‘B’ for the University’s administration, since it will now await a formal word from the Ministry on the matter.

He made it clear that the University will not offer its services only to those who can pay but prefers to close its doors to all. When asked if this was a unilateral decision, he responded “I am the CEO”.

Meanwhile, President Ramotar reminded that it was the combined Opposition in Parliament that reduced UG’s 2014 budgetary allocation of $450M to zero.

Hoyte brought in this student loan nonsense.  Education in Guyana must be free for all Guyanese from primary to University. A country with a small population like this can afford free education for its people.


The Guyanese students,especially those of working class families were almost victims of the AFC/APNU scissors. In the event of any snap elections the students would never forget. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Jagdeo is not without fault, but he is not the evil that you want us to believe he is.

He is a good man who did a great deal for Guyana. His pension is just as nice as that of the country's chief justice. 

How about he wedding and robbery of Miss Varshanie Singh?


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