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AFC, APNU in key talks over choosing PM candidate


AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan (left) and Chairman of the People’s National Congress-dominated A Partnership for National Unity, David Granger.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) are locked in tight deliberations over whether their almost five-year old political agreement should be changed to give the President the opportunity to choose his presidential candidate this time around, well-placed sources said.

Officially, representatives of APNU and AFC have refused to comment on the ongoing negotiations that would more than likely have to wrap up very soon now that March 2, 2020 has been set for Guyanese to go to the polls.

“I am bound by the agreement both on the side of the AFC and the APNU that once the talks are ongoing that we’ll be very silent. We will try our best to avoid responding to the press and to giving information one way or the other and when we do give the information, we will do it collectively,” APNU negotiator, Tacuma Ogunseye said.

Asked specifically, if there was a sticking point on the method that should be used to pick the Prime Ministerial candidate, Ogunseye responded with “no comment”.

“We made a ruling that we are not going to speak with the press in relation to what is happening with the Cummingsburg Accord…so these questions directed at the Cummingsburg Accord – I know some of the answers to them. I have been briefed but I wouldn’t want to breach the protocol that those two persons (David Patterson of the AFC and Volda Lawrence of the APNU) speak,” he said.

President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Patterson said “our position is on the table and their position is on the table”.

However, insiders say APNU wants the agreement, styled the Cummingsburg Accord, to be amended to allow the President to consult with the AFC on who should be his prime ministerial running mate. However, the AFC side is insisting that the Accord remain intact so that the APNU presidential candidate merely accepts the AFC’s nominee as his running mate. They fear that such an approach will open the door for the President possibly rejecting the AFC nominee.

Among the issues raised in the the closed-door negotiations is that Joseph Harmon has already possibly signaled his People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) preference for incumbent Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo to be retained as Granger’s running mate. Harmon’s utterance that Nagamootoo is the “best prime minister” had come several days after the AFC had overwhelmingly picked its leader, Khemraj Ramjattan to be the next Prime Minister.

However, Ramjattan expressed confidence that he would be Granger’s running mate. “My chances are very good. That’s the answer to your question….It is for the people who are negotiating what we are gonna do and I strongly believe that ‘ yes’ it will happen,” he said when asked by Demerara Waves Online News/News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM.

Insiders reason that the PNCR, which is the largest of the APNU parties, feels far more comfortable with Nagamootoo in contrast to Ramjattan who is regarded as sometimes more brutally frank and decisive.

Sources say APNU was also asking for probably three more parliamentary seats, but in exchange the AFC was likely to ask for more seats in the local government system. The Cummingsburg Accord did not provide for the allocation of seats and portfolios in local government elections.

The Cummingsburg Accord is dubbed the Valentine’s Day agreement because it was signed on February 14, 2015 by the parties which formed the APNU+AFC coalition. The terms of
the coalition are spelled out in the Accord, which outlines the principles and objectives of the coalition, its policy priorities, the role of the president and prime minister in a coalition
government, an agreed allocation of Cabinet seats in the same (60 percent APNU, 40 percent  AFC); and a minimum number of parliamentary seats for the AFC in the next Parliament (12),
among other priorities. The agreement is set to expire in 2020.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Why Al Yuh so fast about who PNC picks. Dem is all Gadahas!!!

Well, it’s important to mitigate the Irfaan pick!

Irfan has two terms. 

One at Mazaruni and the other at Camp Street. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Why Al Yuh so fast about who PNC picks. Dem is all Gadahas!!!

Well, it’s important to mitigate the Irfaan pick!

Irfan has two terms. 

One at Mazaruni and the other at Camp Street. 

Bai, have some respect!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PM job is nothing. Who cares who is the PM?

You’re correct, all the powers of the PM was taken away by Granger. 

Naga makes decision and it’s override by Harmoooonnn.

GTAngler posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Is lying about your credentials considered a crime?

Not if it was not done under oath.  

GTAngler posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Is lying about your credentials considered a crime?


Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Ramjattan ah pusser-pusser in Granger ears how he will help him to take down coolie as he did in Agricola. Don't trust you mattie coolie.  

kp posted:

AFC, APNU in key talks over choosing PM candidate

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan (left) and Chairman of the People’s National Congress-dominated A Partnership for National Unity, David Granger.


Rumglotton: Ow Granger, mek me yuh Prime Monster.

Granger: Well Rumboy; ah gat lats ah kandeedates.



President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.


Granger thinking -- Who eee tryin' tu sho dat eee cyan read.


Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PM job is nothing. Who cares who is the PM?

You’re correct, all the powers of the PM was taken away by Granger. 

Naga makes decision and it’s override by Harmoooonnn.

Naga doesn’t make any decisions. He just follows Harmon’s.

Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Banna, there is no proof the PPP is ahead with the soccer ball...the PPP’s traditional support base has declined.

Granger dont need mass support for 2 reasons....1) he has a dedicated people, many army folks, very disciplined who will be activate to bring out the mass....that’s already happening....this election will not see many people staying at home and voting with their feet like the last few elections.. 2) if all fails, I am sure there is a Plan B....

It is the PPP which is giving false hopes to its people. First, the ABE dont want them and they dont want a new govt tinkering with the curative contracts given to Exxon, etc...

You people are following Jagdeo blindly...he taking everyone 6 feet under...y’all too gullible...these PPP people already stole enough money to last for a ifetime and I am sure they working behind the scenes to get a piece of the action with the coalition...EVEN THE PPP LEADERS KNOW THEY WILL LOOSE THIS ELECTION....

y’all chew on this for a while....and digest it....

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


If he becomes president, he will be given immunity, maybe, that's why Jagdeo placed him there.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Banna, there is no proof the PPP is ahead with the soccer ball...the PPP’s traditional support base has declined.

Granger dont need mass support for 2 reasons....1) he has a dedicated people, many army folks, very disciplined who will be activate to bring out the mass....that’s already happening....this election will not see many people staying at home and voting with their feet like the last few elections.. 2) if all fails, I am sure there is a Plan B....

It is the PPP which is giving false hopes to its people. First, the ABE dont want them and they dont want a new govt tinkering with the curative contracts given to Exxon, etc...

You people are following Jagdeo blindly...he taking everyone 6 feet under...y’all too gullible...these PPP people already stole enough money to last for a ifetime and I am sure they working behind the scenes to get a piece of the action with the coalition...EVEN THE PPP LEADERS KNOW THEY WILL LOOSE THIS ELECTION....

y’all chew on this for a while....and digest it....

As I said, keep on trucking!!

It is the PNC who has been running from elections since the NCV.  That tells you something!

I don’t have a crystal ball “like you” to know who will win.  What we can see clearly, the PPP wants elections yesterday, the PNC waiting for Christ to come and deliver them from their own sins!

Based on that we could only infer who is confident and who shivering!  Remember “Bring it on?”

Granger is a military man!  He don’t like fat-talk!  He respects the “enemy!”


I  would love to see what happens when they start to deliver on their promise of cash transfer.  Criminals will go on a rampage kidnapping, robbing, and murder.  I wonder if they are gonna use a Brinks truck to move the cash around.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Tens of thousands of Indos would return home to qualify for the 5k cash per year. The population shift will surprise many of you.  Things will backfire! Things will Boomerang!!!  Watch out! None of you can see the future clearer than Nehru.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Banna, there is no proof the PPP is ahead with the soccer ball...the PPP’s traditional support base has declined.

Granger dont need mass support for 2 reasons....1) he has a dedicated people, many army folks, very disciplined who will be activate to bring out the mass....that’s already happening....this election will not see many people staying at home and voting with their feet like the last few elections.. 2) if all fails, I am sure there is a Plan B....

It is the PPP which is giving false hopes to its people. First, the ABE dont want them and they dont want a new govt tinkering with the curative contracts given to Exxon, etc...

You people are following Jagdeo blindly...he taking everyone 6 feet under...y’all too gullible...these PPP people already stole enough money to last for a ifetime and I am sure they working behind the scenes to get a piece of the action with the coalition...EVEN THE PPP LEADERS KNOW THEY WILL LOOSE THIS ELECTION....

y’all chew on this for a while....and digest it....

As I said, keep on trucking!!

It is the PNC who has been running from elections since the NCV.  That tells you something!

I don’t have a crystal ball “like you” to know who will win.  What we can see clearly, the PPP wants elections yesterday, the PNC waiting for Christ to come and deliver them from their own sins!

Based on that we could only infer who is confident and who shivering!  Remember “Bring it on?”

Granger is a military man!  He don’t like fat-talk!  He respects the “enemy!”

PNC has been running from elections because they needed time to put a plan together...that is clear as daylight for everyone to see....who knows? Maybe they are doing a secret poll, maybe they are talking to the ranks, maybe they are recruiting friends and families from abroad....but it’s clear they needed time to regroup and come back into the fight.

Anyone who believes that the coalition will allow the PPP to get back in, despite all the things they claim the PPP did, needs their heads examined...

We dont need a crystal ball for certain things....we can look at trends and patterns of the past....if the PNC believes they are at a disadvantage for the elections, they are preparing themselves....

But we know the PPP cannot win on their numbers alone....and that puts the PPP in a box...

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Banna, there is no proof the PPP is ahead with the soccer ball...the PPP’s traditional support base has declined.

Granger dont need mass support for 2 reasons....1) he has a dedicated people, many army folks, very disciplined who will be activate to bring out the mass....that’s already happening....this election will not see many people staying at home and voting with their feet like the last few elections.. 2) if all fails, I am sure there is a Plan B....

It is the PPP which is giving false hopes to its people. First, the ABE dont want them and they dont want a new govt tinkering with the curative contracts given to Exxon, etc...

You people are following Jagdeo blindly...he taking everyone 6 feet under...y’all too gullible...these PPP people already stole enough money to last for a ifetime and I am sure they working behind the scenes to get a piece of the action with the coalition...EVEN THE PPP LEADERS KNOW THEY WILL LOOSE THIS ELECTION....

y’all chew on this for a while....and digest it....

As I said, keep on trucking!!

It is the PNC who has been running from elections since the NCV.  That tells you something!

I don’t have a crystal ball “like you” to know who will win.  What we can see clearly, the PPP wants elections yesterday, the PNC waiting for Christ to come and deliver them from their own sins!

Based on that we could only infer who is confident and who shivering!  Remember “Bring it on?”

Granger is a military man!  He don’t like fat-talk!  He respects the “enemy!”

PNC has been running from elections because they needed time to put a plan together...that is clear as daylight for everyone to see....who knows? Maybe they are doing a secret poll, maybe they are talking to the ranks, maybe they are recruiting friends and families from abroad....but it’s clear they needed time to regroup and come back into the fight.

Anyone who believes that the coalition will allow the PPP to get back in, despite all the things they claim the PPP did, needs their heads examined...

We dont need a crystal ball for certain things....we can look at trends and patterns of the past....if the PNC believes they are at a disadvantage for the elections, they are preparing themselves....

But we know the PPP cannot win on their numbers alone....and that puts the PPP in a box...

Another foolish soothsayer with a penchant to publish foolish things just to tickle those in a fight for real change in Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

What Crime has he been convicted of?? Some Al Yuh does only talk plain SHIT!!

Trial is coming....what if he is convicted and he still is president....he has pending charges...serious ones too.

And he LIED about his degree....we still waiting for dem


No charges, no trial coming. The PNC has yet to prove a serious case.  Even Roger Khan at Home having a cold beer!

If you want to keep your hopes up that something bad will befall the PPP and make it easy for the PNC, you will be in for a disappointment!

Granger recently expressed frustration at the PNC not engaging the masses.  So now they hoping to do it with cash transfer, something which he is not in favor!  He admitted the PPP in running ahead of them.

Banna, there is no proof the PPP is ahead with the soccer ball...the PPP’s traditional support base has declined.

Granger dont need mass support for 2 reasons....1) he has a dedicated people, many army folks, very disciplined who will be activate to bring out the mass....that’s already happening....this election will not see many people staying at home and voting with their feet like the last few elections.. 2) if all fails, I am sure there is a Plan B....

It is the PPP which is giving false hopes to its people. First, the ABE dont want them and they dont want a new govt tinkering with the curative contracts given to Exxon, etc...

You people are following Jagdeo blindly...he taking everyone 6 feet under...y’all too gullible...these PPP people already stole enough money to last for a ifetime and I am sure they working behind the scenes to get a piece of the action with the coalition...EVEN THE PPP LEADERS KNOW THEY WILL LOOSE THIS ELECTION....

y’all chew on this for a while....and digest it....

As I said, keep on trucking!!

It is the PNC who has been running from elections since the NCV.  That tells you something!

I don’t have a crystal ball “like you” to know who will win.  What we can see clearly, the PPP wants elections yesterday, the PNC waiting for Christ to come and deliver them from their own sins!

Based on that we could only infer who is confident and who shivering!  Remember “Bring it on?”

Granger is a military man!  He don’t like fat-talk!  He respects the “enemy!”

PNC has been running from elections because they needed time to put a plan together...that is clear as daylight for everyone to see....who knows? Maybe they are doing a secret poll, maybe they are talking to the ranks, maybe they are recruiting friends and families from abroad....but it’s clear they needed time to regroup and come back into the fight.

Anyone who believes that the coalition will allow the PPP to get back in, despite all the things they claim the PPP did, needs their heads examined...

We dont need a crystal ball for certain things....we can look at trends and patterns of the past....if the PNC believes they are at a disadvantage for the elections, they are preparing themselves....

But we know the PPP cannot win on their numbers alone....and that puts the PPP in a box...

For a man who claimed you never went to Guyana, you on a ball!


VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

kp posted:

VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

you stooopiiiddddd!

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

you stooopiiiddddd!

Perhaps or perhaps not, but what is evident is that you my friend are a pnc knee bender racing to outdo dj,cain, lilmohan, princess and others in groveling to do their bidding of fetching pnc slopcan.

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

you stooopiiiddddd!

Dam Jackass, you get ketch, eh!

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

you stooopiiiddddd!

Perhaps or perhaps not, but what is evident is that you my friend are a pnc knee bender racing to outdo dj,cain, lilmohan, princess and others in groveling to do their bidding of fetching pnc slopcan. I said you tooo  sttooopiddd!

kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

VishMahabir is a Blackman that used to live in Buxton he is placed here by the PNC to monitor the pulse of the diaspora.  His ignorant behaviour is an act to get answers. Trump would call him a Spy.

you stooopiiiddddd!

Dam Jackass, you get ketch, eh!

as in "ketching" fish in the Damarara Rever?


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