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October12th, 2012  




The Alliance For Change has learnt with alarm of the events that took place in Agricola on the afternoon of 11thOct,2012 which continued into the evening. These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this evening.


The tragic deaths of three Lindeners in July, followed by the execution of Shaquille Grant in Agricola, the mysterious disappearance of the two policeman involved in the shooting, and the shooting to death of an innocent bystander all under the watch of Minister Rohee are testament to the continued failure of the Minister to create a safe environment and to provide security for all citizens of Guyana,


The fact that the Government of Guyana considers this Minister's performance the best available in the cabinet is testimony to the tragic and abysmal failure to provide effective leadership and responsible stewardship of the affairs of the state.


The Parliament of Guyana, the highest decision making forum in the land has already expressed its total lack of confidence in this Minister. The Government's response that "we shall not be moved" displayed not only a complete disregard for the wishes of the elected majority but was an act of defiance and an invitation for conflict rather than calm reflection.


The AFC finds it despicable that the Government has started its manipulation on the airwaves and TV that AFC's Chairman Nigel Hughes caused this crisis when undoubtedly it was the provocation of Luncheon's taunting aggrieved mothers this morning.


The AFC urges all citizens to remain calm and not be provoked.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

I would love for you to read that statement to EVERY Indian that was beaten, robbed, property destroyed and molested. Political Power and status sometimes blind us to see Justice.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

I would love for you to read that statement to EVERY Indian that was beaten, robbed, property destroyed and molested. Political Power and status sometimes blind us to see Justice.

No Clint Eastwood, Ramotar, Ramjattan, Moses etc would ride into town to save them from the rage of the black people. Luncheon statement was incindiary. Ramotar and the PPP need to distance themselves from that type of rhetoric. 



The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this evening.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

I would love for you to read that statement to EVERY Indian that was beaten, robbed, property destroyed and molested. Political Power and status sometimes blind us to see Justice.

No Clint Eastwood, Ramotar, Ramjattan, Moses etc would ride into town to save them from the rage of the black people. Luncheon statement was incindiary. Ramotar and the PPP need to distance themselves from that type of rhetoric. 



The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this evening.

When KAKAHOLE PUTTY KFC issue threats to make the Govt Ungovernable and set deadlines, you expect the Govt NOT to issue warnings of Consequences??????   LEADERSHIP, think about it.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

So  a Black man says "Lets rumble" and the Indians are punished because he is part of the PPP and by extension, all Indians should be culpable and punishable for actions of Blacks who are PPP stooges. I wonder if the Black rioters asked their victims whether they voted AFC or PPP before robbing and beating them. 


Yes you are right, I should go back and teach women and children how to fight marauding bands of Black rioters. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

So  a Black man says "Lets rumble" and the Indians are punished because he is part of the PPP and by extension, all Indians should be culpable and punishable for actions of Blacks who are PPP stooges. I wonder if the Black rioters asked their victims whether they voted AFC or PPP before robbing and beating them. 

These are the most weird cause and effect argument in any Society, civilised or uncivilised.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bgurd, you should go back to Guyana and show your fellow East Indians how to fight back. Remember "abhee pon top."  And as Luncheon said; "Let's rumble."

So  a Black man says "Lets rumble" and the Indians are punished because he is part of the PPP and by extension, all Indians should be culpable and punishable for actions of Blacks who are PPP stooges. I wonder if the Black rioters asked their victims whether they voted AFC or PPP before robbing and beating them. 


Yes you are right, I should go back and teach women and children how to fight marauding bands of Black rioters. 

ahmmm, drug_b . . . Luncheon is the head of Ramotar's Secretariat. It can be credibly argued that on National Security matters, he speaks for the President. In any case, Guyana's Commander-in-Chief neither distanced himself nor disavowed the incendiary utterings of this fool. Indeed, he milks it for political advantage.


and . . . other than U, who's arguing that "all Indians should be culpable and punishable" for his [Lunchmeat's] actions, eh?


oh wait . . . i'm dealing with a guy who thinks that "culpate" is a real word.


my bad

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Good point. These fellows covering their faces -- who are they? Not normal Guyanese. Is the AFC recruiting from among those criminal elements being deported from the US?

Thanks for the Info Bro. Moses nagamootoo, can you imagine what a SLIMEBALL this man has become!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Good point. These fellows covering their faces -- who are they? Not normal Guyanese. Is the AFC recruiting from among those criminal elements being deported from the US?

Good idea blue gay parrot; But the Pick Pocket Party/Criminals beat the AFC to it, since the AFC have no access to the treasury.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


Two lines in the whole article addressing the unrest

....and a whole page on .."is the PPP fault"...


AFC followers should realize by now that they have joined the PNC in "slo fiah, mo fiah" tactics. People don't look to them for change anymore.


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