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Former Member

AFC appoints “select team” to review party’s positioning in “evolving political atmosphere”

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has announced that it has appointed a select team to make recommendations to its National Executive Committee (NEC) regarding the best positioning of the party in the evolving political atmosphere.

The AFC made the announcement in a statement on Sunday evening following a meeting of the NEC, where it was also decided that the 2021 National Conference would be postponed owing to the growing number of COVID-19 cases being recorded.

“By a unanimous decision of the NEC, it was agreed that the National Conference would be deferred due to the runaway COVID situation, which shows no expected improvement in the immediate future. The NEC agreed to postpone the National Conference until a date after March 2022 at which time, it is hoped that the country is better able to manage the pandemic,” the statement read.

Additionally, the AFC said that its NEC was updated on attempts to resolve outstanding issues regarding the Cummingsburg Accord.

The AFC joined hands with the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to contest the 2015 General and Regional Elections and the coalition subsequently won. The parties signed the Cummingsburg Accord, which outlined the parliamentary seats and ministerial portfolios for AFC and APNU members respectively.

However, the APNU led by former President David Granger has been continuously violating the Accord and sidelining the AFC. The party announced in 2020 after the APNU bullied its way to installing its own nominee for the Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) Vice Chairman position, that it would be reviewing the Accord.

“The NEC was of the strong view that a fundamental breach of the Accord was committed; as such, a committee has been established to provide guidance and recommendations to the party on the continued effectiveness of the Accord as well as a review of the mechanisms to effect any future agreements,” it had said.

The Accord had stipulated that the AFC would get the Vice Chair positions in Regions Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) and Four. Indeed, it did get its own candidate elected to the Region Seven Vice Chairman position. However, following the election of APNU candidate, former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Captain Daniel Seeram as the Region Four Chairman, things went awry. The AFC had nominated Neilson McKenzie for the Region Four Vice Chairman position, APNU nominated Samuel Sandy and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) nominated Desmond Morian.

Voting was along party lines, as APNU and PPP/C cast their 14 votes each for their candidates and the AFC with its five votes backed McKenzie. Seeram then used his deciding vote as Chairman to elect Sandy, prompting the fallout.

Since it came into office after joining forces with APNU in 2015, the minority AFC has been criticised for the submissive role it has been playing to the abusive APNU. Decisions the former Government made, such as the closure of sugar estates, which put thousands of sugar workers out of jobs, were passed unchallenged and even supported by the AFC. This is despite the AFC retaining the Agriculture Ministry.

This passive relationship with APNU was cited by former AFC parliamentarian Charrandas Persaud, as one of the reasons he voted for the No-Confidence Motion that brought down the APNU/AFC Government in 2018.

In addition, there was the then Government’s strategic reallocation of responsibilities away from Ministries that were headed by AFC officials, to other Ministries. This included removing the oil and gas portfolios from then Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman and the citizenship portfolio from then Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan.

There is also the fact that despite the Cummingsburg Accord containing stipulations that should have seen former Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo being vested with the responsibility for chairing Cabinet and domestic issues, the then APNU Government never honoured this.

On December 24, 2019, after much back and forth between APNU and the AFC a revised Cummingsburg Accord was signed, but the full details were never released to the public. The revised Accord was to contest the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections which the APNU/AFC coalition lost but tried to rig.

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@Former Member posted:

AFC appoints “select team” to review party’s positioning in “evolving political atmosphere”

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has announced that it has appointed a select team to make recommendations to its National Executive Committee (NEC) regarding the best positioning of the party in the evolving political atmosphere.

Additionally, the AFC said that its NEC was updated on attempts to resolve outstanding issues regarding the Cummingsburg Accord.

The AFC joined hands with the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to contest the 2015 General and Regional Elections and the coalition subsequently won. The parties signed the Cummingsburg Accord, which outlined the parliamentary seats and ministerial portfolios for AFC and APNU members respectively.

When the AFC was formed, the leaders made it abundantly clear the AFC will be a party unattached to none of the other political organizations.

AFC later neglected this fundamental purpose and happily merged with the PNCR by signing the Cummingsburg Accord.

After being "booted left, right, center, up, down, etc.," by the PNCR they are crying loudly from the blows about a review of the best positioning of the party in the evolving political atmosphere.  

@Former Member posted:

When the AFC was formed, the leaders made it abundantly clear the AFC will be a party unattached to none of the other political organizations.

AFC later neglected this fundamental purpose and happily merged with the PNCR by signing the Cummingsburg Accord.

After being "booted left, right, center, up, down, etc.," by the PNCR they are crying loudly from the blows about a review of the best positioning of the party in the evolving political atmosphere.  

If the objective was to get the ppp out of power by beating them at the general and regional elections, how was that to be achieved if not by joining together?

when you can answer that question get back to us


@Former Member posted:

Basic reason for the formation of the AFC party ...

... Function independently from all other political parties.

if the initial idea was to function independently, that idea can be replaced at anytime with another idea, to remove the ppp from office (and it worked). what's your point?


Hence, the reasons why the AFC is furiously scratching their heads to find ways to sever the PNCR iron-grip on them.

Therefore, their current approach ...  

"AFC appoints “select team” to review party’s positioning in “evolving political atmosphere”"

AFC, a rolling stone that gathers no moss. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Spugum posted:

every political party has its internal squabbles particularly when in opposition - it's healthy!

unlike the ppp where everyone bows down to jagdeo the failure

Yuh right bai, every PPP bow down to Jagdeo the failure but yuh really think it’s healthy for every PNC to bow down Granger the rigger? ….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Yuh right bai, every PPP bow down to Jagdeo the failure but yuh really think it’s healthy for every PNC to bow down Granger the rigger? ….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

many in the pnc want granger gone: which planet are you on?

as i always say, you don't know head from foot. and you comprehension skills are woefully inadequate

@Spugum posted:

many in the pnc want granger gone: which planet are you on?

as i always say, you don't know head from foot. and you comprehension skills are woefully inadequate

That maybe true but easier said than done…don’t be fooled, Granger has his soldier boys plus die hard supporters would not just roll over and die. Their well oiled monster rigging machinery created by PNC over the years would not only ensure his victory in the PNC leadership but will continue to haunt them by denying their chances of governing for the unforeseeable future…wake up and smell the coffee…hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

That maybe true but easier said than done…don’t be fooled, Granger has his soldier boys plus die hard supporters would not just roll over and die. Their well oiled monster rigging machinery created by PNC over the years would not only ensure his victory in the PNC leadership but will continue to haunt them by denying their chances of governing for the unforeseeable future…wake up and smell the coffee…hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

but i thought you said every pnc bowed to granger - your jackassery know no bounds!

where did the ppp get the USD110 million to pay those three lobbying firms to help them win the last general election? who are their backers and how much of that was stolen? why are so many foreign companies rappidly setting up shop in guyana so that GCCI is now complaining bitterly? are these new companies now being rewarded for all that cash they put up? it looks like the trinis are taking over guyana: what will happen to genuine guyanese businesses? why aren't guyanese people getting any decent paying jobs with all that's going on businesswise in the country?

next time you take your woman out for a meal, and order banko, you can ponder these questions

@Spugum posted:

If the objective was to get the ppp out of power by beating them at the general and regional elections, how was that to be achieved if not by joining together?

when you can answer that question get back to us


@Former Member posted:

Basic reason for the formation of the AFC party ...

... Function independently from all other political parties.

@Spugum posted:

if the initial idea was to function independently, that idea can be replaced at anytime with another idea, to remove the ppp from office (and it worked). what's your point?

Reason for former members of the PNCR and PPPC to form AFC was to have an organization completely independent of the two parties.

The AFC now being firmly entwined with the PNCR indeed shows how they are dependent on that organization.  

@Former Member posted:

Reason for former members of the PNCR and PPPC to form AFC was to have an organization completely independent of the two parties.

The AFC now being firmly entwined with the PNCR indeed shows how they are dependent on that organization.  

it's the AFC's choice to make, just like it's shuman's and his band of small parties to throw their lot in with the ppp, isn't it? don't see you (and your ppp) having a go at shuman

if the AFC chooses to leave the coalition, again, it's their choice to make

the real problem with you ppp people is you detest those indians that are not supporters of the ppp. the ppp was defeated with the help of those indians so you constantly pour scorn on them for that defeat

your racist old rass sit here quietly pushing a thing for the ppp (which you have every right to do) but who cares what you think? haven't seen you posting any monkey pictures mocking  black people lately but i know who you are

Last edited by Spugum
@Former Member posted:

Reason for former members of the PNCR and PPPC to form AFC was to have an organization completely independent of the two parties.

The AFC now being firmly entwined with the PNCR indeed shows how they are dependent on that organization.  

@Spugum posted:
your racist old rass sit here quietly pushing a thing for the ppp (which you have every right to do) but who cares what you think? haven't seen you posting any monkey pictures mocking  black people lately but i know who you are

[[Quote]]==your racist old rass==[[Unquote]]

Spugum -- GNI/GCDF username

Hopefully, you will avoid making such unfounded statement.

Demerara_Guy == Moderator

@Former Member posted:

[[Quote]]==your racist old rass==[[Unquote]]

Spugum -- GNI/GCDF username

Hopefully, you will avoid making such unfounded statement.

Demerara_Guy == Moderator

what is all this gibberish you posted in aid of?

banna, rest yuhself


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