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Former Member

AFC apprises US of Guyana’s democratic and moral decay

November 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

-    State Dept. gives commitment to work towards restoration of democracy By Abena Rockcliffe


The United States Chapter of the Alliance For Change (AFC) has turned to authorities in that country for assistance towards the “restoration of the democratic process and constitutional governance in Guyana.”


Kaieteur News was told that the body has been able to secure commitment from members of the US State Department and Congress for this cause.


Commitment was given after a number of serious issues facing Guyana were made known, including the infamous recording of a conversation between Attorney General Anil Nandlall and a Kaieteur News reporter.


At a press conference held yesterday at Georgetown Club, AFC Member of Parliament Trevor Williams disclosed the extent of the party’s US Chapter’s work for the realization of a better Guyana.


He said that the work was driven by the disappointment in the President’s move to prorogue Parliament.


According to Williams, the Party’s USA chapters in Washington DC, Florida, Atlanta, New York/New Jersey and Iowa, have expressed deep disappointment with the recent suspension of the Parliament by President Donald Ramotar.


The MP disclosed that the various US chapters are meeting with major international stakeholders such as the US State Department, US Congressional Representatives and Senators, United Nations, Transparency International, OAS and other agencies, to inform them of what is happening in Guyana and to elicit, among other things, their support to publicly call on the President to restore Parliament and democracy in Guyana.

Members of the AFC USA chapter with US Congress officials after the meeting

Members of the AFC USA chapter with US Congress officials after the meeting






Williams said that on November 18, with the assistance of the President of the AFC Washington DC chapter, Chairman of the NY/NJ-AFC chapter, Dr. Rohan Somar, had a conference meeting with the USA Director of Hemispheric Affairs and other officers of the US State Department.


He said that at that meeting, reasons were given as to why the AFC laid a “No Confidence Motion’ in the National Assembly against the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government.


The MP said that the meeting heard of the failure of the Government to establish the Human Rights Commission as mandated by article 212 G of the Constitution; failure of the Government to establish the Public Procurement Commission as mandated by article 212 W of the Constitution, as well as the President’s refusal to assent to Bills passed by the National Assembly, “effectively making an elected dictatorship rather than a democracy.”



He said the “unauthorized expenditure by the Minister of Finance, who was discovered to have spent over 4.5 billion dollars from the Consolidated Fund without Parliamentary approval as required by the Constitution”, was also discussed.


Williams said that the “negotiation and implementation in secret of multi-million-dollar contracts, with benefits accruing to family, friends and favoured associates of PPP Ministers, involving, in particular, infrastructure, construction, natural resource extraction and various other projects” was also highlighted.


Also brought to the forefront was the “extensive corruption in Government, which has consistently led to Guyana’s ranking as the most corrupt country in the Anglophone Caribbean and one of the most corrupt in the world, according to data compiled by Transparency International.


And the breakdown of the institutions of law and order, involving unsolved criminal activity, police brutality that has included torture of suspects, and a high level of extra-judicial killings”.


The AFC member told US officials of the “multiple infractions of the Constitution by PPP Ministers and other high-ranking officials in government, including the recent release of a recorded telephone conversation in which the Attorney General stated that he used public finances without approval, and warned a friend of impending extra-judicial sanction against a prominent newspaper critical of the Government.”


Williams said that a series of regular meetings are planned and that the US State Department committed itself to work with all political parties to bring a peaceful political solution to the current impasse in Guyana.


Also, on November 25 another delegation met with Members of Congress. This delegation was made up of Vice Chairman of NY/NJ chapter, Ewart Marshall, and Anita Jaikarran, MBA and NY/NJ- AFC Executive Committee Member and representatives from other diaspora group including; Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), Center for Social Justice & Development, Center for Guyana’s Progress, APNU and PNCR.


Those persons met with US Congresswoman, Yvette Clarke and Congressman and Hakeem Jeffries.

US Congresswoman, Yvette Clarke

US Congresswoman, Yvette Clarke








Williams said that a wide range of issues were discussed by the delegation and AFC representatives detailed the moral and democratic decay in Guyana.


He said that members of Congress asked probing questions and expressed their dismay at this constitutional breakdown in Guyana.


According to Williams, Representatives Clarke and Jeffries expressed concern about the breakdown of democracy and the Constitution in Guyana and pledged to remain engaged, and to work with other Members of Congress and the Obama Administration to ensure a restoration of the democratic process and constitutional governance in Guyana.


Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.




Originally Posted by seignet:

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.




Do you see him

fighting the corruption

in the PPP?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

Last edited by Former Member

If Uncle Sam keep sharing out dem Visas they will help drive a decision in GY as to who the government will be.


If the Republican Institute continues their good work in GY, PPP cork duck.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.

Moses and Khemraj Ramjattan left the PPP because of that party's bad governance among other things


the AFC has never been in office, suh wha de raas yuh talking bout seeing Moses only "talk" but not "practice" good governance?


you sound like conscience and yuji dem hollering that Berbicians should reject the AFC because the PPP didn't give a 20% increase to sugar workers which Moses said they deserved



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

HAHAHA   TRUE DAT!!1  But some(vert few) want to bring back Rigging and Frigging!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

The USG has a lot if input and leverage that they can use. History should inform you of that. This is one time if I wish they could seed the clouds with some Spring rain. We do need a Spring in the air.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

HAHAHA   TRUE DAT!!1  But some(vert few) want to bring back Rigging and Frigging!!

so nehru, now that u finish (i think) with your klown turn, i want to ask if u have any problems with the AFC apprising Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and Rep. Yvette Clarke of the criminal & undemocratic runnings of the PPP mafiya government and petitioning the US Gov't for help in restoring democracy to our failed narco-state

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Gilly, dah how me get pitcha wid Dr. Jagan and Sam Hinds. Do you remember a Geoffrey DaSilva in the PPP?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Gilly, dah how me get pitcha wid Dr. Jagan and Sam Hinds. Do you remember a Geoffrey DaSilva in the PPP?

I was introduced to Geoffrey Da Silva in 1982 at the PPP congress in Mon Repos. Sash Sawh and our own Churchill also travelled to Guyana for that congress.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

That was then. Since that time the USA is consumed with the Middle East, and Asia, and occasionally Europe.  The Americas no longer matter now that the Col War is over.


Guyanese have to learn to fix their problems and cease to think that others will do it for them.  Why is T&T not as bad as Guyana even though it also has ethnically divided politics.  Because the people of T&T would never have put up with arrogance from their politicians.  This is why Kamla quickly dumps any minister who outreaches himself with arrogance.


Guyanese think that a white knight will arrive and rescue them.  Well the drug barons of Colombia still function so don't expect them to move against the drug traffickers of Guyana.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.

Moses and Khemraj Ramjattan left the PPP because of that party's bad governance among other things


the AFC has never been in office, suh wha de raas yuh talking bout seeing Moses only "talk" but not "practice" good governance?


you sound like conscience and yuji dem hollering that Berbicians should reject the AFC because the PPP didn't give a 20% increase to sugar workers which Moses said they deserved



Nagamootoo is only balling because he din get the PPP perks. To me, he is another Jagan, only after the Indian votes. If thing went in his favour in the PPP, trust me the man would have CARRY ON. You doan think Moses knew about the corruption while he was waiting to tek over.


Guyana has had only deceitful politicians.


The PPP wants the Indian votes. The AFC wants the Indian votes. It is about time APNU go get the Indian votes too.


I really doan trust Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, they been mired in so much PPP shyte. They can never wash it all away.







Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

I now know why you dislike Indian Nationals. Bro, yuh living in a place wey dey tink all of us come from untouchables.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Gilly, dah how me get pitcha wid Dr. Jagan and Sam Hinds. Do you remember a Geoffrey DaSilva in the PPP?

I THINK U GOT THE WRONG NAME. The Calysonian travelled with Cheddie and Sam. A DaSilva but not Geof.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.

Moses and Khemraj Ramjattan left the PPP because of that party's bad governance among other things


the AFC has never been in office, suh wha de raas yuh talking bout seeing Moses only "talk" but not "practice" good governance?


you sound like conscience and yuji dem hollering that Berbicians should reject the AFC because the PPP didn't give a 20% increase to sugar workers which Moses said they deserved



Nagamootoo is only balling because he din get the PPP perks. To me, he is another Jagan, only after the Indian votes. If thing went in his favour in the PPP, trust me the man would have CARRY ON. You doan think Moses knew about the corruption while he was waiting to tek over.


Guyana has had only deceitful politicians.


The PPP wants the Indian votes. The AFC wants the Indian votes. It is about time APNU go get the Indian votes too.


I really doan trust Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, they been mired in so much PPP shyte. They can never wash it all away.

seignet, . . . messrs Ramjattan, Granger, Nagamootoo, Hughes, Trotman, et al are not the greatest things since sliced bread; but they are (in whatever incarnation) a quantum improvement on the sick-minded devils occupying the seat of power in Georgetown


there is an old (wise) saying: . . . do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good


we need to get from here to there . . . i am sure you are not the same person u were 10 years ago



Last edited by Former Member

More progress in paradise.....


Businessman, US-based couple robbed at Pouderoyen after arrival from airport

Posted By Staff Writer On November 28, 2014 @ 5:24 am In Local News | No Comments

A businessman of Pou-deroyen, West Bank Demerara was robbed at around 3 am yesterday of his motor car while a US-based couple who are here to conduct charity work lost their suitcases and US$8,000.

Rabindranauth Sukha, 58, had just picked up his brother, Balram Singh, 63, and his wife, Indira Singh from the airport when the two armed bandits pounced on them. Another bandit was waiting nearby in a Toyota Allion motorcar.

Sukha told Stabroek News that the bandits also stripped him of $15,000 and his cell phone while the couple was also robbed of their phones and travel documents.

He related that he had just turned onto his bridge and was about to open the car door when the bandits held him at gunpoint.

They ordered the others out of the car and placed them to lie face down on the ground. The bandits also compelled them to hand over valuables.

 Sukha’s house and businessplace

Sukha’s house and businessplace

They then drove away in the $3.3M gold-coloured Toyota Premio motorcar, PPP 1862 that contained six suitcases.

Sukha said sadly that the suitcases contained mostly items that the couple intended to distribute for charity. He lamented that they were not the only ones who were robbed, but the needy persons as well.

He recalled that after the bandits left he dialled 911 and the call went to the Leonora Police Station. He was pleased with the response from the police who arrived “fairly fast.”

He also said that while he was on the phone the police were deploying ranks to the scene.

The officers also contacted the Demerara Harbour Bridge and the La Grange and Vreed-en-Hoop stations while roadblocks were also set up.

So far the police have come up empty-handed.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan were instrumental in the Jagans hazardous form of leadership.


There are no systems, ever in the PPP. People just did whatever they wanted.


And I believe, it would be the same way in a Nagamoottoo government. The face of the AFC is Nagamoottoo.


Nagamoottoo talks government, but I haven't seen him practice what good goverance is all about.

Moses and Khemraj Ramjattan left the PPP because of that party's bad governance among other things


the AFC has never been in office, suh wha de raas yuh talking bout seeing Moses only "talk" but not "practice" good governance?


you sound like conscience and yuji dem hollering that Berbicians should reject the AFC because the PPP didn't give a 20% increase to sugar workers which Moses said they deserved



Nagamootoo is only balling because he din get the PPP perks. To me, he is another Jagan, only after the Indian votes. If thing went in his favour in the PPP, trust me the man would have CARRY ON. You doan think Moses knew about the corruption while he was waiting to tek over.


Guyana has had only deceitful politicians.


The PPP wants the Indian votes. The AFC wants the Indian votes. It is about time APNU go get the Indian votes too.


I really doan trust Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, they been mired in so much PPP shyte. They can never wash it all away.

seignet, . . . messrs Ramjattan, Granger, Nagamootoo, Hughes, Trotman, et al are not the greatest things since sliced bread; but they are (in whatever incarnation) a quantum improvement on the sick-minded devils occupying the seat of power in Georgetown


there is an old (wise) saying: . . . do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good


we need to get from here to there . . . i am sure you are not the same person u were 10 years ago



What u planning to do about bringing in that CHANGE? A serious ?.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Uncle S has much bigger fishes to fry than to listen to a group of people who got a few votes last elections. 

Moral decay by whose standards? When will some of these fools learn that Guyana is not a territory of the US?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Gilly, dah how me get pitcha wid Dr. Jagan and Sam Hinds. Do you remember a Geoffrey DaSilva in the PPP?

I THINK U GOT THE WRONG NAME. The Calysonian travelled with Cheddie and Sam. A DaSilva but not Geof.

Siggy, it's for Skelly to confirm or deny whether Geoff Da Silva was with Dr Jagan and Sam Hinds in Minnesota in 1991.

What I do know is that around that time a guy named Eddie Da Silva appeared suddenly at Freedom House and received high-class reception. He said he was living in Barbados and he sang calypsos. He spoke and belted out calypsos at PPP public meetings during the elections campaign. A few years after the PPP got in government, however, Eddie Da Silva broke away from the PPP.

Last time I heard about him, he was living in Mahdia in Region 8. I don't know if he is still alive.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Kudos to you Skelly,1992 elections myself and others in our

area used our vehicles free of charge to transport voters

in to their polling places, in the 70's i contributed to get

GAWU recognized as bargaining union for sugar workers

i was casual worker representive,later i quit the sugar industry and ventured in the electronics field to become a technician.

Today the current cabal of the PPP have failed many of their

supporters,i will not give my blind support for

wrong doings.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

Skelly, thank you for telling me this. I accept every word you write here in good faith.

Gilly, dah how me get pitcha wid Dr. Jagan and Sam Hinds. Do you remember a Geoffrey DaSilva in the PPP?

I THINK U GOT THE WRONG NAME. The Calysonian travelled with Cheddie and Sam. A DaSilva but not Geof.

Siggy, it's for Skelly to confirm or deny whether Geoff Da Silva was with Dr Jagan and Sam Hinds in Minnesota in 1991.

What I do know is that around that time a guy named Eddie Da Silva appeared suddenly at Freedom House and received high-class reception. He said he was living in Barbados and he sang calypsos. He spoke and belted out calypsos at PPP public meetings during the elections campaign. A few years after the PPP got in government, however, Eddie Da Silva broke away from the PPP.

Last time I heard about him, he was living in Mahdia in Region 8. I don't know if he is still alive.

Gilly, my bad. You are right, it's Eddie. He did sing a few calypsoes. Thanks for the info.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Uncle S has much bigger fishes to fry than to listen to a group of people who got a few votes last elections. 


Moral decay by whose standards? When will some of these fools learn that Guyana is not a territory of the US?

Their colonial mentality is ingrained hence their main focus is to seek foreign input rather than sort out the matters in a democratic free and fair manner in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Uncle S has much bigger fishes to fry than to listen to a group of people who got a few votes last elections. 


Moral decay by whose standards? When will some of these fools learn that Guyana is not a territory of the US?

Their colonial mentality is ingrained hence their main focus is to seek foreign input rather than sort out the matters in a democratic free and fair manner in Guyana.

What the frik is democratic and fair in Guyana?  They might not be needed but the foreigners gonna help make mincemeat out of your corrupted PPP idols and when they are put away to rot in prison you guys would be posting under different aliases for shame.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Uncle S has much bigger fishes to fry than to listen to a group of people who got a few votes last elections. 


Moral decay by whose standards? When will some of these fools learn that Guyana is not a territory of the US?

Their colonial mentality is ingrained hence their main focus is to seek foreign input rather than sort out the matters in a democratic free and fair manner in Guyana.

What the frik is democratic and fair in Guyana?  They might not be needed but the foreigners gonna help make mincemeat out of your corrupted PPP idols and when they are put away to rot in prison you guys would be posting under different aliases for shame.

Put the pipe down. You have had enough. You are starting to hallucinate.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

the money that you and your cronies give jagan you steal more that from the tax payers 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

AFC does not have much credibility given their electoral performance.  The people of Guyana will decide Guyana's future, not the USG.

I agree.

The USG thru President George Bush Snr and ex-President Jimmy Carter decided Guyana's future in 1992.

If you believe Jagan won the elections without their crucial roles, you're fooling yourselves.

It was Jimmy Carter who got Desmond Hoyte to abolish overseas voting and proxy voting.

It was Carter who got Hoyte to agree to the counting of ballots at the place of poll.

Those were the main areas where massive rigging took place in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 general elections.

And it had reached to that turning point all because a little PPP-support group called the Association of Concerned Guyanese [ACG] began lobbying US senators and congressmen who in turn convinced President Bush and the Carter Center to act.

What the AFC-NJ Chapter and other groups are doing now is exactly what the ACG did before 1992.

You mean President Jimmy Carter put an end to riggin and friggin in Guyana?

Skelly, it's so easy for you today to dismiss or de-emphasize the roles people played to restore democracy in 1992.

Yes, Jimmy Carter played a pivotal role to end the rigging, and Cheddi Jagan duly recognized his intervention in black and white, with praise and gratitude.

Unfortunately, the "friggin" still goes on under the Jagdeo-Ramotar administrations.

Gilly, In 1991 Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Geoffrey Da Silva came to Minnesota. Myself and a bunch of friends contributed a couple thousand plus dollars and did fund raisers for the PPP campaign fund. It was a successful two day event. It was not an easy task to beg Guyanese here to part with their money. Some people told us that Dr. Jagan was going to steal all of our monies. My reply was, if that is so then it's unfortunate; if not, it was a small price to pay for returning democracy to Guyana. I had no intenions then to return and live in Guyana.
I have met Sam Hinds a couple of times since then in Guyana. He still remembers me.

the money that you and your cronies give jagan you steal more that from the tax payers 

Dhall gutney man!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Wedda is Dhal gutney or is dhal pat it doan matter is de truth and the PPP is trying to run from the truth. Truth is like acid to dem low breed it does burn.

You know the truth. It always hit you in the ass.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Wedda is Dhal gutney or is dhal pat it doan matter is de truth and the PPP is trying to run from the truth. Truth is like acid to dem low breed it does burn.

You know the truth. It always hit you in the ass.

Glad u figured dat out, that is what is happening to Ramotar every turn e mek the truth coming out.


Plug Batty King Kong vs Kissoon - Truth come out.

Nandalall wid Gildarie - Truth come out.

Ed Ahmad vs USA - Truth come out.

Khamraj Lall vs USA - Truth come out.


Truth coming out all over the place. The day of reckoning is here that is why Ramotar is scared of elections. He is terrified........

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Wedda is Dhal gutney or is dhal pat it doan matter is de truth and the PPP is trying to run from the truth. Truth is like acid to dem low breed it does burn.

You know the truth. It always hit you in the ass.

Glad u figured dat out, that is what is happening to Ramotar every turn e mek the truth coming out.


Plug Batty King Kong vs Kissoon - Truth come out.

Nandalall wid Gildarie - Truth come out.

Ed Ahmad vs USA - Truth come out.

Khamraj Lall vs USA - Truth come out.


Truth coming out all over the place. The day of reckoning is here that is why Ramotar is scared of elections. He is terrified........

And who plugged you battie? Tell abie nah? Gwan dah side.


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