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Former Member

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo profess to have interest of sugar workers at heart but support actions that could put them out of work


As earth shattering as it intended to be we're sure that the Alliance for Change's (AFC) announcement that it supports the PNC's APNU position on GUYSUCO came as a surprise to no one. Earlier this week the PNC's APNU urged the state owned company to shut its sugar operations down - a move which could put thousands of workers out of jobs. This lack of 'shock' and 'awe' with the AFC's expression of support stems from the fact that despite refusing to officially join the PNC's confabulation in 2011 its romantic entanglement with APNU is there for all to see. However, it is those who mistakenly voted for the promised 'change' in 2011, including some sugar workers, who are being made to regret their decision.

All of the AFC's actions since 2011 have been nothing but a betrayal of those who refused to support the PNC as the AFC simply handed their votes in proxy to the PNC's APNU by supporting all its destructive policies and actions since 2011. There isn't a day that goes by without some form of regret being expressed by a disgruntled AFC supporter. Now it has stabbed those very sugar workers in the back whom after first pimping them out.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see that the AFC has joined the ranks of the APNU calling for the closure of GUYSUCO, many sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families.

LIE. Nobody ever called for closing the industry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see that the AFC has joined the ranks of the APNU calling for the closure of GUYSUCO, many sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families.

conman their is no more guyanese left the ppp can fool,its over you can stop the shit 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its time the sugar workers take a stand against the APNU/AFC.

oh god you like a goddam robot,the sugar workers was fighting the pnc for the past 50 yrs only now they get smart and know the devil live within the ppp

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see that the AFC has joined the ranks of the APNU calling for the closure of GUYSUCO, many sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families.

LIE. Nobody ever called for closing the industry.

What a congenital liar! You lie and belive your own lies. What do you do? Lock yourself in a room and repeat you lies until it's entrenched in your malformed brain? Oh what ignorance.


We must see the PPP statement for what it is: a desperate attempt to salvage and revitalize its dwindling Indo voters bank.

One tactic towards this objective is to equate the AFC with the PNC and charge "guilt by association."

But, as we know by now, the PPP is not above using lies and distortions as tools to further its cause.

And the AFC has reacted swiftly and justly to rubbish the PPP.

In a statement today, the AFC says: "The Alliance For Change wishes to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the sugar industry. This is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation."

The AFC explains: "This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFC’s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this ‘white elephant’, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporation."


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see that the AFC has joined the ranks of the APNU calling for the closure of GUYSUCO, many sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families.

LIE. Nobody ever called for closing the industry.

What a congenital liar! You lie and belive your own lies. What do you do? Lock yourself in a room and repeat you lies until it's entrenched in your malformed brain? Oh what ignorance.

Show the evidence AFC and APNU say close the sugar industry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

When the AFC visits the sugar workers again, they may be greeted with cold shoulders...

When the PPP visit them they will pelt them with rotten eggs for destroying the sugar industry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC appears to be using the livelihood of the sugar workers as a political football.

The industry fails for want of competent management. Raj singh represents this failure. Not caring for competent management they implant this nincompoop as CEO. If the industry is to exist to provide employment for these assortment of idiots then prudence demands one act to close it down. If as the AFC has constantly suggested ( via many position papers)  the industry diversify, become leaner and not be used as a PPP leech source, it can have a  great future.


That   they rely on  inane messengers of untruths and  half truths as you, means they do not intend to be better men. You represent the state of rot that is our sugar industry. It is wholly the PPP's making.

Last edited by Former Member

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 

Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo profess to have interest of sugar workers at heart but support actions that could put them out of work


As earth shattering as it intended to be we're sure that the Alliance for Change's (AFC) announcement that it supports the PNC's APNU position on GUYSUCO came as a surprise to no one. Earlier this week the PNC's APNU urged the state owned company to shut its sugar operations down - a move which could put thousands of workers out of jobs. This lack of 'shock' and 'awe' with the AFC's expression of support stems from the fact that despite refusing to officially join the PNC's confabulation in 2011 its romantic entanglement with APNU is there for all to see. However, it is those who mistakenly voted for the promised 'change' in 2011, including some sugar workers, who are being made to regret their decision.

All of the AFC's actions since 2011 have been nothing but a betrayal of those who refused to support the PNC as the AFC simply handed their votes in proxy to the PNC's APNU by supporting all its destructive policies and actions since 2011. There isn't a day that goes by without some form of regret being expressed by a disgruntled AFC supporter. Now it has stabbed those very sugar workers in the back whom after first pimping them out.




MORE LIES from the PPP.  What will NEZ Sudhan from GINA, that allou ball seh to this AFC statement found in SN:



The AFC in its statement said that it wished to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the industry.

“This is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation. This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFC’s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this ‘white elephant’, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporation”, the AFC said. It charged that after some 21 years in power, it was the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to ruination through mismanagement, cronyism and disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.

“While it accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around GuySuCo’s neck by continuing to place square pegs in round holes to manage the industry. The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy while it allowed sugar to slide into further failures”, the AFC declared.

On Wednesday, the main sugar union GAWU called on the government to transfer to the industry all the monies that the EU had given to Guyana since 2007 to cushion the impact on the sugar industry here of reforms to the EU sugar regime.

“The position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol production”, the AFC argued.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Please check your blood pressure. Yes I visit NY and saw basements. I travel to 41 countries. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Please check your blood pressure. Yes I visit NY and saw basements. I travel to 41 countries. 

Yep, my blood pressure is 120/60. Pulse 60. Me hear you prappa ah fall fuh dem ole man. You tink dem gat plenty plenty money.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Skelly, I know where I'll stay when I visit your neck of the woods. Put in a nice kattia/cot fo me, bai.

JB, you'd be pleasantly surprised if you visit some Guyanese basements in Toronto. Big plasma TV, fridge, well-stocked bar, comfy chairs, etc. Washroom too.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Skelly, I know where I'll stay when I visit your neck of the woods. Put in a nice kattia/cot fo me, bai.

JB, you'd be pleasantly surprised if you visit some Guyanese basements in Toronto. Big plasma TV, fridge, well-stocked bar, comfy chairs, etc. Washroom too.

I went to one, the man got a water bed there too?


Now why he need a water bed down there???


Like he does shake the foundation or what??

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Skelly, I know where I'll stay when I visit your neck of the woods. Put in a nice kattia/cot fo me, bai.

JB, you'd be pleasantly surprised if you visit some Guyanese basements in Toronto. Big plasma TV, fridge, well-stocked bar, comfy chairs, etc. Washroom too.

I went to one, the man got a water bed there too?


Now why he need a water bed down there???


Like he does shake the foundation or what??


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo profess to have interest of sugar workers at heart but support actions that could put them out of work


As earth shattering as it intended to be we're sure that the Alliance for Change's (AFC) announcement that it supports the PNC's APNU position on GUYSUCO came as a surprise to no one. Earlier this week the PNC's APNU urged the state owned company to shut its sugar operations down - a move which could put thousands of workers out of jobs. This lack of 'shock' and 'awe' with the AFC's expression of support stems from the fact that despite refusing to officially join the PNC's confabulation in 2011 its romantic entanglement with APNU is there for all to see. However, it is those who mistakenly voted for the promised 'change' in 2011, including some sugar workers, who are being made to regret their decision.

All of the AFC's actions since 2011 have been nothing but a betrayal of those who refused to support the PNC as the AFC simply handed their votes in proxy to the PNC's APNU by supporting all its destructive policies and actions since 2011. There isn't a day that goes by without some form of regret being expressed by a disgruntled AFC supporter. Now it has stabbed those very sugar workers in the back whom after first pimping them out.




March fuh the people Moses, March!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Skelly, I know where I'll stay when I visit your neck of the woods. Put in a nice kattia/cot fo me, bai.

JB, you'd be pleasantly surprised if you visit some Guyanese basements in Toronto. Big plasma TV, fridge, well-stocked bar, comfy chairs, etc. Washroom too.

Na worry bhai. No smoking or drinking in my neck of the woods.

My basement use to be my office when I was in the work force. I do still keep my desktop computers and music in my basement.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Even Donald Ramotar the current President President of Guyana who is a lier and a dunce as well started the debacle of Guysuco. Must allocate some of the blame to this Corrupt PPP/C dunce. 


you is the biggest dunce

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. What unparalleled ignorance from a third rate educated idiot.

Dont get blood pressure old fool. Try get some fresh air leave the basement

Down to name calling heh? I live in a healthy state. I own my house and don't need to stay in a basement. Do you know what a basement looks like? My basement is better equipped than most houses in Guyana. I can live comfortably in my basement. So shut your ugly face. Zip it!

Skelly, I know where I'll stay when I visit your neck of the woods. Put in a nice kattia/cot fo me, bai.

JB, you'd be pleasantly surprised if you visit some Guyanese basements in Toronto. Big plasma TV, fridge, well-stocked bar, comfy chairs, etc. Washroom too.

I went to one, the man got a water bed there too?


Now why he need a water bed down there???


Like he does shake the foundation or what??

Yuh doan y the waterbed. With a good woman in the bed, for every push in yuh make the bed gives two pushes in return.


Sugar is now enemy number one in the western diet

Action on Sugar is keen to make the public aware of the dangers and for manufacturers to face regulationone lump sugar on a spoon isolated on white background
Spoonfuls of sugar are likely to lead to spoonfuls of medicine Photograph: Rob Stark/Alamy

In 2012, the United Nations World Health Assembly advocated a significant new health goal: to reduce avoidable deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 25% by 2025. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease kill 35 million per year. The UN has identified tobacco, alcohol and poor diet as central risk factors. The first two have been regulated by governments in order to protect public health, but poor diet is actually responsible for more disease than smoking, alcohol and physical inactivity combined.

But what component of the western diet should be targeted? The evidence suggesting that added sugar should be the target is now overwhelming. Unlike fat and protein, refined sugars offer no nutritional value and, contrary to what the food industry want you to believe, the body does not require any carbohydrate from added sugar for energy. Thus it is a source of completely unnecessary calories.

Sugars are added to the majority of processed foods in the UK. Yet disturbingly, many consumers are unaware of its presence in such large quantities. In the UK and Europe guideline daily amounts for sugar have not been updated since 2003. These obsolete guidelines still suggest one can consume a staggering 22 teaspoons of sugar daily.

The World Health Organisation has recently been advised by scientific experts that added sugar or, more specifically, non-milk extrinsic sugar should constitute no more than 5% of energy. That would give a limit to the average man of a maximum of eight teaspoons a day and the average woman to six tea spoons a day. And that would include sugars from fruit juice and honey.


However, the industry remains in denial. Barbara Gallani, director of regulation at the Food and Drink Federation, made a statement of immediate resistance, denying sugar's role in obesity and failing to acknowledge the multitude of scientific studies to the contrary. We mustn't forget that it took 50 years from when the first scientific studies between smoking and lung cancer were made before any effective legislation was introduced through regulation. Why? Because Big Tobacco very successfully adopted a corporate strategy of denial. By planting doubt, confusing the public, bribing political allies and even buying the loyalty of rogue scientists.


The food industry spends billions in junk food and sugary drink advertising, targeting the most vulnerable members of society, including children. Worse, the industry cynically associates fitness and sport with junk food and sugary drinks. Thus Mars is one of the official sponsors of the England football team. Yet one regular sized bar contains eight teaspoons of sugar, almost triple the amount recommended as a limit for a four- to eight-year-old child by the US Department of Health and Human Services' dietary guidelines. The commonest cause of chronic pain in children is tooth decay with sugar as the number one risk factor. Regular physical activity has a multitude of health benefits; however, its effect on sustained weight loss is often weak. Furthermore, activity levels have changed little in the past 30 years as obesity has rocketed.

We are all vulnerable, because you don't have to be overweight to be affected by diet-related disease. Of all the chronic diseases, type 2 diabetes, which is entirely preventable, is perhaps the most damaging. Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, eye disease and leg amputations. Up to half of all diabetic patients go on to suffer acute or chronic pain, and two-thirds will ultimately develop dementia. The direct and indirect costs to the UK of diabetes is over £24bn and projected to approach £40bn by 2030. If we do nothing, this will cripple the NHS.

How does sugar compare to tobacco? A teaspoon of sugar or one cigarette will not harm you. But over time, the habit can be fatal. Unlike Big Tobacco, Big Sugar deliberately targets children. And added sugar has become so pervasive within the food environment that we can't avoid it even if we wanted to. It is thus not simply a matter of personal choice. But perhaps most disturbing of all the similarities is the financial and political muscle that both industries have exerted to try and protect their profits, at the expense of our health. It's time to wind back the harms of too much sugar, reverse the "diabesity" epidemic and the unspeakable suffering it causes. It's time for Action On Sugar.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a London cardiologist, is the science director of Action on Sugar


Obesity experts campaign to cut sugar in food by up to 30%

Coca-Cola cans
A 330ml Coca cola can is reported to contain nine teaspooons of sugar. The company says it has the cut calories of some of its soft drinks. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty

Obesity experts are launching a campaign to put pressure on the government and industry to cut the sugar content of food and drinks by up to 30%. The high-profile scientists and doctors behind Action on Sugar say that gradual cuts in the amount of sugar in ready meals, cereals, sweets and soft drinks will not be noticed by the public, but will result in a reduction in the calories we all consume.

A 20-30% reduction in sugar over time will cut our calorie intake by about 100kcal a day – and more for those who consume a lot of sugar.

That is enough to halt or even reverse the obesity epidemic and reduce the toll of diabetes and other disease, say the doctors, who include Robert Lustig, author of Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar, and Professors John Wass, academic vice-president of the Royal College of Physicians, Philip James of the International Association for the Study of Obesity and Sir Nicholas Wald of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine.

Action on Sugar aims to do what a similar campaign launched in the 1990s called Cash (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) successfully did for salt levels in our food. It is chaired by Professor Graham MacGregor, who also heads Cash.

"Provided the sugar reductions are done slowly, people won't notice," he said. "In most products in the supermarkets, the salt has come down by between 25% and 40%."

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The sympathy votes gained by the AFC in 2011  have all evaporated....

So you wish.  The AFC said they want Guysuco fixed, and many sugar workers might well agree with them.


What APNU says about Guysuco matters not as they dont get votes from trhe sugar belt.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Obesity experts campaign to cut sugar in food by up to 30%

Coca-Cola cans
A 330ml Coca cola can is reported to contain nine teaspooons of sugar. The company says it has the cut calories of some of its soft drinks. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty

Obesity experts are launching a campaign to put pressure on the government and industry to cut the sugar content of food and drinks by up to 30%. The high-profile scientists and doctors behind Action on Sugar say that gradual cuts in the amount of sugar in ready meals, cereals, sweets and soft drinks will not be noticed by the public, but will result in a reduction in the calories we all consume.

A 20-30% reduction in sugar over time will cut our calorie intake by about 100kcal a day – and more for those who consume a lot of sugar.

That is enough to halt or even reverse the obesity epidemic and reduce the toll of diabetes and other disease, say the doctors, who include Robert Lustig, author of Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar, and Professors John Wass, academic vice-president of the Royal College of Physicians, Philip James of the International Association for the Study of Obesity and Sir Nicholas Wald of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine.

Action on Sugar aims to do what a similar campaign launched in the 1990s called Cash (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) successfully did for salt levels in our food. It is chaired by Professor Graham MacGregor, who also heads Cash.

"Provided the sugar reductions are done slowly, people won't notice," he said. "In most products in the supermarkets, the salt has come down by between 25% and 40%."

A lot of the sugar is high fructose corn syrup. Corn farmers in the Mid West will suffer more.  Indeed there are even attempts to replace HFCS with cane sugar, especially unrefined.


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