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Petition Of Constituent Members And Of Stakeholders Of Guyana Cricket



In the matter of recognizing the illegality, disorder and chaos into which cricket has fallen and the poor and potentially harmful image being projected especially to our young cricketers and the importance and urgency for the National Assembly to enact legislation through the Guyana Cricket Administration Bill 2012 towards a legal and lasting remedy for cricket.


TO: The Honourable Members of the National Assembly of Guyana

FROM: Constituent Members and Also Stakeholders of Guyana Cricket

1. That the petition represents the interest of the major Constituent Members of Guyana Cricket including but not limited to the Berbice Cricket Board, the East Coast Cricket Board, the Georgetown Cricket Association and Sub-Associations and Clubs of the Essequibo Cricket Board, the East Bank Demerara Cricket Association and the West Demerara Cricket Association and also cricket stakeholders throughout Guyana.

2. That the petitioners are all adults and are citizens of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

WHEREAS there is no legitimate Executive Committee of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) as only one (1) of the three (3) Constituent Member Boards took part in the purported elections held in July 2011 and again in January 2013.

AND WHEREAS there is no legitimate Executive Committee of the Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) as a court order was issued in January 2013 prohibiting the holding of the DCB elections.

AND WHEREAS there is no transparency or accountability for the monies remitted by the West Indies Cricket Board Inc (WICB) to the purported GCB.

AND WHEREAS for the past three (3) years, there has been no Ordinary General Meeting nor financial statement as is stipulated by the constitutions of both the GCB and the DCB.

AND WHEREAS the Upper Demerara Cricket Association (UDCA) was founded in 2000, has a membership of eighteen (18) clubs, covers the vast area in Upper Demerara including Linden, Kwakwani, Ituni and riverain communities and is populated by upwards of fifty thousand residents (50,000) and the UDCA has a constitution and an Executive Committee in place and despite several attempts over the years, the UDCA has not been affiliated to the DCB and sadly remains outside of the cricket structure and ipso facto cannot access funds nor participate in competitions run by the GCB and the DCB.

AND WHEREAS the assets of the GCB and the assets of the DCB (including funds) have been transferred to private individuals without the knowledge and authorization of the Constituent Members of those Boards.

AND WHEREAS there is an apparent collusion between the WICB and the illegal Executive of the GCB and that the WICB continues to recognize the GCB as the governing body for cricket in Guyana without addressing the critical issue that the persons holding themselves as the Executives of the GCB were not constitutionally elected.

AND WHEREAS the GCB and its Constituent Members In their present state are unregulated, unregistered and unincorporated entities and have no legal status and cannot sue or be sued and this Bill seeks to empower the GCB and its Constituent Members through Parliament, the supreme authority for the enactment of laws in the interest of the people of Guyana.

AND WHEREAS Guyana cricket is in crisis and the past three (3) years have seen a rapid decline with Guyana losing all competitions played during this time and that the GCB has no cricket development plans and statutory Cricket Development Committee meetings are non-existent and that youth cricket is at an all-time low.

AND WHEREAS the majority and major Constituent Members of Guyana Cricket have perused the Bill and the attached Schedules and wish to state categorically that they are in full support of these documents pursuant to the passage of the Guyana Cricket Administration Bill 2012 and we are assured that, with both the Bill and the GCB Constitution, there will be no involvement by Government in the administration of Guyana Cricket and we are further assured that the Bill will engender order, accountability and transparency in the administration of Guyana Cricket and will pave the way for the holding of free and fair elections for the GCB and its Constituent Members.

AND WHEREAS the GCB, in its present unincorporated, unregistered and unregulated state and being in sole control of vast sums of money inflow and outflow including foreign currency is accountable to no one, thereby creating the opportunity for money laundering activities..

AND WHEREAS there is an inordinate delay with the passage of the Guyana Cricket Administration Bill 2012 in the National Assembly.

AND WHEREAS we are advised that the nine-member Parliamentary Special Select Committee has completed its work pursuant to the passage of the Bill in Parliament and that the delay is facilitating a continuation of the chaos and disorder that have consumed our national game over the past three (3) years

Wherefore, given the crises that have consumed our cricket over the past three (3) years, your petitioners humbly pray that the Parliament of Guyana expedite the passage of the Guyana Cricket Administration Bill 2012 as we are convinced that this is the only solution to resolve the cricket crises and to preclude the possibility of cricket being used as a conduit for laundering money.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Acid attack on GCB executiveâ€Ķ

Jaigobin remains in critical but stable condition at GPH
Assistant Treasurer of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), Pretipaul Jaigobin, who was doused with acid in the face at Strathspey, East Coast Demerara on Tuesday night, yesterday remained in a critical, but stable condition at the Burns Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Jaigobin, who is also Treasurer of the East Coast Demerara Cricket Board and Treasurer of the Demerara Cricket Board was reportedly attacked while at a shop at Strathspey making a purchase.
It is alleged that a man approached the cricketing Executive from behind, accosted him with an air of sarcasm, about  him ‘wanting power’, causing him to look around.  As Jaigobin looked around, the man reportedly threw the acid on his face, then escaped.
The victim was doused from the head down and suffered burns about the f ace, neck, shoulders and left side chest.  Writhing in pain, yesterday afternoon, even though with his left eye closed, he appeared to be seeing to some extent, from his right, and  was able to make his way to and from the bathroom, with a struggle.
Meanwhile, a heavy police presence deterred visitors, including relatives from even venturing near, as ranks of the Criminal Investigation Department and others conducting their investigations at the hospital ward took charge.
Asked about his condition, Jaigobin’s wife, with a look of desperation and one that suggested she did not know just who to trust, responded casually, “He’s okay.”

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The mismanagement of the G.C.B cannot go on any longer and the political support it gets from the opportunistic AFC is not doing any good to local cricket.

The PPP tried to wriggle a deal where the Minister gets complete control. That evolved to Bobby the boob trying to make an end run to acquire it and now this. I do not know much about cricket management here but I am sure no one wants the government handing it to that crow.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Some politicians, especially those who sit on the opposition benches, are pre-occupied with personalities instead of dealing with issues, especially when it comes to development. It leaves one to beg the question....Is the joint opposition allergic to development?

 I guess the PPP in their reach for control of every aspect of our lives is simply being as gods are. taking the god prerogative. Well we know you to be demons and an an exorcism is a necessity. This blocking of the government from taking control of the sport just the natural protections that ought to be in place to prevent government intrusions into public life. If you think the cricket is bad, take the people to court for theft. By  the way, why transparency here when not at NICIL were that fat penguin is the PPP consigliri?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition wants to put a political spin to everything, the GCB, now they are pushing their noses in the affairs of the privately run Berbice Bridge.

The PPP should not get control of cricket to then farm it out to their crony. That is the sole purpose of this. Imagine it never bother you to invest time to make the internal running of the club come to compliance with rules of order for 20 years. Now bobby wants to make a move to professionalize the sport under his complete ownership it is now a den of thieves that you have to address promptly with legislation. You do not fool all the people...we are wise to your lies.


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